development and social change mcmichael pdf

Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Horton R, et al. From a systematic review of the literature, five categories can be delineated: production, necessary and sufficient, sufficient-component, counterfactual, and probabilistic. Epstein PR. Furthermore, agriculture (especially livestock production) accounts for around one fourth of global greenhouse-gas emissions.30 Thus, there are growing pressures to transform food production (e.g., more mixed cropping and inclusion of acceptable genetically modified crops), distribution, and consumption. From the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia. Lee K, Yach D, Kamradt-Scott A. Welton G. Oxfam research report: the impact of Russia's 2010 wheat export ban. Autologous Ex Vivo Lentiviral Gene Therapy for Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency, Bringing Harm Reduction into Health Policy — Combating the Overdose Crisis. Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2012:885-913. Postgrad Med J 2010;86:230-234, 40. Primary prevention of health problems arising from such global environmental and sociodemographic changes therefore requires coordinated international policy, supplemented by more local policy-making and action. Jones KE, Patel NJ, Leyy MA, et al. 34. It is not surprising that the health effects of climate change will be predominantly adverse.38 After all, human biology, domesticated food sources, and culture in general have evolved over many millennia within the usual prevailing climate. Download Full PDF Package. James Milner and colleagues argue that carefully considered policies to lower carbon emissions can also improve health, and we should use these benefits to push for strong climate action In June 2019 the UK legally committed to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to net zero by 2050.1 To reach this target the Committee on Climate Change says that a rapid … Lobell DB, Field CB. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Pencheon D. Health services and climate change: what can be done? Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the full text of this article at In recent decades, international connectivity has increased on many fronts, including the flow of information, movements of people, trading patterns, the flow of capital, regulatory systems, and cultural diffusion. development comprises types of economic and social development which protect and enhance the natural environment, social equity and human well-being. Bull World Health Organ 2007;85:162-162, 22. 3. Indicators of Early Health Effects of Climate Change. Furthermore, the negative-feedback loop of excessive population pressure on regional environments (involving soil exhaustion, water depletion, and the loss of various wild animal and plant food species) not only exacerbates various ongoing worldwide environmental and ecologic changes but also entrenches conditions of poverty and disadvantage. Furthermore, Australia is particularly vulnerable to the potential effects of Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis. Butler CD, McMichael AJ. The figure is a schematic representation of the three major domains — social, economic, and environmental — within which globalizing processes and changes are occurring. Tripp JTB. Populations living in diverse social, economic, and physical conditions will be affected differently by climate changes.18,38 Low-income and remote populations are more vulnerable to physical hazards, undernutrition, diarrheal and other infectious diseases, and the health consequences of displacement. China Security 2009;5:25-39, 29. Science 2012;335:289-290, 30. Furthermore, populations everywhere will be vulnerable to increasingly severe extreme weather events. 2. The complex nature of climate change and its environmental and social manifestations results in diverse risks to human health. Asheville, NC: NOAA, 2012 ( DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1109341, Tap into groundbreaking research and clinically relevant insights. Energy transitions and the global land rush: ultimate drivers and persistent consequences. Meanwhile, moderate gains have been made in facilitating education for girls, although progress in this, as well as in the provision of adequate education about reproduction and reproductive choice, remains slow in many low-income countries.13 Where unplanned pregnancy rates remain high (e.g., Timor-Leste and Nigeria), so do risks to maternal and child health. During heat waves, deaths and hospitalizations predominate among the elderly, patients with chronic cardiorespiratory disease, and persons living in low-grade housing. These changes pose fundamental threats to human well-being and health.4,7 For example, a positive relationship has been observed between regional trends in climate (rising temperatures and declining rainfall) and childhood stunting in Kenya since 1975, indicating that as projected warming and drying continue to occur along with population growth, food yields and nutritional health will be impaired.8 These human-induced climatic changes often act in concert with environmental, demographic, and social stressors that variously influence regional food yields, nutrition, and health. 12. Lancet 2011;377:1438-1447, 17. Haines A, Cassels A. These include land degradation, ocean acidification, and disruptions and depletions of the stratospheric ozone concentration, soil fertility, fresh-water resources, biodiversity stocks and ecosystem functioning, and global nitrogen and phosphorus cycles.4 Greenhouse emissions from fossil fuel–based power generation and transport and from the agriculture and mining sectors increase the heat-retaining capacity of the lower atmosphere, resulting in global warming (see the interactive graphic at Discover how she’s bringing empathy, problem-solving skills, and deep knowledge to the task of empowering adult learners — and the key role great coaches play in helping learners and programs thrive. However, while governments continue to wrestle with this unprecedented, complex political and ethical task, the more immediate challenge for the health sector is to identify the main regional health threats posed by climate change and ensure the development of risk-lessening adaptations. Modeling consistently projects an increase in regional aridity, and in the geographic range and severity of droughts, during this century.36 The frequency, and perhaps intensity, of extreme weather events is also expected to increase in most regions — and may well have already begun to do so.37, The complex nature of climate change and its environmental and social manifestations results in diverse risks to human health.17,18,38 A three-way classification of these risks and causal pathways is shown in Table 1.39, Our current, rather skewed knowledge of climate–health relationships has come from epidemiologic studies of health risks in relation to differences and extremes in temperature and from quasicyclical climatic events such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation phenomenon. Climate change induced by human activities, for example, is due to the globally aggregated excess of greenhouse emissions. The most trusted, influential source of new medical knowledge and clinical best practices in the world. Since the environmental, particularly climatic, effects of producing red meat from methane-producing ruminants (e.g., cattle, sheep, and goats) are so great, thought needs to be given to the question of whether production of this protein source will need to be curtailed — while allowing a sufficient increase to ensure safe childhood nutrition in the many poorer populations, which currently consume levels of red meat that are lower than those in the overconsuming rich populations by a factor of 10.30 The global food security issue is further complicated by the ongoing land grab in eastern Africa and elsewhere by richer countries seeking investment opportunities and self-insurance against future land, food, and biofuel shortages (e.g., Middle Eastern oil-producing states, China, and South Korea).31. J Health Serv Res Policy 2009;14:2-4, April 4, 2013N Engl J Med 2013; 368:1335-1343 N Engl J Med 2005;353:1433-1436, 18. Clim Change 2011;104:13-49, 48. J Public Health (Oxf) 2010;32:157-158, 14. THE IMPACT OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES ON COASTAL ZONE FOR SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD. Haines A, McMichael AJ, Smith KR, et al. Knowlton K, Lynn B, Goldberg RA, et al. Many other aspects of globalization influence population health,2 including the accelerated emergence of new infectious diseases,14,15 the near-ubiquitous rise in the rates of obesity and associated noncommunicable diseases as daily bodily energy budgets (food energy input vs. physical energy output) shift into surplus,16 the spread of cigarette marketing, the effects of climate change,17,18 increases in resistance to antimicrobial agents, and health risks in the workplace due to the deregulation of international labor markets.2 Looming large in the background as additional determinants of health are the persistent, even increasing, disparities in wealth, education, autonomy, and social inclusion.19 There are, of course, certain aspects of globalization that are beneficial to health, such as the enhanced flow of information, improvements in internationally coordinated vaccination programs and systems to respond to infectious diseases, and a greater capacity for long-distance responses to disasters. Human health. Moore S. Climate change, water and China's national interest. Appl Geogr 2012;35:405-413. World population prospects, the 2010 revision. The mitigation of climate change is a crucial first-order task for the world. Geology of mankind: the Anthropocene. Download free books in PDF format. Processes and Pathways through Which Climate Change Influences Human Health. In many cases, river flows are threatened by the loss of glacier mass and snowpack due to global warming and by the increased diversion of flow by neighbors upstream. Social drivers Rural to urban migration Employment of women Sedentary lifestyles Figure 1 highlights urbanization, increasing incomes and foreign direct investment in markets of developing countries as the main economic drivers influencing changes in food supply and diet. READ PAPER. Download Free PDF. 4. The direct health impacts of climate change are shown in the upper right part of the figure, most of them due to amplified extreme weather events. Global scale climate -- crop yield relationships and the impacts of recent warming. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Smith KR, Balakrishnan K. Mitigating climate, meeting MDGs, and moderating chronic disease: the health co-benefits landscape. Of the original nine proposed boundaries, they identify three (including climate change) … Environ Res Lett 2007;2:014002-014002, 41. This article provides an overview of the current and projected climate change risks and impacts to mental health and provides recommendations for priority actions to address the mental health consequences of climate change. Garnaut Climate Change Review, 2008 ($File/03-A%20Three%20health%20outcomes.pdf). In these latter circumstances, fertility rates tend to remain high. In the 21st century, it refers generally to the capacity for Earth's biosphere and human civilization to co-exist. Hunt A, Watkiss P. Climate change impacts and adaptation in cities: a review of the literature. 39. 33. Managing the health effects of climate change. An average rise of 4°C would return Earth's temperature to a level not experienced for 10 million to 20 million years.35, Rainfall patterns will also change, with rainfall increasing in some regions and seasons and decreasing in others. Nature 2012;486:52-58, 6. 37. New York: John Wiley, 2010. Glob Health Action 2011;4:3-5, 42. Grace K, Davenport F, Funk C, Lerner AM. The ongoing need for prevention has also been brought into sharp focus by the increase in chronic diseases, with the large associated health, social and economic burdens (see Chapter 4 ‘Chronic disease—Australia’s biggest health challenge’). Sustainability is the capacity to endure in a relatively ongoing way across various domains of life. Promoting global population health while constraining the environmental footprint. Second, the decline in available seafood protein (which is important for many low-income coastal populations) is a threat to health and reflects the unprecedented combination of ocean warming, acidification (due to increased uptake of carbon dioxide), deoxygenation,26 destruction of coastal fish nurseries, and overfishing.27. Hernandez MA, Robles M, Torero M. Fires in Russia, wheat production, and volatile markets: reasons to panic? For example, in temperate countries, as summers become hotter and heat waves more severe, modeling indicates that, from around mid-century, additional heat-related deaths will progressively overwhelm the number of deaths averted as a result of milder winters.42,43 Such estimates of the extreme effects of weather will improve as the modeling of changes in climatic variability under climate-change conditions improves and as researchers take better account of physiological, behavioral, and technological adaptation by populations over time. Shown are their main components, the two-way interactions between them, and the central fact that all three domains influence the conditions for and levels of population health. Annu Rev Public Health 2011;32:263-283. Lancet 2008;372:1661-1669, 20. N Y Univ J Int Law Polit 1987;20:733-752, 25. Rosenzweig C, Karoly D, Vicarelli M, et al. THE IMPACT OF EXCRETA DISPOSAL INTO LAGOS LAGOON ON THE LAGOON ECOSYSTEM AT IDDO DISCHARGE POINT IN APAPA LOCAL …, APPLICATION OF GIS TECHNIQUES IN URBAN SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN A PART OF DHAKA CITY: MOHAMMADPUR THANA, Environmental Considerations in Nigerian Agricultural Policies, Strategies and Programs. Evengard B, McMichael AJ. Course Outline. BMJ 2003;327:154-157. The impacts of climate change on three health outcomes: temperature-related mortality and hospitalisations, salmonellosis and other bacterial gastroenteritis, and population at risk from dengue. Also contributing to such warming are any ongoing natural variations in climate caused by cosmologic and geologic influences.32, Most of the global warming since 1950 (an increase of 0.7°C) has been the result of human activity.32 Annual global emissions of carbon dioxide have increased over the past decade, as have the rates of sea-level rise, the loss of Arctic sea ice, and the number of extreme weather events.33 Without substantial and prompt international action to abate these emissions, average global temperatures (relative to the year 2000) are likely to rise by 1 to 2°C by 2050 and by 3 to 4°C by 2100, including increases of up to 6 to 7°C at high northern latitudes.33,34 Additional warming of another 0.7°C is locked in from the extra radiative energy already absorbed by the lower atmosphere and, in turn, by the oceans, though not yet manifested as surface warming. McMichael AJ, Lindgren E. Climate change: present and future risks to health, and necessary responses. 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