what makes a pipeline dot regulated?

The Pipeline Safety department works to enforce compliance with federal and state laws and regulations by pipeline operators. DOT pipelines: DOT pipelines include: Transporter-operated pipelines currently operated under DOT requirements governing design, construction, maintenance, and operation; Producer-operated pipelines that DOI and DOT have agreed are to be regulated under DOT requirements governing design, construction, maintenance, and operation; and. Gross weight and gross weight rating are different. Natural gas (and similar gaseous fuels) are pressurized into liquids known as Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs). Under DOT regulations these two are considered equivalent. This guidance document provides clarity to DOT-regulated employers, employees, and service agents on conducting DOT drug-and-alcohol testing given concerns about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). https://www.tenstreet.com/blog/compliance/dot-rules-and-regulations A producing operator of a segment falling within this exception may petition the Administrator, under § 190.9 of this chapter, for approval to operate under PHMSA regulations governing pipeline design, construction, operation, and maintenance; (8) Transportation of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide through onshore production (including flow lines), refining, or manufacturing facilities or storage or in-plant piping systems associated with such facilities; (9) Transportation of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide: (i) By vessel, aircraft, tank truck, tank car, or other non-pipeline mode of transportation; or, (ii) Through facilities located on the grounds of a materials transportation terminal if the facilities are used exclusively to transfer hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide between non-pipeline modes of transportation or between a non-pipeline mode and a pipeline. seq.) DOT regulations implementing the HMTA define "pipeline" as "all parts of pipeline facility through which a hazardous liquid moves in transportation, including, but not limited to, line pipe, valves and other appurtenances connected to line pipe, pumping units, fabricated assemblies associated with pumping units, metering and delivery statings and fabricated assemblies therein, and breakout tanks" … these pipelines regulated? Oil pipelines are made from steel or plastic tubes which are usually buried. We, as a Nation, are facing an unprecedented public health emergency that is straining medical … ACTION: Notice; request for comments. ����;9�Q�Y'��W�a�7e5ɏ{�S��,yU/�����3��\����r�4!a��1?�հ��w%M.2�k�]ة?�Y��JvR�K(�0Юί��h�8��&V� �J�)$"J���E�R�.4k�ڽ��qX���$��;��ҳ�����ejW�� (ii) The connection of the first branch pipeline in the production field where the pipeline transports carbon dioxide to an injection well or to a header or manifold from which a pipeline branches to an injection well. The gross vehicle weight refers to the weight (including load) as measured, while gross vehicle weight rating represents the upper limit of what is allowable. (c) Breakout tanks. ‒ Pipelines must provide transportation upon reasonable request; common carriage and not contract carriage ‒ Pipelines are prohibited from granting undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any customer o Non-discrimination is the key regulatory principle ‒ Rates and terms and conditions of service subject to FERC regulation The 10-inch gas line, as identified by you, is regulated as an offshore transmission pipeline. In 1974, the Agency tried to correct the problem of distinguishing gathering lines by proposing to revise the gathering line definition (39 FR 34569; Sept. 26, 1974). When intrastate pipelines are regulated by these agencies through adoption and enforcement of PHMSA safety standards, PHMSA's role is to oversee state agency performance. Staff Oil Pipeline Handbooks. DOT Medium Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Protecting people and the environment by advancing the safe transportation of energy and other hazardous materials essential to our daily lives Hydrogen pipeline transport is the transportation of hydrogen through a pipe. • Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty & Job Creation Act of 2011 • Expected New Authorization Legislation (“PIPES Act”) • 49 CFR Part 190-199 • State Certifications and Agreements Pipeline Safety 101: Regulatory Update & Strategy 5 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), DOT. Safety equipment protecting PHMSA-regulated pipeline segments is not excluded. These facilities do not include any device and associated piping that are necessary to control pressure in the pipeline under § 195.406(b); or. they operate exclusively within the confines of a non-transportation-related facility. Lauren Tipton specializes in DOT pipeline and facility integrity management regulatory compliance with experience in supporting hazardous liquid and natural gas operators in asset integrity management through the application of custom compliance strategies, engineering analyses, and process development. This rule would propose installation of automatic shutoff valves, remote controlled valves, or equivalent technology and establish performance based meaningful metrics for rupture detection for gas and liquid transmission pipelines. Breakout tanks subject to this Part must comply with requirements that apply specifically to breakout tanks and, to the extent applicable, with requirements that apply to pipeline systems and pipeline facilities. Natural gas pipelines are constructed of carbon steel. Safety & Inspections. �,&O�9r �u` (Piping The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates many aspects of interstate gas transmission pipeline operations, including approval, permitting and siting for new pipeline facilities (largely an assessment of the public need for a project versus its landowner and environmental impacts), as well as transmission rates that pipelines are permitted to charge for interstate shipments. (5) Transportation of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide in an offshore pipeline in state waters where the pipeline is located upstream from the outlet flange of the following farthest downstream facility: The facility where hydrocarbons or carbon dioxide are produced or the facility where produced hydrocarbons or carbon dioxide are first separated, dehydrated, or otherwise processed; (6) Transportation of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide in a pipeline on the OCS where the pipeline is located upstream of the point at which operating responsibility transfers from a producing operator to a transporting operator; (7) A pipeline segment upstream (generally seaward) of the last valve on the last production facility on the OCS where a pipeline on the OCS is producer-operated and crosses into state waters without first connecting to a transporting operator's facility on the OCS. p�@4���{�:��Bw"{�>��X��-�7l�|���y�� �'�����p�� ļQ��]S��b����s&RAFP�z�x�u"u� (�?�&��槻�P@0�qSϳ���1 ͱ���qVV�e۸�8� ����q�N.��+�l���z~=�]�,����`ɋ��q�Im��Zy9�΃�^ ږH�%�Z�B k�Y��H�� But because comments indicated many terms and phrases in the proposal were unclear, it was later withdrawn from consideration (43 FR 42773; Sept… Environment. (3) Transportation of a hazardous liquid through any of the following low-stress pipelines: (i) A pipeline subject to safety regulations of the U.S. Coast Guard; or. (5) For purposes of the reporting requirements in subpart B of this part, any gathering line not already covered under paragraphs (a)(1), (2), (3) or (4) of this section. Once oil projects become operational, safety is regulated, monitored and enforced by the Department of Transportation. (a) Covered. (ii) A pipeline that serves refining, manufacturing, or truck, rail, or vessel terminal facilities, if the pipeline is less than one mile long (measured outside facility grounds) and does not cross an offshore area or a waterway currently used for commercial navigation; (4) Except for the reporting requirements of subpart B of this part, see § 195.15, transportation of petroleum through an onshore rural gathering line that does not meet the definition of a “regulated rural gathering line” as provided in § 195.11. • The overall risk of a pipeline can be reduced, controlled, or altered, but it cannot be reduced to zero. Ethanol producers face a multitude of registration, reporting, recordkeeping, and compliance requirements, and the regulatory landscape is increasingly complex. are the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011 (also known as the Pipeline Safety Act), and the Protecting our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act of 2016 (also known as the PIPES Act). If, after July 3, 2008, a new unusually sensitive area is identified and a segment of pipeline becomes regulated as a result, except for the requirements of paragraphs (b)(9) and (b)(10) of this section, the operator must implement the requirements in paragraphs (b)(2) through (b)(11) of this section for the affected segment within 6 months of identification. While PHMSA is responsible for conducting inspections on pipelines that cross state boundaries, individual states' certified pipeline safety agencies govern lines that do not. § 195.1 Which pipelines are covered by this Part. Federal Statutory And Regulatory Framework DOT is the primary regulator of the operation of both oil and natural gas pipelines pursuant to two statutes: the Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979 and the Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1978 (both codified at 49 U.S.C. This can apply to either the gross vehicle weight rating (the maximum operating weight, including load) or gross combination weight rating (for example, the maximum operating weight of a tractor-trailer combination). ��������� � ��ˏ��>~9���^�_�J����ǧ��������>~�8�x���5�I�K���(�f����w��:�W����{Q�*9���q�vB E�cWЊ:�� Y-0�F�����f�s#րd���bX��a6�1��l �V�A����훷Mٕ��Xl��ְ ���~W��e�*ٳXH��qN`��� 9p�P΂���.g{��SZ[潖�hnɱ~&�� ?���)3����I���mv( o!��qX�/�Ql��g��q���Y�E>$=�Z�p�Ŭ+O S�s������E�Q�{n��Ţy��GX�)��0C�n�?��y��6:���6����sɄw FERC has no jurisdiction over construction or maintenance of production wells, oil pipelines, refineries, or storage facilities. (689 kPa) gage § 192.509 Test requirements for pipelines to operate below 100 p.s.i. xڭ[�r7��+�J�U�����m9�)�R,f\S�M�Ɏ�n��)E����C"�K�h��pb+��s.����_4P�B�%4 �S4m"�F+��]+谥|�O;���L.��4�K��+:����V?t You may participate in the rulemaking process by filing written comments on any rulemaking document that asks for comments, attending a public meeting, or by filing a petition for rulemaking that asks us to add, amend, or delete a regulation. Within DOT, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety DOT registration is required fo… The report evaluates existing and potential future … RISK • Risk is an inherent part of life and is associated with all industrial activities. (10) Transportation of carbon dioxide downstream from the applicable following point: (i) The inlet of a compressor used in the injection of carbon dioxide for oil recovery operations, or the point where recycled carbon dioxide enters the injection system, whichever is farther upstream; or. However, these pipelines are heavily regulated by federal and provincial agencies throughout the pipeline lifecycle ­­– from new pipeline applications to pipeline construction, operation and retirement. SUMMARY: PHMSA is seeking public comment on a PHMSA-authored report titled: “Background for Regulating the Transportation of Carbon Dioxide in a Gaseous State,” which is available in the docket at PHMSA-2016-0049. The most recent updates to pipeline safety legislation (49 USC 60101 et. If a conflict exists between a requirement that applies specifically to breakout tanks and a requirement that applies to pipeline systems or pipeline facilities, the requirement that applies specifically to breakout tanks prevails. Covered pipelines include, but are not limited to: (1) Any pipeline that transports a highly volatile liquid; (2) Any pipeline segment that crosses a waterway currently used for commercial navigation; (3) Except for a gathering line not covered by paragraph (a)(4) of this Section, any pipeline located in a rural or non-rural area of any diameter regardless of operating pressure; (4) Any of the following onshore gathering lines used for transportation of petroleum: (i) A pipeline located in a non-rural area; (ii) A regulated rural gathering line as provided in § 195.11; or. This exception does not apply to gathering lines in the inlets of the Gulf of Mexico subject to § 195.413. These regulations are designed to protect against the potential negative impacts of energy development while enabling the benefits of energy supply, security and economic development for all Canadians,” says Gazie. (689 kPa) gage § 192.511 Test requirements for service lines “Pipelines are regulated to promote safety, environmental protection and economic efficiency for the benefit of Canadians. To mitigate potential effects of disrupted shipments of refined products on the 2.5-million b/d Colonial Pipeline, the US Department of Transportation (DOT) is … 2 0 obj The oil is moved through the pipelines by pump stations along the pipeline. The Pipeline Safety Act means that most operators will need to make significant adjustments to … DOT Pipeline Compliance Workshop WHO SHOULD ATTEND This workshop is appropriate for anyone who is new to, or has an interest in, pipeline regulations; those who could use a refresher; or anyone who needs a better understanding of recent changes and developments in pipeline regulations, including PHMSA Advisory Bulletins and new, pending and proposed rulemakings. �x;-���"��������q���� �Ib.��F0#9JvH��*FBS3P:���M�O(�wK��+8 �=����clІIJ�.���û����Ӯ���B����c���q�˯��9��&.مق�r�����8Y̊���6[.-�8�E���j��\ �� ��o�� �º �#v]7=@�J����|�C�k�(\qS����,���u�B�wܡ>:2�w���{{ �Y5�I �� The state maintains direct … These regulatory responsibilities extend to 1,458 operators of intrastate gathering, transmission, distribution, and master-metered systems. This Part does not apply to any of the following: (1) Transportation of a hazardous liquid transported in a gaseous state; (2) Except for the reporting requirements of subpart B of this part, see § 195.13, transportation of a hazardous liquid through a pipeline by gravity. § 192.507 Test requirements for pipelines to operate at a hoop stress less than 30 percent of SMYS and at or above 100 p.s.i. Since separation first occurs at platform 62, the 4-inch emulsion line is a regulated offshore gas gathering line beginning at the outlet of the separator on platform 62. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulates pipelines, storage, natural gas transportation in interstate commerce, and liquefied natural gas facility construction. %��������� %PDF-1.3 Likewise, since separation first occurs for the 3-inch condensate line at platform 62 and then the condensate is combined with additional product at platform 49, this line is a regulated … stream Except for the pipelines listed in paragraph (b) of this Section, this Part applies to pipeline facilities and the transportation of hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide associated with those facilities in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, including pipeline facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). The Office of Pipeline Safety's Standards & Rulemaking division periodically issues rulemaking documents that propose or adopt changes to the regulations. Interstate pipelines are managed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). E��?ڲ��_��-�!�M���N"�W h�`0�LU�ݝ^�i��G�z�}c_��j k���EFm�S��wP�P��j�j��. Regulatory (DOT) Pipeline Risk Management Pipeline Safety Trust New Orleans, Louisiana November 16, 2007 Pipeline Safety Program John A. Jacobi, P. E. PHMSA Southwest Region . DOT's jurisdiction, for example, includes regulation of the safety of commercial motor vehicles, which are defined as "a self-propelled or towed vehicle used on the highways in … (iii) A pipeline located in an inlet of the Gulf of Mexico as provided in § 195.413. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR), Subtitle B - Other Regulations Relating to Transportation, CHAPTER I - PIPELINE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, PART 195 - TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS BY PIPELINE. For steel pipelines, comply with the deadlines in … The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) is a United States Department of Transportation agency created in 2004, responsible for developing and enforcing regulations for the safe, reliable, and environmentally sound operation of the US's 2.6 million mile pipeline transportation. Anhydrous ammonia breakout tanks need not comply with §§ 195.132(b), 195.205(b), 195.242(c) and (d), 195.264(b) and (e), 195.307, 195.428(c) and (d), and 195.432(b) and (c). (b) Excepted. Chapter 601). (i) A pipeline subject to safety regulations of the U.S. Coast Guard; or (ii) A pipeline that serves refining, manufacturing, or truck, rail, or vessel terminal facilities, if the pipeline is less than one mile long (measured outside facility grounds) and does not cross an offshore area or a waterway currently used for commercial navigation; DOT Guidance on Compliance with Drug and Alcohol Testing Regulations March 23, 2020. << /Length 4 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> (4) Transporter-operated pipelines that DOI and DOT have agreed are to be regulated as DOI pipelines; and (5) All OCS pipelines not subject to regulation under 49 CFR parts 192 and 195.” And: “Pipelines are the piping, risers, and appurtenances installed for the purpose of transporting oil, gas, sulfur, and produced water. § 195.1 Which pipelines are covered by this Part? Of intrastate gathering, transmission, distribution, and liquefied natural gas liquids ( )! 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