what energy sources are being developed to replace fossil fuels

so have they figured out how much more all of this is going to cost…. Stop voting for them. We can retire almost all ICE cars, trucks, trains, busses, ships. This current power test run is not something we should ignore or treat lightly. I really would like to know what it is, because personally, I don’t see how the world could survive without them. more geothermal. No problem. by building barrages across estuaries and installing power Installing turbines in tidal channels is also possible the raw materials to manufacture them? They identify the high end electrification scenario requiring 6786 TWh of power by 2050. How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels? They want to ban coal, oil and gas. Millions of acres of former crop, scenic and wildlife habitat land would be impacted. Home heating and continuous electricity for the working and middle classes needs to be banned. Where do they plan to get the turbines, panels and batteries? required. • Wire for the worldwide electrical grid, Curiously enough I’ve just been re watching the hunger games films. People you vote for? Some material from contributors may contain additional copyrights of their respective company or organization. It would take hundreds of 850-foot-tall 12-MW offshore turbines to supply the green new world electricity demands of a major city – or thousands of 2- or 3-MW onshore turbines. Enjoy! Fossil energy sources, including oil , coal and natural gas, are non-renewable resources that formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and were gradually buried by layers of rock. And servicing all of them with supplies. The trouble is that space is a very harsh Even if they approve Nuclear power, how exactly is nuclear electric power going to power all our cars and especially trucks, along with everything else etc. There would be a zillion partial system failures, as the whole thing comes into maturity. The Moon pulls up a tidal wave twice being responsible for Global Warming, and while this is indirectly Canada Australia and Africa could, perhaps in 30 -40yrs match China’s output, but it would require 5-10 times as many large hardrock mines as opposed to leaching easily mined “heavy rare earth element (HREE)” enriched clays. Sure… ‘we’ can get our CO₂ emissions down, down, down. Even those 50-64 emphasized renewable over fossil fuels by 59% to 32%, and among those 65 and older, renewables were still favored by 50 to 38%. I agree. The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy will not occur overnight, and it will not escape recurring setbacks. Among those 30-49 years old the numbers were 72% renewable compared to 24% fossil. I’ve been a loyal voter for these clowns for years, and NOW you want to kick me in the yarbles? The differences in the mortality rate between one country and another can’t be entirely due to the response time and medical system in place, can it? Blackouts; Concrete; Consumption; CyberAttacks. “Climate science does not support the theory of catastrophic human-made global warming – the alleged warming crisis does not exist.” You overlooked the primary category of people who accept the bogus claims of a climate catastrophe caused by CO2 emissions: Politics choose sides of controversial science where only one side can be correct. Hook a honker up, go 1,000 miles. The observed deaths in the sample were 7 total, of which 6 were in their 70’s and one in their 80’s. This analogy mirrors mankind's activity since the industrial Will people die? They will grumble about nuclear but, given new nuclear technologies, most of their objections will ring hollow. Quite the opposite. This is a problem with many nuances. This means you and your family. Don’t make me laugh. The last appear, so far, not to work . But for now, let’s just examine their zero-carbon plans. I have been searching for the PDF I once downloaded from the EU politburo, but can only find an image I extracted from the lost document: Wales clean air act to be enacted after the 2021 Welsh elections ,closely following England. Not only will this expensive, intermittent, weather-dependent electricity kill millions of good American jobs; the GND wind and solar jobs will mostly be lower-wage positions installing, maintaining, repairing and replacing turbines and panels, and hauling huge dilapidated blades, panels, hulks and concrete foundations to monster landfills. Residential electricity prices are already outrageous in New York (17¢ a kilowatt-hour), California (19¢ per kWh), Connecticut (20¢) and Hawaii (31¢) – versus 9¢ a kWh in Arkansas, Georgia and Oklahoma. on these turbines seems to make this option difficult to do. How is the vaunted transition to wind and solar actually working in Europe and Britain? During the pandemic, CDC provided estimates of the numbers of 2009 H1N1 cases, hospitalizations and deaths on seven different occasions. Although coal use has declined in recent years, natural gas use has soared, while oil’s share of the nation’s energy tab has fluctuated between 35% and 40%. ⋅-=≡ GoatGuy ✓ ≡=-⋅, You missed out MORE expensive and intrusive countrywide criss-crossing electricity interconnectors. Nobody wants to ban fossil fuels but we are all forced to. And it is probably correct if Sanders and A.O-C have their way. The Battle for the Truth about Global Warming, “…invaluable” – Steven F. Hayward, The Weekly Standard, “…changed the world and is one of the most influential resources on global warming. Across Europe, 11 million jobs are “at risk” because of an EU “green deal” that many say is suicidal. it would simply blow away lithium ion batteries. 1.3 % per year if we live to 77….And CoVid19 selects the old…. Does anyone have what motivates them, to share with us? Thousands and thousands of deaths? This 85% has not changed significantly in decades. Any thought of what might follow is blithe and vague – and really don’t add up to much more than a six-year old explaining how Santa might get down the chimney. See the About>Contact menu under the header. Morally acceptable genocide? Even if superconductive magnetic energy storage is 100% efficient, you still have to produce the energy to store in it. Then it’s back to fossil fuels. It sounds good to their really committed supporters – and they won’t really care if it’s not done as promised. The summary to ‘how do we replace fossils fuels?’ is ‘with considerable difficulty’, http://www.templar.co.uk/downloads/Beyond_Fossil_Fuels.pdf In China and Russia? more photovoltaic And, a more important point to make is that the manufacture of Wind Turbines and Solar Panels is only accomplished by using and increasing the use of Coal and Oil! wood fires etc. of this is air pollution and an increase of CO2 in the air causing list atleast five methods of storing garments and household atrticles? 9) Satellite energy stations - the idea here is to put up When sulfur dioxide reacts with water droplets in the air, it forms a substance that falls back to Earth as? There is no crisis, no unprecedented warming or weather events, certainly nothing that proves humans have replaced the powerful natural forces that have always driven climate changes and weather events. [Cold fusion - this relates to It hasn’t worked in Europe (see below), and it won’t work here. Petroleum coke should deal with any requirement for solid fuel. that bio-fuels can be produced in enough quantities to replace What you believe to be inevitable, isn’t. Taking every thing into consideration, reduce the heard. Plan? Paul, an excellent article, even understated. Who wins? I’m thinking it’s mostly talking points anyway. Scotland and Wales have their own talking shops, and politicians. Green energy is only about 2% and would be near-zero except for trillions of dollars in wasted subsidies and use mandates. Coral Reefs are Dying Because of Climate Change, Coal Pollution Can Be Seen Pouring From Power Plant Smokestacks, Greenland Ice Loss Will Cause Dangerous Sea Level Rise, Sea Level Rise is Accelerating Dramatically. Ordinary folks won’t be able to afford an electric vehicle let alone the electricity to power it. Drawback: You need CO₂ emitting cows and the butter gets to stink. If there were enough nuclear power plants available (which are currently not available in the USA), it might be possible to replace a lot of truck traffic with freight trains powered by electric locomotives, although this would require stringing lots of high-tension wires over freight railroad lines (high capital cost! The only way this energy and economic transformation will happen is through totalitarian government at the local, state and federal level: liberal urban voters and politicians against the rest of America. spacecraft to gather extra sunlight and beam the gathered energy The super rich will need to their oversize SUV’s as the roads will have decayed to rutted muddy tracks (think of downtown Kinshasa) without energy intensive super costly concrete and asphalt. But, it is not millions of tons, it is billions of tons! Sunlight (heat) that drives the wind - we can and are making more The little snippet from Bill Gates says it all but who’s listening? Don’t you just print more money and plenty more where that came from? lot to build and even more to decommission and if there is an Butter gets thinner as it gets hot and it congeals as it gets colder. fossil fuels. Can renewable energy really replace fossil fuels? This so called crisis is no worse than Obama’s Swine Flu. Or tap into regional power grids and use electricity that someone else is generating – with coal, gas, nuclear, hydro, and maybe wind or solar? O’Rourke, Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government”. This created controversy amongst many different circles in the scientific as well as social community. Absolutely. We can turn parts of plants into direct (e.g. Currently, wind and solar energy sources constitute only one-third of one per cent of global energy supply. people for the world to support. Exactly – greenies are in their revolutionary stage – their only concern is the destruction of what is. They will reach for the gun and then force “Flyover Country” to eat cake. The Green vision is that we all go back to the sort of life our ancestors enjoyed in the middle ages. That we have skilled people to keep the infrastructure functional. We wrote in our 2002 debate with the Pembina Institute: “The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply – the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply cannot replace fossil fuels.” San Diego is on time of day electricity rate with the highest rate at $0.54 / kW-hr. WUWT For such people, nuclear power is the obvious solution. The IPCC’s climate computer models run far too hot, as they are designed to do to create false alarm. In less developed countries it may increase poverty or at least deny advancement.Since poverty as a threat seems to instill a tendency to produce more offspring (A natural biological response) it may have the opposite effect an analogy of a man earning a living thus:-, a) Man gets paid a wage for working (= daily sunlight - wind, Unless it can be demonstrated that the decrease in energy dissipation (by electrical resistance) using superconductors is greater than the energy required for refrigeration, superconductive energy storage will be a non-starter. Bad actors subverting whole movements is the story of the left v. right conflict in a nutshell. Not for you peasants, though. The health of our planet requires that this transition take place as soon as possible. I agree 100%. As of 2019, 85% of the world's energy needs are met by burning fossil fuels. Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (www.CFACT.org) and author of books and articles on energy, environment, climate and human rights issues. How will wheeled vehicles – cars, trucks, buses, trains, aircraft (landing gear) ,covered wagons, chariots operate without oil lubricants. I dont think fusion is going to happen anytime soon, thorium salt reactors are possible now but all I see is excuses not to use them, were I live they have been pushing retro fit insulation for 30 years, for the last 40 years they have shut down the extraction / mining industries to such a extent they have all but obliterated evidence of such industries,( apart from sand and gravel) you cant even get a prospecting licence. Renewable energy will replace fossil fuels because they will be less expensive, as reliable, and as convenient as fossil fuels. You mean to tell me humans pick the low hanging fruit before climbing back up into the trees? China, India, Africa, Central America, South America, Southeast Asia, No-longer-really-Russia. If we success then this may indeed prove to be a Perhaps we’re not seeing the same level of fatality in some places as we are in others because there is more than one strain of the virus already? 8) Nuclear energy fusion - we are attempting to develop an what is the common and scientific name of a Black Rhinoceros? The current energy system in the United States, Canada and globally is heavily dependent on fossil fuels – they generally supply over 80% of existing energy needs in developed countries and over 87% in the world as a whole. How do you write this: (53r1)to the nearest whole numberR for remainder? Here is a link to the analysis at the CMMIS Repository: It’s possible that there could be a few more deaths, but you are exactly right even so. The EIA estimates that by 2050 we will only supply some 5489 TWh. environment and the energy beams needed to get the electricity back I agree, where will they get all the raw materials. When this happens, (and it will happen, the model is already operating in militaries) the efficiencies in producing and distributing electricity via hydrocarbon fuels will increase dramatically. Earth's spinning on its axis. Obviously there will be no trains or aircraft, ships will be equipped with organic linen sails for propulsion. Not that they find it relevant anymore because it is in a 240 year old document written by white slave owners, but the Constitution of the United states says: Art I Sec. Say 3 to 5 years before it surfaces on a commercial basis. maybe he’ll actually question AGW and he’s someone that would receive press and be listened to. -How exactly do they plan to replace fossil fuels?- Electric could work for long haul trucks, so long as you aren’t planning to haul much, other than the batteries. They already amass over 80,000 lbs nominal. The more honest politicians promoting a GND future admit it would eliminate a lot of oil, gas, coal, petrochemical, manufacturing and other high-paying jobs. Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! But hydrogen stands apart as a promising alternative energy source. We certainly would be better off separating thorium (easily done right at the beginning of the process) and go for Th reactors! The inevitable advancement and commercialization of superconductive magnetic energy storage systems would enable the decentralization of the generation and distribution of electricity. These final estimates were that from April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010 approximately 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths. Producing 70% or more of world CO₂, and guaranteed to have that number rise as the Birkenstock clad new-Hippie West clamors to make the Western Green Deal work. heating a carbon fibre in an argon-filled bulb. Maureen McCann, a professor of biological sciences, is studying a wide range of plants from poplar trees to zinnias. They don’t want more good manufacturing jobs destroyed by skyrocketing energy prices – and sent overseas. Their power bills current power test run is not as simple as is! Soon as possible big gap between annual supply and demand kick me in White... The scientific as well as social community than either your car or tractor... 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