masculine woman personality

I'm also attracted to masculine women. So, I am a single parent. Because their partner/husband/boyfriend doesn't sit back on the sofa with his feet up bemoaning his "hard day at work" and saying "get me a beer, what times' dinner". We are not objects for you to enjoy looking at. And now I shall use your obvious favourite and ridiculously rude finishing comment... Got it? Not all of us have this "natural" feminine energy. I get it. It'll be nice to bump into her again! If we could date a masculine female, we might as well date men instead. Another thing that I find very interesting is that many women feel threatened by very feminine women. In my opinion, the article is not suggesting that there be a 1950's type of relationship, at least I don' think so. You can come to accept yourself with all of your different characteristics and personality traits, be they passive and aggressive, strong and gentle, outspoken and soft-spoken. I'm sorry but I don't completely agree with this article at this world in order to eat, have a descent place to live you must have masculine energy. You run scared to the boss who will 'protect you.' It's like The WNBA vs Wimbledon. Instead of complaining and whining about your pathetic life, why not do something about it and lose some weight, ok tubby? They talk too much and whine . And a family is an organization. Wearing pants on the weekend? I never belittle him or try to act superior. Simply because you are observing naturally feminine women who are acting semi-masculine not out of their own desires but out of peer/media pressure. Masculine men were never really my cup of tea anyway, so this works just fine. These are the most weak, insecure people. A man that loves you accepts your for who you are.these days men don't have their shot together and are not reliable. Tamsen Firestone is a writer and book editor on the topic of relationships among other areas; her book Daring to Love is published by New Harbinger. I hope this generation of strong women sends you ducking for cover, David Wygant. Ask them what they would do. The more I give and compromise, the more dominant colours they show. Even though she is supposed to be the "soft and delicate one", which is TO BE BOTH. I woke up and it was 1890! Some still are. It's not an act; taking on the masculine and feminine roles in relationships comes naturally to men and women. I am the one who makes the majority of the decisions and he loves me for being such a good leader and provider. I have a lot of (masculine) male friends, and they respect me a lot, but I don't expect them to date me. While big beautiful curvy women who are broke single mothers,refuse to date big curvy beautiful men who are single fathers....Somehow,women at all times can do no wrong,are always beautiful no matter what and at all times think they are princesses who have their pick of the litter. Bullshit Alert! According to another study conducted in Germany , women who fit the stereotypical masculine gender role are generally more successful in their careers. @BrianJ above me That's why they react so strongly. And it is hard being a masculine woman. The reason why strong women are alone is because we can't stand the insipid, alpha male domineering attitude that demands we labotomize our brains and become their subservient little sex kittens. I am not attracted to men, nor do I care what they think of me. Well, you're a massive entitled douchebag. Competitive is only classed as masculine because its socially coded as masculine, two people dont get on when they are both fighting for power. This makes sense as women generally do get energy from socializing and being around people while men are generally okay being alone more so than women. We have three beautiful children and I adore them and him. Why is he repulsed by even the slightest display of independence (not ball-busting type) or opinions from a woman that are different from his own? These are most definitely *not* masculine women, they are mockeries of us. Most modern guys don't have this mentality, though there are some out there and they tend to "shout" the most online about women. If you could honestly answer that question, you would have addressed much of your issues. You are an idiot. Yes women can act masculine some times but if that is her core identity and that's who she is and she has barely any feminine energy about her, you cannot expect a straight male to be attracted and want to be with her, that's just plain old biology coming into play. My personality is not about trying to be a feminist or showing men up, it is just the natural way I am at my core. See women like you disgust me. , Robert Firestone writes that these are “the ability to love and to feel compassion for self and others, the capacity for abstract reasoning and creativity, the ability to experience deep emotion, the desire for social affiliation, the ability to set goals and develop strategies to accomplish them, an awareness of existential concerns, the potential to experience the sacredness and mystery of life, and the search for meaning.”. None. Many of you may disagree, but you shouldn't mistake letting the man feel like "the king", as weakness. Now if you need them to lower themselves for you... that's because you have never been strong in the first place. The only reason it's still seen as masculine is because women have not yet caught up socially and economically. That's what people really think of this type of faux psycho alpha male. So what they do when cornered is lash out with their ad hominem attacks. looking back on past relationships, I now realize my flaw. Aside from that the modern men want it all: You've got to have your own career, because they don't want to pay for you and take responsibility for a lot of stuff, but should still be feminine, shy and let them take the lead. It's very real. These girls never meet any men. Umm no, no you could not. False, I don't really care for having a relationship with a guy unlike other girls my age, it's not something that appeals to me as much as say, having my own car or a DeWalt drill, (I'm not exaggerating here this is the truth) I'd rather be my own DIY person and car mechanic than a guy. Also the defense mechanism argument was brilliant! I, however, am not sexually, let alone mentally, attracted to macho guys like you who think they're better than me just because of their gender. A chip on the shoulder (due to abusive men who did not adhere to proper biblical standards) must not be a hammer against all men. Bye, Felicia. My husband doesn't like feminine women. I'm an extremely masculine woman, if in personality rather than appearance, and I'm very popular with men. Having positive feminine traits is neutral and can be a bonus, but having negative feminine traits is … If this were from a comedy sketch it would be absolutely hilarious, it's so delightfully misinformed and ridiculous. He will appreciate it, along with your strong qualities. Why do they want them to take a passive roll? You can have some boyish or masculine in you and it can be pretty hot, but often times women go overboard and it can be just too much. Find a young beautiful woman, with a nice body and put her up against an intelligent, smart, funny woman who has a boyish body. It keeps things interesting. This article is so wrong. It is helpful to understand this discrepancy when you live in a culture that has definite expectations about feminity and masculinity. However, I do not agree with the fact that these 'ball busting women' need to change their ways to meet a man. I am a very string person. I’m going to be up-front with all of you right now. And FYI masculine men are emotional around feminine women but they aren't around their guy friends. Wrong. Don't forget that it is the man who had given you equal rights to match with our self .Don't forget the history of thousand years of human existence it is always a man who win wars ,it is the man who has the mind ,power, will to make and destroy things .Due to this we are enjoying our present days technology .which is made by mans trial and error methods to do things in a different way.Just watch any videos in youtube and it is the man who is doing all the dangerous ,creative work. People don't understand feminine strength. I don’t love misogynistic and chauvinist men whose ideals contribute to gender inequality. You break each other down and build each other back up. No, I don't want a manly man! Prefer to play video games and stay in their mother's plan for the future. They are made to feel bad about themselves. Men who treat relationships like a scorecard on the femininity of their partners are the crème de la crème of the dating world. Well it's certainly good to know that there are still shallow men in the world. It may not apply to you, as you are very angry dike, but for most men and women, I think this article is spot on. If men don't find that attractive & need a submissive man, so be it. Some people twist things in their favour and I don't condone that. Higher sociosexuality in masculine women can be explained by prenatal or actual androgen effects on sexual libido and can reflect a fast life history strategy. I keep seeing a repeat of "meathead" or "lughead" in describing masculine men; real masculine men are too busy to be spending hours in a gym, those are often girlie men who worry about appearance just like the feminine women you all hate so much that spend hours primping and getting ready for their man. What better day than today’s ‘International Women day’ to reflect about the importance of feminine traits in leadership, and to share a few ideas for men and women leaders alike to effectively leverage both their feminine and masculine traits – in a balanced way – for greater success in their roles? On the other hand, I’ve met many more women who want a little more out life then to just be some dudes little “wifey”. I would much rather have a happy and peaceful environment where everybody gets along and teaches or assists everyone else. It just demonstrates how a healthy relationship works with heterosexual couples - not from a politically correct view but in reality. I also think most alpha women who have great careers, etc., do want a strong man to love. You think that because you're a man that everyone wants your dick. But I'm not judging you for being so conservative. Women today are not going to change,their grandmothers and great grandmothers who knew secrets to the feminine mind,how to truly keep a man and be a good woman are gone.Women today specifically lack mentors and wit hthe participation trophy generations coming up,as well as so many mangina's spoiling women making them overvalue themselves,as well as having access to thousands of men through social media and online dating....has created a perfect storm of stupid that is manufacturing some of the most predatory, lobotomized,violent,sociopathic women the world has ever seen. I can't believe this article was written by a guy older than 14. This is a reality and women here who has masculine energy filled inside them due to some extra men testosterone added (extra male genes than female part). However, to us, your brains, your education, social status, and income do not factor into your attractiveness. I am not a spoilt child as you say, in fact I am the exact opposite. I have been struggling with this problem, about my wife and there is nobody to comfort me. I would start with appearance. I am a masculine woman in both my looks and my behavior, I always have been and always will be. There is a reason why western nations have birth rates that are well below replacement levels with staggering consequences over the long term for these nations. Stop trying to outdo each other and put each other down-and that goes for both men AND women. Not everyone has to fit into your box of convoluted characteristics to be human beings of each sex. Women (both masculine and feminine) generally are attracted to masculine men. If it isn't for you, that's fine, but stop bashing others for not being what you like. Your defensive response with no actual facts proves his point. True, a masculine woman generally doesn't get as many dates as a feminine woman, but I know plenty of masculine types who do get dates. If men don't like my natural self, then I don't want to be with the asshole gender called man. Feminism exists because men like you can'timagine that women can function without men. And it wouldn't challenge their masculinity or sense of self to Go There either because they don't need to puff their chest and belittle strong Women to assert dominance and feel validated. Really? I am quite a masculine girl. According to a study in the UK, women with stereotypically masculine personality traits are more likely to gain access to high-paying occupations than women with feminine personality traits. If you want more feminine women, jerks have to learn to not take advantage and respect feminine women or those women become unfeminine. The comments on this article make me very sad. I am a alpha female at work. Good luck with trying to deal with the problem by importing very different cultures from your own to try and remedy the problem. I do not know where the people who are asking these questions live. Why doesn't the world accept each and everyone. I think that is what some people don't understand about the difference between masculine and feminine women. I can tell you which sex you're more of simply from the answers you give to these quiz questions. In fact, a I have seen some people succeed by maintaining harmony and happiness and positivity within the self, and maintain this in the rude person too. What? I’ve always had success with women, and as result have confidence in myself and am comfortable with myself. Men are still expected it be maculine in our society and women are still expected to be feminine. For example, child care and homemaking were more suitable for women while hunting and physical labor were more suitable for men. I came across this article as I am going through a stupid breakdown of some kind because I realized I am so damn different from my other 'sisters'. When we go out on a date with you we don’t want you to challenge us all of the time. Good luck! Men are free to bitch and whine about how women aren’t “feminine” anymore, but there’s a reason why it doesn’t pay for most women to be the stereotypical feminine woman anymore. It isn't. Recently I interacted with 1 who is truly confident. Your schlong is small. I learned early on the ONLY person in this world that was going to take care of me, was me. Yeah that sounds like a good idea, showing that I want peace in the end. Do you ever burst your own manhood whilst rubbing at it with sandpaper? State? I wear mens clothing, i walk like a man, I sit like a man and I have the confidence that intimidates most men because they are not used to confident women. I never sugar coat anything. And looking. (probably obvious but I take from my father, who is more feminine than my mom:P) But now that I'm older, I see how femininity has a different strength from a man's strength and we should never be ashamed or the lesser of the sex. Your wife isn't meant too treat you a certain way. I divorced my (weak self absorbed) husband and am now "alone". Sorry to hear about what happened with your mil. Culture '' to push you or they should love you back 'll work out! Loving the other comments I 've never read something so misogynistic in my relationships the and. Could date a woman can take care of themselves 'm a feminist, yet I it! 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