my dreams happen in real life

I've heard that this kind of thing happens … I’ve stayed up all night looking online for answers but have had no luck So can you please tell me what’s going on. An out-of-control vehicle. But like few years later I saw a music video with same scene with everything on fire and the people in the video dancing, where as at the back ground a DJ playing the music. Seeing that silhouette, I questioned myself is “God is a woman?”. Take this time to consider this connection, as this may help you better understand the purpose of this dream. When you wake up, you recall feeling very angry. Second dream I had was that my friend and this guy she hadn’t spoken to made amends and started over. Since you already knew that homecoming would happen each fall, it is safe to say that you weren’t really predicting the future. If not, you are probably just as normal as everyone else. They reflect elements of our pasts and elements that have recently been residing in our … Your dream may be a reflection of your social and emotional desires. I even tell to my Christian friend in church too . Everyone has had a dream like this at some point. Yesterday, I had a dream that someone anonymously hacked my bank account and left a transaction for $7 and some cents with a note in the comments .. “this is for lunch years back (;” I remember having a very uneasy feeling for some reason while dreaming. I have even stopped seeing and remembering my dreams. Researchers generally say that dreaming about a future event and then having it happen is just coincidence or a type of deja vu. The closer the dream is to our conscious reality the greater chance the dream has of becoming an actuality. Or is it just the laws of physics working itself out? You are aware that your dreams seems to be manifestations of the future. She blocked me. So I don’t know if you would say I have a gift but lately my dreams have been intense And I’m not sure if it has to do with me being more spiritual and praying more often then usual. Other than your crush dancing with you, the only part that was true to real life was the homecoming dance itself. The DJ having long hair and was wearing headphones. And that was the one and only time I’d been there and had the dream before I was even aware I was going to be going. So, I went where the jewelry store was supposed to be, and there it was. This, ultimately, is what I’m working for overall. If you have similar dreams in the future, then ensure that you share your positive energy at all times. If this occurs again, then ensure that you use these dreams as impetuses to behave in a positive manner. How to use them for personal growth. Make a decision about what you want for your future. It is named so because the muscles of the eyes aren't paralyzed. Could it be because it’s within you? I had never met or seen these people before college like how do you explain that! There were no signs, so we can rule out possibility of my subconscious predicting it. Find out if you are actually predicting the future or not. However, the nature of time itself remains quite a mystery to science. While the emotional cheating didn’t happen (that I know of lol) The spider did and it was very odd! Simple dream. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Therefore, the less able it is to put the events of your life in time order, allowing you to get a broader glimpse of the collage of events in your life, some from your future. © 2016-2020 | All rights reserved. What Does Seeing a Dead Person Alive in My Dream Mean? I dream lot of calamity like airplane crush, tsunami in japan, accidents, lot more that happened in future then dreaming of spirit. Even when new things happen, I could have predicted them. The next dream was my other dog had gotten sick and died she died 2 days after.After about a week I had a dream of a bad tornado that formed in texas afew days later i saw the news about a bad tornado the previous night. If you asked a psychic to predict your future, they would not have any of this information to work off of. Your conscious mind is no longer able to categorize the events of your life into a logical order. There was an open shop, with its lights all on, and we went inside it. Consider taking this time for quiet introspection, as this will help you be more attentive. This dream could have been a reflection of various influences in your life. This would explain why it ended up in a photo and in your dream. The first dream could be related to your financial stresses that you may have in your life. There are strong beliefs that when you cry in your dreams, there is something good and positive that will happen to you in real life. This will help you when you want to write down your thoughts. If there is someone that you are interested in maintaining a relationship with, then speak with that person about your thoughts and feelings. Type above and press Enter to search. All of your friends are gone and you feel alone. And lastly it becomes reality that my friend was telling me accordingly to my dreams. You happen to know a lot about yourself. People often have a recurring dream about a place they never visited, or even heard of. What this means. “Most dreams are a continuation of what is happening in everyday life,” say the researchers led by computer scientist Alessandro Fogli from Roma Tre University in Italy. Within a few weeks or years, that event actually happens. Regardless, you will find great benefit in sharing your kindness and compassion at all times. We headed up stairs, and then I looked around. These fears may include infidelity and inappropriate emotional relationships. Even though you do not realize it, you dream multiple times every night. Normally, your dreams just reflect your subconscious mind. Same thing happening to me with paige rook, i in a week i would dream of different events then those event will happen in coming months or years, my problem is i’m trying to figure out how i can connect the dots/pattern of my dream, i did think of an idea of writing as soon as a wake up but always forget all and only remember the most memorable part of the dream. Dreams convey real emotions and real situations as they reflect our current life situation. Wow, though, the cashier was the same person, and I was wearing the same backpack. There is a connection between your real-life experiences and dreams. It seems that you will have to navigate your spiritual beliefs at this time. People selectively remember the parts that come true, but they ignore the rest of the dream. Dreams about falling from great heights are very common. Make a decision about what you feel is appropriate. I remember my reluctance to get into the water but my parents forced me in. The dream goes on. Realize that a dream is at most suggestion on how we can react to situations. I spoke to her about it and in two weeks he reached out and asked if they can start fresh. I had this dream in my current age 33 n I am a Christian but my family is Buddhist or Taoist. ... “I dream of painting and then I paint my dreams. Deep in the waters a monster with tentacles swam, ready to catch me. Dreaming about a future event that actually happens can be fun, but it can also be unsettling. My dreams are so real i wake up thinking things really happened. The scientist explained that everyday life influences what you dream about and vice versa. she really unblocked me. Fast forward I hear from a mutual friend that he’s trying to become a better person. An important consideration is that dreams themselves do not come from nowhere. It is possible that there is some reason why you are able to predict the future within your dreams. Then, your crush asks you to dance. To dive deeper into the mechanics of our dreams, we looked Dr. Eric Amidi’s (a Particle Physicist and a Certified Hypnotist) fascinating overview of the Collage Theory of Time. You suddenly remember the dream. Nourish your connection by spending additional time together in person. So if you’ve wondered, “Why do my dreams come true?” it’s likely because you’ve accessed an entirely new realm within your subconscious mind. Weird they happened back to back. But then the next time I seen her, she had a Lesbian hair cut. I am 13 and i have dreams that come true the next couple of days. They dont happen but once in a while. At first I thought really something wrong with my brain because I had incident at my forehead before but it sometimes I feel I got Fitz . Multiple times, I’d dream about being in a hotel, with my Grandma, and we would be in a scene where I’ve never been before, there were stairs, there was one shop open, the rest were all dark and closed, and one was a specific Jewelry store that was there as well. It is wonderful to consider the connections that our dreams have with the future. Dreams normally occur in the Rapid Eye Movement phase of sleep. I have goals that I am working toward, so it makes sense that I would be aware of achieving my goals as a potential outcome. This was just a dream.. However, while you dream or are in deep meditation, your logical conscious mind shuts down. Dreams Don't Come True, They ARE True Dreams tell you what you really know. I don't know what the hell is happening, but ever since I was a kid, my dreams have sometime come true. Press Esc to cancel. I don’t have this dream anymore, once we left the scene, but this stays in my mind at all times. It is highly likely that you would dream about something similar happening in the future, especially when you consider how many dreams you actually have each night. You are having predictive dreams, which you should influence your behaviors in a positive direction. Dr. Amidi explains that physics has made great strides in explaining the nature of time measurement. And after I awoke the news had been advertise in channel news asia . This really creeped me out. Losing teeth: This is a dream you may have when moving through a transition in life, … It’s one of the reasons why there are entire dream dictionaries devoted to the breakdown of everything that happens in a dream–this was just an article designed to answer a single question. Probably not. It is clear that the two of you share a strong emotional relationship. There was also a figure etched on the night sky with long hair and was wearing headphones as if a DJ. It saw all of the pieces of the puzzle and put them together in your dream. I also had a dream of a disaster that taken place in some of the country is like an immediate dream . I had a dream about this boy I was talking to telling me he wanted to be just friends and he started talking to his other friend. You’re probably thinking: There are so many conflicting strategies and cute business coaches out there, how do I know what my next steps are? Your partner’s dream revealed her insights in your past. What does that mean. It seems that your dreams have allowed you to experience the future. Conscious mind out of the way, you get a chance to have a glimpse at the events of your life that would be considered as your future in your waking life… I keep having dreams where I’m being attacked by demons and they leave me alone after I say in the name of Jesus but it feels so real….than I also have dreams where my neighbor had a fire in there house and than 3 days later there was a fire in there house like I don’t know what either dream means. These are common dreams that many people have during different phases in their lives. There may be a person I havent met yet, their face unclear but clothing is exact, as well as the specific words heard. We have all had this experience before. How to Make Your Dreams Come True. There is another aspect to consider as well. This dream seems to be an indication of your spiritual beliefs. I ’m Hanna, and I’ve made it my mission to help people like YOU make your DREAM LIFE your REAL LIFE by giving you the tools, hand-holding, and strategy to say bye bye to overwhelm and HELLO to a bigger impact and a bigger income!. What does it mean like it’s freaky. For example my ex and I haven’t had a decent conversation in a while and I’ve been curious about how he’s been doing. When you look to the right during a dream, you do so in real life as well. Perhaps the pool in the Pinterest photo was based on a movie, or it may have even been from a movie set from years ago. Imagine that all the things that have happened and will happen in your life are laid out in a collage of snapshot pictures on a wall. What Does It Mean If I Keep Seeing the Same Person... What Does It Mean When You Dream of Getting Shot by... What Does It Mean to Dream About a Guy You’ve Never... What Does It Mean If You Dream About Your Dead Father. The latest music is playing as your friends dance and your teachers serve the drinks. I had mostly prophesy to my friend n my friend agree what I said without physically going near to them but I know from afar. This is the life that the alternate you has created. I was in secondary school and dreamt about my day at college like wtf wasn’t even in college and then I experienced that dream like I was talking to my friends who o literally dreamt about in secondary. Even then, you have to keep thinking about the dream after you wake up for it to consciously remain a part of your memory. But hey, at least I made a video instead of waiting another 10 months. How Intuitive Are You? I don’t remember the rest of the dream but a few months ago, (I’m 19 now) I was going through my pinterest feed and happened to come by a picutre of a child in floaties in the exact same room which I dreamt of years ago, what’s worse the same creature lurked in the waters. That one shocked us both because we thought it was a dream. . The most recent i had was about a church shooting. As this will bring you many benefits in the future. Another instance would be something silly like watching a tv show. I, once had a dream where I saw that everything was on fire. I have dreams every night and the next day the dream happens I usually have like 6-7 dreams and I can usually remember them all I’ve been having these dreams for over a year now and I don’t know whats happening and when I’m doing something I know that the dream is about to come true and so I say whats gonna happen and it does what does this mean. I knew exactly what my friend was going to say next and they did. Jordan Jones. I know don’t judge me. If this is the case, then ensure that your dreams guide you to share your kindness and compassion at all times. You do. Ok, so this may sound silly. 3544 cr points ... the event already happened in a dream or real life, or I'm seeing something that I will do in the future. Hi i keep having dreams like prections that come true before i had a dream that there was a black rabbit in my friends shed out her back the next day i said it to her and she said that there was a white one in her shed about a week before i had the dream then in another dream it was the guards were knocking on my door for some reason i dont know then about 3 weeks later it happent they were knocking on my door when i was asleep to get me out because the apartment above from me was on fire what does all this me im always having these dreams and cleary remember every detail. I had a lot going on earlier so I'm sorry! In light of recent illnesses, it is certain that money is on your mind. You will find great benefit in sharing your kindness and compassion at all times. What do you gotta say about that? Last year I also saw a dream where my country is faced by a terrorist attack and that a few places in our country were bombed. The odd thing is that usually the events are not event that could have happened previously. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Human choice and action will change the world for the better, if we make the decision to behave in a positive manner. Sometimes I Dream About a Future Event, and Then It Happens to... What Does It Mean When A Girl Kisses You First? She was most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Nourish your relationship with your partner by spending additional time together in person. This may allow you to see beyond now and into the future. You will find great benefit in sharing your kindness and compassion at all times, as this will draw positive people and energy toward you. So I prayed and I ended up having a dream about him walking into a laundry mat looking for washers to wash his clothes yet they were all filled until he seen me and I said I have a few here you could use, I’m not using them. This will allow the two of you to make a decision for your future. He had a number of experienced oneironauts (lucid dreamers) count in a particular manner with their eyes while they were dreaming. You know what your schedule is like next week, what your goals are and who you are dating. When I dream of that its have a voice speaking on me. “If you’re in the car, it’s probably reflecting the fact that things are out of … Only one part of that dream remained exactly the same, but you feel like you “predicted” the future. Should I think I might have something or is it coincidence? Then when I came into work I saw two was the exact same spider as my dream. Make a decision about what you feel is appropriate. You may find that you would benefit from focusing your attention inward. Are you psychic? Although now I listen to their music. This is a type of selection bias where you are basically looking at the dreams that actually came true instead of all of the dreams. You have a dream. In this state, we are open to receive insights/information from the subconscious. However, you can only see a small portion of this wall due to the limited capacity of your conscious mind. Take this time to make a decision about how you can apply your ability in your life. For example, I had a dream of my dog dying and the next day he died. Like … What does this mean??? In fact, one of the reasons that quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of gravity cannot be unified is that science does not yet have a firm understanding of time. Dreams emerge from the unconscious and occur in the Theta Brainwave state. The buildings, the air was filled with specks of fire floating and few people were running in here and there. I didn’t even knew the people in the music video existed. When you relax and shut down your logical mind, you may be able to open your mind to a sense of what’s coming and glimpse the whole collage on the wall. The problem with these dreams is that I already know what generally happens in my daily life and who I will be around. Being the Lucid dreamer that I am, I would always come into this store and explore this place. I hate money and I love it. This is another common problem with dreams about a future event. FINERMINDS By Mindvalley © 2019 Mindvalley. There are 365 days in each year, so those 60 years of dreaming will ensure that Brian experiences 21,900 nights of dreams. i was with my kids father for 8 years, he was my first and only real love, we were soul mates.i dont think i will ever love another man the way i loved him.he ended up going to prison with a life sentence, and i stood by him for 3 years in before I decided to move on with my life.we still remained good friends more like family and we could still talk to eachother about anything. It is very easy to get too engaged in your dreams. When you wake up, it feels like what you dreamed is a prediction of the future or some deeper insight. Then, your crush asks you to dance. I had a dream recently where a girl I like became a lesbian. There may be a wide variety of reasons for this dream. There is no greater time than now to begin to live your dreams. so when I was about 8 years old I had this dream where I’m swimming in a dark pool in a closed room which reeks of mildew and moss. Purple elephants are dancing around the room, a witch is serving coffee and Frank Sinatra is playing in the background. I have had two instances in the past two days that just seem too odd. It is possible that the two of you share a connection that is indescribable. Continue to nourish your lucid dreaming, as this will provide you with many insights. You can make your dreams come true if you put in the effort and make a reasonable … The second was not include in my dream. - Deaths in your dreams may instinctively feel like a bad thing, but they’re often related to a big change in your life - the end of one thing in order that something new may start. Will change the world out there himself with you as well the that! 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