who did toph marry

Who is stronger Korra or Aang? Sitting on the floor and in between her mother's legs, Toph's nose scrunched up in suspicion. Aang: Hey guys, what did I miss? Closest of the initial students in age to Toph, he does not seem to respect her any more than he respected his fellow students, judging by his grudging look when Toph "corrected" her students for looking out of the window when they were supposed to have been metalbending. [1], Toph had a complicated, love-hate relationship with her parents, Lao and Poppy Beifong. [17], Toph had a friendly relationship with The Duke. She was also comfortable with letting him eat nuts out of her hand and ride away on her shoulder while training Aang. He cowered behind Penga as Toph threatened the three of them with extreme corporeal punishment, whining as he did so about how doomed they all were. [42], Along with Penga and Ho Tun, The Dark One was caught leaving the school when Toph returned to the academy with Sokka. As the young woman awoke, Toph addressed her by the nickname she gave Aang, "Twinkle Toes". It was never said she got married, and Sui and Toph both have different dads. [1], When they reunited by chance in 174 AG to save a captured Suyin and her family, Toph acted casual with her daughter, inadvertently working on her nerves. She was very embarrassed to find out what actually happened, commenting that Suki could let her drown. Though they could also just be random new characters, of course. [7], Bolin had come to idolize Toph as the discoverer of metalbending and one of the greatest earthbenders in history. Being that their daughter was blind, her parents viewed her as helpless and fragile and therefore were extremely over-protective of her. Toph and Lao were among those trapped, with Toph using her metalbending to prevent the mine from collapsing and burying everybody alive. Toph was also present with her force at his trial, and watched as the United Republic Council decided he was guilty because of the high number of witnesses. Who did Toph have a crush on? Momo jumped into the water, seeking to catch fish when something large suddenly swam by. The only person i think toph could of married … [15] She later expressed how valuable her meteorite arm bracelet was to her when she let herself get captured by Fire Nation soldiers, only to have her plan backfire on her. RELATED: Legend of Korra: 5 Best Episodes of Season 3 (& 5 Worst) Ranked According to IMDb In 102 AG, Toph unexpectedly came face-to-face with her father at a crystal-processing refinery. The disagreement strained their relationship, as Satoru claimed that Toph had no right commenting on his situation as she did not know what he and Loban had been through. lin's father and toph's husband may not be the same man. Who did Toph marry? [21] When Suki was separated from them, Toph helped Sokka continue their assault. Unaware that it was Suki, Toph gleefully thanked Sokka for the rescue and kissed Suki on the cheek. Although Team Avatar had the upper hand, Yaling managed to escape. Lao admitted that her mother blamed him for driving her away, and that in his guilt he left to start anew with his new ventures in Yu Dao. The Blind Bandit. Once they were standing on solid ground, Sokka asked Toph where she had come up with the idea for her metalbending academy; however, when she waxed enthusiastic about how she felt she had made a difference by teaching Aang and how this had led her to feel in her heart that becoming a metalbending teacher was her life's calling, Sokka promptly dismissed this as a cover for her taking on the role simply because she liked telling other people what to do, to which Toph actually agreed. He showed a remarkable talent for poetry in "Tales of Ba Sing… [6] Despite this, Toph and Zuko still remained friends after the end of the war; they were seen in Ba Sing Se at Iroh's tea shop with the rest of the gang. Although Sokka was able to see through her ruse, Toph was still baited by Azula following the princess' nasty joke toward her blindness. Report Save. He desperately tried to defend Toph and himself as the firebenders attacked, but was soon rendered powerless. However, the duo was saved by Suki and they succeeded in finishing the attack. [11] Although Toph addressed him as her father, Lao dismissed her presence by declaring her to be confused and he ordered the guards to lead her off the premises. By this point, Sokka also seemed to connect with Toph more than with any other character in the group, giving her a piece of meteorite that was used in crafting his sword after they left the swordmaster's residence. Toph showed particular concern for her new friend, but left him after Zuko violently demanded that she and the others leave. She also insisted that he should not blame himself for his failure to ignore Azula and for the ultimate failure of the invasion which resulted from that, despite Sokka's love for Suki being the reason he fell into the Fire Princess' trap. [20], Toph and Azula indirectly met for the last time at the Western Air Temple. She blushed harder. After twenty years of no contact, Toph and Lin found a common ground and reconciled. personally, i think she married a character we've never seen before, and that her husband is her daughter's dad. Toph was fond to see her only granddaughter, Opal, again. She did, however, admit in a private conversation with Sokka, which Katara overheard, that Katara's motherly ways could be good sometimes. : /, Since when is 3 years a gynormous age difference? However, the belief she had expressed in her students proved to be the motivation they needed to unlock their metalbending potential, and Kunyo and his students were subsequently defeated by the metalbenders, sending them packing. Despite this, Lin continued to have respect for her mother as the Chief of Police, as she was angry at Suyin being the cause of Toph's premature retirement. And Toph hugged back. As she was a truth-seer, she knew that Kuvira was not lying about Team Avatar being brainwashed, and fought alongside her against the forces of Commander Guan. Saying that it was enough for her to know that Lin did not hate her, Lin accepted her words and shared a small hug.[1]. At the beginning of this adventure, Toph expressed her worries to Sokka that her students might not be able to metalbend, as she was just working off her intuitions that those who caused her meteorite bracelet to vibrate would have the potential to metalbend, without anything to prove the theory. Aang nudged her … Avatar Aang was the world's most eligible bachelor, and everyone wanted to be the woman on his arm. [8] Toph was able to find Aang in a large crowd because of his light footsteps. Following the Hundred Year War, Toph separated from Aang and the rest of Team Avatar, only to join back up with them when she heard Appa flying over the Beifong Metalbending Academy just before the skirmish at Yu Dao. [2] Regardless, Toph continued to help Korra and made her realize that she needed to let go of her fears of her past enemies if she wished to be able to face new ones. What is 12? While trying to follow the lead she had on Yaling, Toph asked Yaling if she would like to learn metalbending from her. This page is comprised of Toph Beifong's relationships with other characters in the world of Avatar. Perhaps because she was holding a grudge against her parents and their authority for doing this to her, upon entering into the Fire Nation Toph began acting rebellious by scamming several people for money. After successfully escaping the prison, Toph noted how proud she was to have such great daughters as Suyin and Lin.[1]. She and Aang both attempted to land a blow to her, though Azula proved to be a formidable foe even without her firebending power. [26] As they escorted Toph back to her home, Xin Fu reminded Toph that her earthbending skills are rendered useless because she was within in a metal container. She was always extremely self reliant. [8] Her parents reacted in this way even though they loved their daughter, because they were scared for and of her, causing them to become controlling in a bid to prevent her from accidentally hurting herself by getting in over her head in the world of earthbending that they did not completely understand. Hurt, Toph turned to leave as well, stating that she would never bother him again.[12]. The two sat around a fire which Iroh used to make tea and engaged in conversation, although neither indicated their purpose for traveling or the identities of their relations. Toph Beifong is a fictional character in Nickelodeon's animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, voiced by Jessie Flower in the original series and Kate Higgins and Philece Sampler in the sequel series. Who was the strongest Avatar? [25] Nonetheless, they were able to work together when dealing with threats, such as the Fire Nation and the Dai Li. She found herself so unwilling to return home under these circumstances that she managed to overcome the given illusion that earthbenders could not manipulate metal in her desire to escape being taken back home to her parents against her will. Toph was skeptical of Bolin's eager attitude and formed a rather negative impression of him when she learned that he had once worked for Kuvira, especially for her granddaughter's boyfriend. She went on to talk about her life under her overbearing parents. That is still currently unknown How come the actress for Azula and the actress for Top Bei Fong isn't going to be included in … But he was never in the TV series... Toph probably just had one night stands because she didn't want to be tied to a man. After dinner, however, a truce was made and Toph explained to Aang her ability to listen to the earth. Aang told Katara to guide the others to safety while he distracted the serpent. Ehh, my headcanon is that Sokka fathered Suyin, but was with Suki at the time—stresses at work, perhaps? Katara created an ice bridge for the others to cross before heading out to assist Aang. He used bloodbending to knock out everyone in the room, including Toph. [1], Toph met Iroh in an Earth Kingdom forest when she temporarily separated from Aang, Sokka and Katara after having an argument. She recognized herself in them, as she understood their blindness. Toph along with Sokka and Suki infiltrated and stowed aboard one airship by means of using it as a decoy to demolish the rest of the airships in mid-air. Due to the constant strong language and some moderate violence during the action scenes, we would not recommend this movie for younger children, instead suggesting that an age range of kids aged 10 and over is more appropriate.28 Why is Avatar called Indian? Soon after they arrived at the school, Sokka partnered up with Toph on an adventure once again, helping her prepare her students to defend her metalbending school against a rival class of firebenders.[10]. When Katara asked if she had the bracelet so that they might escape, Toph told her she left it at camp because she was afraid it would be taken away from her by the soldiers. When she realized this, an embarrassed Toph said, "You can go ahead and let me drown now. Upon being introduced to Sokka by his teacher, he implored the Southern Water Tribe warrior to save them from their doom. In response, Sokka offered his services as a "motivational bender" to try to inspire her students, and when his initial attempts fail, came up with the idea of making them "super-emotional" to draw out their metalbending potential. Satoru on the other hand, believed he had merely been respectful to his uncle. Toph seemed to take this as a personal insult, treating the crowd to a tirade about how they should treat the friend of "the greatest earthbender of all time" with more respect, and threatening to crush via boulder anyone who continued to cause problems. level 2. Toph's deception was revealed when she tried to arrest Liling at the rally, and Yaling and Toph began to fight. She had two daughters [1] [2] with 2 different men but neither of these daughters know their father. Thoth (/ θ oʊ θ, t oʊ t /; from Koinē Greek: Θώθ thṓth, borrowed from Coptic: Ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ, the reflex of Ancient Egyptian: ḏḥwtj "[He] is like the Ibis") is an ancient Egyptian deity.In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him.His feminine counterpart was Seshat, and his wife was Ma'at. In this regard, what episode does Toph join? [4][5], While residing in the Foggy Swamp, Toph kept an eye on Zaofu and after learning that Suyin and her family were taken prisoner by Kuvira in 174 AG, Toph traveled toward the metal city in order to rescue them. Afterward, he gladly welcomed Toph into their group. Sokka consistently expressed his admiration for Toph's abilities during this search and how happy he was that Toph had been added to the group. Though he was the oldest of her students, the possible advantage of experience due to age seems to have been erased in his case by the fearful attitude in which he went about life; of all of Toph's students, he seemed to find her the most imposing, fearfully calling her "Sifu Toph" when "corrected" by her for being distracted by the events in Yu Dao. I heard a lot of people saying it's Ohev. Sokka and Toph each invented nicknames for Ozai like "Loser Lord" and "Phoenix King of getting his butt whooped", respectively. Yu would, however, prove to be an enemy in the long run, quickly accepting Lao's monetary bribe to forcibly bring Toph back, as Lao thought Toph had been kidnapped by the Avatar. Once again, that just wasn't what she did. Katara: Yeah I think that's what Zuko is trying to explain to him now. Despite this, Toph agreed to help train Korra, which meant that she thoroughly enjoyed smacking her around, showing no sensitivity in her methods and flat-out pointing out her mistakes in combat. Her eldest, Lin, followed in her footsteps to become the stern yet heroic chief of police in Republic City. dawnbunny said: Toph, at one point, referred insultingly to Katara as "Sugar Queen". Later, Toph single-handedly saved Aang when he was held captive by the participants of the earthbending tournament. She pleaded with her parents for them to see her for herself and not as a helpless blind girl. [17], When Toph was knocked into a large body of water while crossing an ice bridge, she called for help and, though Sokka began to untie his shoes to come to her rescue, Suki jumped in the water without second thoughts and was able to reach Toph before Sokka had entered the water. Does Aang ever kill anyone? What is That he Always says Fairly God Parents? Avatar and the magical […] Who did toph marry? Together, we know that they had a daughter named Izumi, who would become Firelord in 167 A.G. Perhaps the most accurately, Toph labeled Ho Tun a "lily liver" just as she did to her other first three students. Counter-productively, Aang's peaceful nature prevented him from acting and depression came as a result. Earthbending is, according to Toph, about directly taking on a challenge, not trying to find a way around or over it. 400. Who is Kanto? Toph - DiD Project Fic. Toph seemed happy to find out that Poppy was in the city and that she seemed to finally accept her for who she was, judging by the sound of the letter which Katara read to her. She soon joined him on his quest after running away from home, but not before throwing him into a tree via earthbending to even the score from the tournament. [33] Suki was abruptly separated from the others during their mission, forcing Toph and Sokka to continue on their own. I think, after all of the suicide, terrorism, & police corruption, the show may just believe we can handle the notion that Toph may have had children out of wedlock. Finally letting go of his anguish and bitterness, Lao professed his undying love for Toph, having never stopped thinking of her since her disappearance. He was also the only one who attempted to stop Toph when she tried to leave the group. Since her main goal was to capture Aang, she considered Toph as more of an obstacle to her trophy, rather than a true enemy. The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse, The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion, https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Toph_Beifong%27s_relationships?oldid=2852193. Avatar: The Last Airbender's resident master earthbender (and the discoverer of metalbending) Toph Beifong went on to have two children and five grandchildren - but not all of them had the same bending powers as her.Toph's daughters, Lin and Suyin Beifong, were half-sisters from different fathers, and Toph chose to keep the identity of their fathers a secret from them. [8], Toph began to teach Aang earthbending, but complications arose between Toph's teaching style and Aang's natural tendencies as an airbender. When Sokka returned, Toph claimed that she had not missed him, but turned aside and blushed afterward, providing more evidence that she had a crush on him. He did not wish to marry, ever. When she was younger, she ran away from home and met these giant earthbenders in a cave. I know it's kind of creepy, considering the ginormous age difference that there was, but what if Toph married Sokka? [16], Toph and Iroh encountered each other again later at Tu Zin when the two participated with Aang, Sokka, Katara and Zuko in cornering Azula. She bore a daughter from each: Lin, then Suyin. By ED3765 Watch. During her visits to Zaofu, Toph would often tell her tales from her past. 5. [37] At the Full Moon Bay ferry station, when told animals were not allowed aboard the ferries, Toph readily claimed Momo to be her "seeing-eye lemur", thereby granting him the right to travel via ferry.[18]. Later that day, after Toph ran away with Team Avatar, Lao Beifong appointed Xin Fu and Yu as bounty hunters to bring Toph home. Toph voluntarily came to Suyin's rescue when she was captured by Kuvira and warmly hugged her back upon her release. Although Toph chose to live in seclusion in the Foggy Swamp, she kept an eye on the world through the vines, learning of how Kuvira had taken over the Earth Kingdom. They both reconciled from the incident and Toph would often visit before she went off in search of enlightenment. She said that Iroh's constant talk about Zuko was "kind of annoying" but "very sweet". A year later, Toph retired, while Suyin went on to build the city of Zaofu. They were not shown interacting much during the episodes following the failed invasion, but that's likely due to the story focussing on everyone's "Field Trips" with Zuko. 1. Toph would again rush to the defense of her friends when the warrior spirit General Old Iron attacked the town, with Lao finally recognizing her ability to take care of herself even while still overcoming his old protectiveness of her. I heard a lot of people saying it 's Ohev they fought kind of,... Best, however, the Duke and Lin safety while he distracted the Serpent yet heroic chief of in! Metalbending and one of the courting season Toph join Toph tried her hand and ride away on shoulder! 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