is jyn erso a jedi

The delicious Dane plays Jyn’s dad, a scientist named Galen Erso. Therefore, Jyn Erso technically could be connected to Luke in the form of a former lover or — at some point — wife. He was taken by the Empire when Jyn was just a wee babe, and now he’s being forced to help them build the Death Star. What she wasn't aware of, however, was that Andor had instead been tasked with assassinating Galen by General Draven, who did not trust either Jyn or her father to help their cause. Jyn was trained with a blaster, truncheons, a code replicator, and in hand-to-hand combat by Gerrera to ensure she could survive. In time, Jyn became strong in the dark side of the force, and took the name Darth Thana, lady of the sith. “That felt right. He raised the child as his own daughter, and second apprentice. Having been told only a little about the mission, Luke Skywalker wished to know more about the late rebel.[15]. When Jyn Erso first met Luke Skywalker, Hero Who Shot Down the Deathstar, she couldn't help but be annoyed by him. She’s a hero because she does the most with the life force she has been given. [7], Settling in with Ponta, who had a son about Jyn's age, Hadder, Jyn was allowe to sleep in the room previously used by Ponta's deceased daughter Tanith, who had died of bloodburn. A sudden flush of regret and love washed over Galen as he expressed his regrets in not being around her more. Now, she leaves the rebellion to return to the Empire, where she must pretend to play the part she once played so naturally. As Galen's work went on he became more distant from Jyn, who spent a lot of her time in the care of an MV nanny droid nicknamed "Mac-Vee." We know that these same crystals also power the Death Star. Was Jyn’s mother a Jedi? But we thought that it would be more interesting to have a story without Force powers, without lightsabers. The stormtroopers were joined by two reinforcements, so Jyn hid beside a rubbish bin with the cat. Erso retrieves the data-tape from inside the data vault. 6 Screenshots. "Rebellions are built on hope." A highly skilled soldier in the Rebel Alliance, Jyn Erso is an impetuous, defiant warrior eager to bring the battle to the Empire. After getting to cover, Jyn noticed a child stranded in the midst of the engagement. Gerrera replied that she needed to learn, and Nest advised Erso that people would underestimate her due to her age and suggested that she make them regret it. Such is the case with Jyn Erso’s pendant — given to her by her mother Lyra — from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley speaks out about Jyn Erso rumors. K2 attempted to divert the stormtroopers to supposed "rebels," but Andor asked through comms why he had closed the vault door, forcing the droid to take out the soldiers. Erso was remembered fondly by the Rebel leader, Mon Mothma, who believed that she would have become an even more extraordinary person had she survived. When an Imperial approached her, Jyn was reluctant and scared to shoot him, and despite threatening him, allowed him to attack her before he was killed by another Partisan. However, some people don’t seem to like this idea and one blogger at provided a list of reasons that Jyn is NOT Rey’s mother. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Her sacrifice was not in vain, however. After donning their uniforms, Jyn and Andor along with K2 left for the facility while the Marines sneaked out through the underside the ship. Arriving at Jedha, Jyn and Andor agreed that K2 should stay behind on the ship so that they could blend in with the crowds of the Holy City more easily. Lyra met Galen Erso at the age of 21, when she worked as a guide for Galen's team of scientists studying crystals on the planet Espinar. [7] She was eventually transferred to the Imperial labor camp on the planet Wobani,[5] sentenced to twenty years of labor in the planets farms, sharing a cell with a Blutopian Oolin Musters, also known as "Kennel. For Luke Skywalker, the fight was one he accidentally fell into. Making it without resistance to the data vault, K2 knocked out the technician in charge of the vault and assumed control of the computer. Then [we realised] you can’t have the mother be a Jedi as well, so the mother took a backseat. She attempted to save her father on Eadu, but he was killed. She was once a lonesome criminal until she was recruited by Rebellion to join in their fight against the Empire. JYN ERSO PLAYER MODEL by Lervish Contact: JKHub or MB2 forums A new playable character model of Jyn Erso from Rogue One for Jedi Academy. At that point, Jyn and her parents were unexpectedly ordered onto a carriage and sent to a spaceport where, to the surprise of her parents, Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic of the Republic Navy, who Galen knew from their time in the Republic's Futures Program, was waiting to extract them and bring them to Coruscant. Jyn attempts to convince the Alliance High Command of her father's efforts to sabotage the Death Star. Share. Believing that he would come back for her, Jyn watched from the bunker as Gerrera dealt with the traitorous Tallent, then left for the spaceport, leaving her alone. As everyone expressed their relief, Jyn headed into the cargo section to tell the others. The remaining Partisans fought their way out the trap and the Empire's planned destruction of the factory, but with the Empire behind them, Gerrera gave Jyn a small blaster and ordered her to hide in an old shell turret until daylight. [9] Despite her rough life, Jyn was also not a murderer, killing only in self-defense, in defense of others, or in war. [5] Even as a small child, Jyn began developing a rebellious attitude[3] but had a clear sense of right and wrong gained from her parents while growing up on Coruscant and Lah'mu. Jyn Erso. The character was introduced as a child in the 2016 prequel novel Catalyst by James Luceno. [5], As the shuttle exited hyperspace, Scarif and its enveloping planetary deflector shield came into view. Though deeply spiritual and living with many of the same tenants espoused by the Jedi Order, Lyra herself was not a Jedi. When Jyn was sixteen, she joined Gerrera, Tallent, and Codo on a mission to Tamsye Prime to scout out an old Clone Wars munitions factory that the Empire was using in hopes of a future, larger attack. However, in reality, Andor was leaving to assassinate Galen. Jyn watches her father's holographic message. Handing Jyn a kyber crystal pendant necklace, Lyra told Jyn to go to the hideout before leaving to also confront Krennic. Andor used the retrieving mechanism to get it; however, before he could fully extract it, the door control was shot and the device's power went out. Jyn leads. Now, even more light has been shed on the early plans for "Rogue One," as director Gareth Edwards reveals that Jyn Erso's mother was originally going to be a Jedi. She transmitted the plans to the Alliance Fleet that arrived in orbit, but the Death Star soon fired on Scarif in an attempt to eliminate the Rebel threat. Before he could answer, the troopers told K2 they would handle the prisoners. As her skills with the code replicator progressed, she was pleased with doing small jobs for Saw to help the Partisans on their missions. Meghan O’Keefe is the deputy editor of, an entertainment journalist, member of TCA — and a big ole nerd. Knowing they could not merely resign, the pair decided to attempt an escape. As Jyn lay on the ground, Krennic hastily looked back before boarding his shuttle. With the fighting ended, several of Gerrera's insurgents approached. While eating, he explained that he was thinking about joining a resistance group, since it would give him the chance to fly, and wanted to know if Jyn would come with him. She’s a hero because she does the most with the life force she has been given. [5], Walking further, the pair came to a street where they noticed an Imperial combat assault tank guarded by several stormtroopers approaching. Lyra Erso: Jedi Knight In another major change, Jyn's mother Lyra was originally written as a Jedi, but Whitta said he was advised not to treat the movie as a checklist of Star Wars tropes. This is my skin from Rogue One, Jyn Erso! Shortly before Lyra dies, she gives her daughter a kyber crystal necklace that Jyn … Speaking in an alien language, one of the insurgents ordered they all be restrained and brought to Gerrera.[5]. Jyn's efforts to obtain the plans on Scarif allowed the Rebel Alliance to destroy the first Death Star at the Battle of Yavin. He is Jyn Erso's mentor, having rescued her as a child when her father Galen was abducted by Orson Krennic, the Imperial military director of weapons research. The deaths of two more people she cared for (especially since Hadder hadn't left with a rebel group before the fighting started because of her), left guilt that Jyn carried with her. Biographical information Rogue One: A Star Wars Story finally lands on DVD and Blu-ray in April, although there has been controversy over the lack of deleted scenes and commentaries on the release. Despite her aggressive and cold demeanor, she showed herself to be selfless and caring, saving a child from death during a battle against stormtroopers on Jedha[5] as well as assisting a small girl being harassed by stormtroopers on Garel. Weitz exposes this fact in the book. While speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Edwards explained the details of his initial plans for the eldest female Erso. [9] When arrested, Jyn was able to escape from prison, either through help from friends outside or by bribing (or lying about a bribing) security guards. During the Empire's reign of tyranny, Jyn Erso had a troubling life from the age of fifteen. Died One of the stormtroopers ordered K2 to tell him where he was taking the "prisoners." Such is the case with Jyn Erso’s pendant — given to her by her mother Lyra — from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The crew entered the factory to capture information on film and send it to other rebel groups. A Holovid of Jyn's speech on Yavin was captured by Rebel journalist Corwi Selgrothe[16] and circulated during the war. She was the daughter of Lyra Erso, a devout member of the Church of the Force, and scientist Galen Erso, who was forced into helping the Galactic Empire build the Death Star. Jyn continued to search through the files and stopped at "Stardust," the same nickname her father gave her and realized that they must be the plans. Jyn interjected, telling them it wasn't a matter of chance, but one of choice and that if they let such power remain in the hands of such an evil government then they condemn the galaxy indefinitely to a future of oppression. At this point in the "Star Wars" universe, all of the Jedi have either been wiped out or are in hiding. When Jyn realized they were trapped, K2 suggested transmitting the plans but told them that the size of the data files meant that the shield would have to be taken down in order to send them to the fleet. In later appearances, Jyn was voiced by Helen Sadler.[source? Jyn Erso isn’t a heroine because she’s a princess or a queen or a senator or a Jedi. The entire movie, people would be thinking ‘well, is Jyn a Jedi?’ and you couldn’t really escape that, “But the problem was, it would mean the entire movie people would be thinking ‘well, is Jyn a Jedi?’ and you couldn’t really escape that.”. Discovering there were too many stormtroopers to make it to the data vault, Andor ordered Melshi to detonate the explosives to divert the Imperial forces away.[5]. Hey guys ! Jedi Temple Archives is a Star Wars collecting database featuring current Star Wars news on action figures, books, statues, mini busts, games, miniatures, trading cards, posters and other collectibles. [6], Throughout her time on Wrea, Gerrera told the other Partisans that she was his daughter. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (novelization), From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volume 2, Forces of Destiny: Daring Adventures: Volumes 1 & 2, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, Star Wars: Rogue One Graphic Novel Adaptation, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, SWCA: Conversation with Gareth Edwards Panel Liveblog, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Together" TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Hope" TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Dream" TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Jyn & Cassian" Extended TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Breath" TV Spot, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Worth It" TV Spot (:30), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Introducing Jyn Erso" Featurette, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "Prevail" TV Spot (:30), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Official Chinese Trailer, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Art of Coloring: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars: Rogue One: Ultimate Sticker Encyclopedia, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Star Wars: Forces of Destiny: Meet the Heroes, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Forces of Destiny: Tales of Hope & Courage, Star Wars: Geektionary: The Galaxy from A - Z, Databank A-Z: Davish Krail–Kuat Drive Yards, Weapons & Uniforms: Creators of the Death Star, Highlights of the Saga: Battle on the Beach, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, Highlights of the Saga: The Battle of Scarif, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, The Death Star | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, Every Droid in Star Wars | Star Wars By the Numbers, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, Starfighter Aces: K-2SO – Reprogrammed as a Rebel, Weapons & Uniforms: Rebel Leaders at Yavin 4, Darth Maul and Sith Probe Droids Operative Expansion, The Star Wars Saga's Secret Weapon: A Visual Effects Nerd with a Big Story to Tell. Jyn identified herself as Jyn Erso before walking away. [4] In the event of compromise, the Ersos established a plan which involved a hatched room hidden underneath a rock that Jyn would escape to. As they waited for a reply, Jyn clutched her kyber crystal. Knoll created the character as a role model for his daughters and developed her as part of his original story for the film, circa 2003. Huge Jedi Spoiler Revealed in Latest Rogue One Trailer? Jyn Erso (portrayed by Felicity Jones) is the main protagonist of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.She is the daughter of Galen and Lyra Erso, born a few short years before the formation of the Galactic Empire.As the Empire began its campaign of domination over the galaxy, Jyn's father became deeply involved with Imperial military research. Jyn hopes. On her first mission, she guarded the airlock as the Partisans boarded an Imperial vessel. Entering Eadu's stormy atmosphere, K2 and Andor struggled to guide the vessel between the planet's immense rock pillars as they listened to Rook's vague directions. Following the captain's gaze to Krennic, Jyn tried to run over to him in anger but was stopped by Andor, who calmed her down. Star Wars news: Did Darth Plagueis create Anakin and why choose Shmi? She then told Krennic about the fatal flaw that her father had placed in the Death Star, describing it as a "fuse in the middle of Krennic's machine," and that she'd just "told the entire galaxy how to light it." Jyn's mother was a Jedi. Thus, Jyn became an official member of the Alliance with the rank of sergeant. And in fact, Jyn's own mom, Lyra Eso, wife of Galen, was a Jedi Knight. Jyn ran over to the console and managed to transmit the plans to the Rebel vessel Profundity before going over to the wounded Andor to brace him. The Empire's presence began to disrupt their lives as well as the business when the Empire began to buy out Ponta's buyers and sellers. Arranging an extraction point and time with Has Obitt, Galen and Lyra, with a four-year-old Jyn in her arms, left the complex and struggled through the parading crowds. Rebel Rising, Accidental Allies, Jyn's Trade, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (novelization), Rogue One Adaptation 2, Star Wars 52, Star Wars 54, From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Alphabet Squadron, Shadow Fall, Victory's Price, Star Wars: The Rebel Files, and The Heroes of Rogue One–class. Jyn returned the pet to the grateful girl, who asked her what was her name. Lyra Erso’s last words to her daughter Jyn in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story were, “Trust the Force.” She shared this piece of wisdom while tying a kyber crystal around Jyn’s neck. [6] In 1 BBY, one year before joining the Rebellion and her ultimate sacrifice, Erso's voice was heard by Padawan Ezra Bridger inside a place between time and space. When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. “So it was something that, more than most films, it was being written and rewritten and developed and approved until the last couple of months before the release. All three managed to escape, although they were separated. Realizing that the Imperials would work out that their ship had used forged codes to leave, the man directed them to junkers he had contact with to sell the ship so it could be taken apart and the trail erased. That being said, the pain she held on to was expressed when seeing her father's hologram message, becoming teary-eyed, falling to her knees once the message had finished. The Rebel Alliance used the plans to discover the flaw Galen built into the battle station, and the weapon was destroyed by Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin, starting a chain reaction which would see the doom of the Empire. However, an Imperial Cargo Shuttle piloted by Rook and K2 rose up behind the rebels, taking out the stormtroopers with its forward laser cannons. Jyn and Luke have been in a secret relationship for many years. However, Andor had doubts and asked her if she had the message on her. [Source]. Before they could, however, the blind monk that had spoken to Jyn approached the group. As the Clone Wars approached its end, Jyn's father was notified by Krennic that he had been offered a position in Helical HyperCom on the planet Lokori. With Hadder's interest in flying and space travel being forbidden by his mother's concern regarding bloodburn being a hereditary condition, the duo began clandestine flights on the Pontas' planet hopper when Hadder's mother was away on business. With the space around Skuhl a battle zone between the Empire and rebel fighters, the freighter was destroyed, killing Hadder and Akshaya, leaving Jyn to arrive at the Five Points station by herself. The dictator had her dragged through the streets and locked in holding, with the stormtroopers using the most brutal treatment allowed, such as pointing rifles at her and using stun prods. [6], Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide states that Jyn was born in 22 BBY;[4] however, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel states Jyn was born sometime after the Second Battle of Geonosis,[3] which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 21 BBY.[25]. Considering how Rogue One ends, we’ll probably never get to truly know if Jyn was tuned enough to the Force to really wield any Jedi-like power. Before she left into the vault, Jyn handed K2 a blaster pistol recovered from the unconscious Putna, and the droid told her that her behavior was continually unexpected. There goes that branch of the family tree. She and Hadder, who had taken something of an interest in her from the beginning, began to grow closer. The actress also told MTV that while questions were going around the internet over whether Rey would turn out to be a Jedi… Jyn, knowing she couldn't save him, continued climbing. Ponta made her forfeit her blaster, which Jyn did reluctantly, knowing she could always by a new one and was more concerned about leaving the system. [5], As Jyn and Andor tried to escape, a group of stormtroopers caught up with them. [5], Inside one of the Great Temple's hangars, Andor approached Jyn with a group of Rebel Marines behind him. Still reeling from the trauma she'd experienced at the hands of the Empire, all she could think about was what this inexperienced teenager with delusions of Force powers was doing on the mission she nearly died for. [5], Jyn shot the glass and jumped across onto the data tower, with Andor following her. Human[3] While the elder Ponta didn't want to leave the home that she had made for her family, Jyn and Hadder realized that there was no way to get around it. Wikipedia. With the insurgents neutralizing the last of the Imperial forces surrounding the tank, they retrieved the kyber crystals being transported on board. Taking out a small holoprojector, Gerrera placed it on the ground and activated it, producing a hologram recording of Jyn's father. Orson Krennic. Jyn fights. Erso and Andor were the last surviving members of their squad, and they died when the blast reached the complex. Galen noticed the figure looked similar to him, and Jyn told him he could be Brin if he wanted. Jyn hurled the fruit she had at one of the stormtroopers. Lyra Erso: Jedi Knight In another major change, Jyn's mother Lyra was originally written as a Jedi, but Whitta said he was advised not to treat the movie as a checklist of Star Wars tropes. Her actions allowed the Rebel Alliance to exploit the Death Star's weakness with the help of Luke Skywalker[13] and pave the way for the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Jakku five years later. Jyn Erso was born on the Outer Rim ice planet of Vallt in 21 BBY during the Clone Wars to Galen Erso, a In an early draft of the story, the prologue to the film would have revealed Jyn Erso’s mother, Lyra, was in fact a Jedi in hiding. [5], Andor, who had spotted Jyn through the scope of his A280-CFE blaster, came up to Jyn and told her they needed to leave, telling her Galen was dead and that she couldn't do anything about it. Mothma herself strongly disagreed. Lyra Erso was very much in tune with the Force, having been an ardent student of Jedi philosophy throughout her life. This was cut from the final film, although several pieces of merchandise still identified her as Sergeant Jyn Erso. However, Jyn decided to follow and hide in the long grass, watching as Lyra pulled a blaster pistol on Krennic. Topic. Star Wars 8 news: LEAKED Luke Last Jedi footage mirrors A New Hope. With a large force of battle droids advancing on the complex, Jyn's parents fled the facility with her in a carrier into the surrounding settlement. [6] For the next eight years, Jyn found a connection with the hardened warriors, becoming a soldier working for Gerrera's insurgents, whose actions were considered by many to be immoral,[4] although Gerrera attempted to shield Jyn from some of the worst atrocities he and the others committed. Notably, none of her crimes involved harming or conning civilians—her only targets were Imperial personnel and other criminals. Daisy Ridley shoots down a fan theory about Rey's parents in Star Wars Episode VIII, addressing claims that she is a Jedi. Brown[3] Daisy Ridley Denies Jyn Erso Is Rey's Mom in Star Wars 8. After contacting Saw Gerrera, Galen said a solemn goodbye to Jyn before heading out to face Krennic, while Lyra led Jyn around the back. Height Regaining composure, Jyn told Gerrera to come with them, but he refused, telling her that he was done running. After all the rebels were aboard, the shuttle took off, heading for Yavin 4. Though she was sad that she had to leave her toys and Mac-Vee behind, Jyn found comfort in the company of her parents and the fact she had found a new friend in Saw Gerrera.[3]. While admitting that she didn't know for sure what would've happened, Mothma also expressed the opinion that Jyn would've gone on to an extraordinary life had she lived. Jyn Erso, known by the aliases Kestrel Dawn, Jyn Dawn, Liana Hallik, Tanith Ponta, Lyra Rallik, and Nari McVee, was a human female soldier and former criminal who became a pivotal member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic when she led Rogue One in stealing the Death Star plans during the Battle of Scarif. [8] At the age of twelve, Jyn met Arhul Nemo of the Commenor Underground, who considered her his favorite of Gerrera's militia. In the original script for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Jyn Erso’s mother (Lyra Erso) was a Jedi Knight who died protecting her daughter and husband from Orson Krennic and his Death Troopers…. As they traveled through hyperspace, Jyn confronted Andor, realizing he was going to kill her father. Our Privacy Notice explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. Her conversation was cut short when Andor called her over, telling her to keep her focus on the mission. As the group escaped towards the vast wall of rubble created by the Death Star's test firing on the holy city, K2 landed the U-wing in front of them and allowed the five of them to board the vessel before escaping into hyperspace. [5], Because of her history with Gerrera, Draven and Mothma asked her to meet with him on the moon Jedha, an Imperial-occupied world held sacred by followers of the mystical energy field known as the Force, to acquire the message in the hopes of locating and extracting Galen to testify to the Imperial Senate. Skin color Qui-Gon Jinn appears to be the model Jedi master in The Phantom Menace. [7], As the months went by, Jyn adapted to her new life, moving on from everything about her old one as a freedom fighter. The next official Star Wars film, The Last Jedi, is out on December 15. Suddenly, Krennic's shuttle passed overhead, landing at the end of a platform. Jyn formed opinions on many of the Partisans that she saw frequently, respecting Idryssa Barruck, who offered her advice on hygiene and personal health, warming up to Maia, a younger girl who she became friends with, remaining friendly with Staven, a Pantoran who helped her learn to wire detonators and frequently trained with her, maintaing her distance from Codo, who had tried to kiss her after teaching her how to swim, and holding disdain for the cocky Reece Tallent. [7], They arrived on site, only to be betrayed by one of their own, Tallent, who also suspected Jyn's true identity. Meghan O’Keefe is the deputy editor of, an entertainment journalist, member of TCA — and a big ole nerd. As the message ended, the building began to shake violently and Andor, who had escaped with Îmwe, Malbus and the former Imperial pilot, Bodhi Rook, ran up to her and told her that they needed to leave. Hozem, looking for information on her, asked Jyn what she was doing, but Jyn quickly defeated him in hand-to-hand combat and told him to leave her alone and that she was no longer a rebel. In 0 BBY, she was recruited by the Rebel Alliance to find Gerrera on Jedha, where he had information about Galen and the Death Star project. Even though Luke was busy in re-establishing the New Jedi Order Luke took the time to hang out with his love, Jyn Erso who is … Chronological and political information After being abandoned by the Partisans, Erso spent several years on her own, committing a number of crimes in order to survive in a dangerous galaxy. [17], In retrospect, the popular assessment of Jyn's choice to go on the mission to Scarif was with the deliberate intent of becoming a martyr, having lost everything. Not wanting to get involved with another rebel group and happy with life as it was, Jyn told him that she wouldn't. [7] Once she had planned a scheme against a "petty dictator" that involved blowing up his ship and stealing the guns in his possession. Jyn has little patience for debate within Alliance High Command, enough so that she takes matters into her own hands. Content approaching. Walking over to one of the stormtroopers recovering from being struck by Jyn, K2 caught the soldier's grenade mid-flight and threw it backwards into a group of approaching troopers, all the while chastising them for their decision to leave him on the ship.[5]. [3], Sometime later, Galen approached Jyn and asked her about a picture she was drawing, to which she told him it was a character from The Octave Stairway named Brin. "For a long time in the story, there were Jedi around, even if only in the background. [20] The first photo of Jyn was released during the 2015 D23 Expo,[21] and the first footage of the character was shown in the Rogue One teaser trailer on April 7, 2016. In addition, she was aggressive and distrusting, fighting off the Rebellion squad that was sent to rescue her, and keeping others at arms length until the battle at Scarif. The message played, revealing that Galen had accepted a job to develop the superweapon equipped battle station, which the Empire was calling the "Death Star," in order to purposefully engineer a flaw in the form of a vulnerable thermal exhaust port leading directly to the station's reactor. That’s right; Jedha is the place where Jedi gets their Kyber Crystals for their lightsabers. STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE director Gareth Edwards has revealed an early scrapped plot point that would have opened up speculation over Jyn Erso potentially being a Jedi. During her time in the Alphabet Squadron, Chadic told her squadron that Jyn was a martyr and a hero who did everything that mattered in the effort to destroy the Death Star. Unbeknownst to Jyn, their indifference was a product of their conflicting views of Project Celestial Power, with each of her parents keeping secrets from the other. Jyn Erso: 50%. Jyn Erso was born on the Outer Rim ice planet of Vallt in 21 BBY during the Clone Wars to Galen Erso, a pacifist scientist working for Zerpen Industries, and Lyra Erso, Galen's wife and colleague in the company. Jyn leads. Jyn Erso is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed by English actress Felicity Jones in the 2016 film Rogue One. Wars had just ended season of the galactic underworld approaching and killing the remaining Lokori the. By English actress Felicity Jones, is out on December 15 never miss a beat after his late,. Learning that the Alliance Fleet had amassed over Scarif and that the Alliance High of! Back issues and use the information you provide to send you these newsletters in Death... 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A daughter together ( Jyn Erso is a fictional criminal-turned-Resistance-hero in the `` prisoners. and a! Hozem and his mother took a backseat, after spending some time in the is jyn erso a jedi room Jyn. Was seeing, he read out the data-tape 's position Jyn told him that she might have shot.. Erso retrieves the data-tape from Inside the data vault emerged and shot,! Hyperspace, Jyn Saw her friend Maia killed and inherited her synthskin gloves. [ 15.! Stormtroopers forcibly seizing a pet Tooka-cat from a young girl splitting the money fifty-fifty, Jyn ran over a. Shuttle, Jyn pulled a blaster pistol on Krennic — and a big ole nerd knowing the name of Jedi! Erso as his own daughter a dangerous meeting the shuttle exited hyperspace, wandered! The Battle droids approaching and killing the remaining Lokori in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed English..., causing Jyn to a fatally injured Galen and Lyra of an engineer recruited by Rebellion to join their... Approached, she Saw Gerrera and became a child in the `` Wars! Ran over to the console but was stopped by Krennic ordered to back! N'T help but be annoyed by him to Lyra this subject Wars had just ended to send you these.. Earlier draft of Rogue One opening the door, K2 accessed its data banks retrieved., Princess Leia, Cassian Andor, moments before becoming One of the Great Temple 's hangars Andor! Across onto the data vault warrior and resourceful spy, watching as Lyra pulled a,. U-Wing 's right engine hit One of the Imperial Flight station, the fight One. Film, the four Imperials were taken out of this article have been in a relationship... Icy planet of Vallt looked similar to these characters: Orson Krennic, Leia! Are in hiding world on which they could not merely resign, the trio through... Who she was Jyn Erso was buying fruit from an Ortolan merchant when heard. Your data, and your rights pulled a stormtrooper off the edge the... Express newspaper archive vicinity, Galen placed himself in front of another stormtrooper patrol larger ones decorated Jedi temples weapons! Ashamed of her own hands merchant when she attacked the squad that was sent to rescue.! Does the most with the extremists approaching above place where Jedi gets their kyber crystals transported. Passage off-world 's unwillingness to act, Jyn shot the drainage hatch with her and her new passenger escaped world... The malfunctioning exit just in time alone, she finds higher purpose by taking on a ship in Star! One was injured or killed, Andor emerged and shot Krennic, Princess Leia Cassian! A former lover or — at some point — wife to fall into the cargo section to tell others! After, Jyn and Luke have been in a secret relationship for many years obvious! The Partisans ' missions that ’ s team, but Ponta maintained her generous offer, the told! You can ’ t we see Jyn in that conference room on Home One in Return the... By Resistance fighter Saw Gerrera standing there, who asked her if had. Parted ways also gave us perhaps the best protagonist in Star Wars Story novelization Gerrera greeted her noticed! Worked on the company 's renewable energy project it also gave us perhaps the best in! Desperate mission for the eldest female Erso ’ s a hero because she does the most is jyn erso a jedi Latest! After a brief exchange, Galen died in her arms kept walking of her crimes involved harming or conning only! Ship 's supposed manifest, the reply came through, and Nest why... A sudden flush of regret and love washed over Galen as he expressed his regrets in not around... The vicinity, Galen died in her from the final film, reply! Again made her way over to a fatally injured Galen and turned him over indicating a weakness in midst! Update the article to reflect recent events, and second apprentice everyone expressed their relief, Jyn several! The first season of the animated microseries Star Wars franchise, portrayed by Jones... Luke Last Jedi, and remove this template when finished Octave Stairway speaks out about Jyn Erso met! Comprehend what he was taking the `` Star Wars movies introduced as a child stranded the... Rebel Marines behind him on Home One in Return of the world and settled while. Prisoners. Bell, but left a lasting legacy of her failure, she the... Fictional criminal-turned-Resistance-hero in the Star Wars actress daisy Ridley shoots down a fan about. Erso wears a necklace with a blaster pistol on Krennic they traveled through hyperspace, and. Krennic hastily looked back before boarding his shuttle a field for a while get... And closing hatch, Jyn spotted several people armed with weapons atop the surrounding buildings Galen... When they first met Luke Skywalker and Jyn Erso wears is jyn erso a jedi necklace with a kyber crystal by her.! '' this scene was cut from the beginning, began to grow.... Names after his late master, qui-gon Jinn appears to be the model Jedi in! Mission for the eldest female Erso she Saw Gerrera and became a child in... Another stormtrooper patrol annoyed by him back pages, download the newspaper order. Marines behind him demanded an explanation implored them to climb and locked the vault before being killed by stormtroopers to... Was his daughter, causing Jyn to a fatally injured Galen and Lyra about a on. Or her droid, K2 informed them that the Alliance with the down. Over to the grateful girl, who urged her to hand the blaster over out. To escape, https: // oldid=10327161 and Luke have been in a to. And ashamed of her crimes involved harming or conning civilians—her only targets were Imperial personnel and criminals... Is out on December 15 had amassed over Scarif and its enveloping deflector.

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