articles with proper nouns

As you said in your first post, a/an is often used with a person's name: We met a sad George yesterday. The moon is very bright tonight. the Addams (= the Addams family) name, nickname. This bachelor thesis describes the use of articles with nouns in English, focusing on proper nouns. You'll just have to learn them piecemeal. In Example 1, the title of a publication in the first sentence is followed by the noun "whitepaper", thus the definite article in front of it. (with keys) Level: intermediate Age: 12-17 Downloads: 211 Proper Nouns and Common Nouns- Safari Fun Level: elementary Age: 3-17 Downloads: 190 Proper Nouns and Common Nouns **fully editable Level: elementary Age: 7-17 Downloads: 117 proper nouns ( + keys ) Level: elementary Age: 10-15 Downloads: 99 Articles with proper nouns Level: … William Shakespear, Bono, Kennedy. Topic: Using the Definite Article (the) with Generic Nouns. 5. some countries, areas, provinces: the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, the United Kingdom (UK), the United States of America (USA), the Ukraine, the Caucasus. 11. names of vessels: the Titanic, the Discovery, etc. Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills. The Napoleon. Nouns may be divided into two categories: A proper noun is the name of a person, place or thing and requires capitalization. Articles and Nouns An article is a word that identifies (or modifies) a noun. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. In addition, this decision can have an important impact on a noun’s meaning, and failure to use articles appropriately can also result in poor readability of a text for an American academic reader. 12. names of many English-speaking newspapers: the Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian, etc. But, names of lakes are used without ‘the’, i.e. Article usage with a proper noun is affected by more than whether the noun uses a singular or plural form. name with title. Mike lives in Bangalore, India. Sometimes an article is used with proper nouns when they are used as common nouns. Using of British National Corpus and Corpus of Contemporary American English, it describes and compare distribution of articles with proper nouns. (Use a definite article bef ore the name of a country or geographical location if the name suggests that it contains separate regions or areas.) Although native speakers of English have internalized these decisions and rarely have to think about article choice, non-native speakers of English must constantly think about whether to use a/an, the, or ø (no article). Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. an online interface through which you can manage many aspects of your SWS writing consultations, Visit our virtual front desk (Mondays–Thursdays 9:00–4:00, and Fridays 9:00–2:30), Email for questions about the Center for Writing, center for writing | student writing support | grammar | choosing articles with proper nouns. But, we do not use ‘the’ before most planet names, like Saturn and Mars. He was ………………………….. of his age. name with title. Nouns expressing relationship not followed by a proper noun and the nouns nurse, cook, baby do not take the article when used by members of the family. For explanations of the examples, please see Student Writing Support’s online self-study module for articles with common nouns. All rights reserved. Even after studying articles for years, many non-native speakers of English find it challenging to use articles, especially in formal academic writing in English. Also Read: Noun Definition and Examples The It’s easy to use proper nouns, once you know what they are. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. 7. parts of the world: the South, in the North, to the West, etc. The distinction between common and proper nouns is important when you edit for articles because, in most cases, proper nouns do not need articles. 1. Unfortunately there are a myriad cases involving proper nouns with adjectival attributes and the indefinite article. Definite Article and Proper Nouns : Articles : Articles 1. 10. names of organizations, government, committees, associations, foundations, etc. The name of the person who made this website; Marcus, can serve as an example of a proper noun. For example, you would not use an article with the following singular proper nouns: Thursday, Geography 1301, Coffman Union Proper nouns in a plural form frequently use the. Print. NOUNS 4: USE OF ARTICLES WITH PROPER NOUNS HEAAADERLOGORIGHT 3 Presentation 2 - Buildings, organizations, institutions Names of buildings, organizations, and institutions are also used with and without ‘the’. Now that we have learnt the difference between common nouns and proper nouns, we need to learn how to use articles with the two. Napoleon. the Addams (= the Addams family) name, nickname. Burnsville, MN: Aspen, 2004. 3. mountain ranges: the Alps, the Pennines, the Urals. Success with Graduate and Scholarly Writing: A Guide for Non-Native Writers of English. If a noun spelled out takes a/an, the, or ø, treat the noun's acronym or abbreviation the same way. Martin's, 2009. A Napoleon. Proper nouns generally do not take any articles, but when a proper noun needs to be used as a common noun, you must bring a or an - for it. That's exactly what the … : the Finance Committee, the British Parliament, the Teachers’ Association, etc. John is from England. Use of articles with proper nouns. Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad, and Geoffrey Leech. In still other cases use of the article is conventional but not considered part of the name. A common noun refers to a person, place, or thing. Who is the president of France? Like adjectives, articles modify nouns. However, even though these nouns are inherently definite, the definite article THE is not used with most SINGULAR proper nouns. Example: He thinks he is a Shakespeare. Keywords: Nouns, determiners, articles, structure of NP, proper nouns… The Kabul back then was calmer and peaceful. It takes the definite article the because back then, the identity of Kabul was different than what we have today. But, we do not use ‘the’ before most planet names, like Saturn and Mars. 6. parts of towns: the West End, the Soho, the City (London), etc. English has two articles: the and a/an. I have a teacher named John. The use of articles with proper nouns (articles with the proper nouns) devoted three articles on the blog. Basic rules about types of nouns and the articles that can be used with them govern the steps that you follow. We use ‘the’ with the following proper nouns: Geographic areas. Print. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2004. All the nouns are bascically categorised into two types. We call the the definite article and … Although most proper nouns do not need an article, there are several exceptions to this rule. Publication date: 21/06/2011. Making an appropriate choice—that is, a choice that does not violate English grammar rules and delivers the writer’s intended meaning—can be complicated. The general rule of English is: we don’t use article with proper nouns – names of people and places and things. Definite Articles Articles are Demonstrative Adjectives. In this lesson, students study and practice the use and omission of the article ‘the’ before the names of people, places, buildings, organizations, and institutions. A noun may be a person, place, thing, or idea. A Pocket Style Manual. “I’d like to see Mother,” said Emily. Examples: Steven Pinker, Lake Superior, the World Trade Organization (WTO). Articles are omitted before material nouns. Common noun: There are a lot of important documents in the archives. 4. rivers, seas, oceans, canals: the Thames, the Amazon, the Danube, the Black Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Panama Canal, the English Channel, etc. How to Use Proper Nouns . Basically, an article is an adjective. There are two types of articles: indefinite and definite. 5th ed. The definite article the is the most frequent word in English. Longman’s Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Proper nouns refer to specific people, places, and things (Martin Luther King, New York City, St. Patrick’s Cathedral). 2nd ed. modify the common noun "airport," which is not capitalized. The and zero article with proper names. I feel that the articles are used with proper nouns when the identity, form, state or character of those nouns change. 1. That is, we take the name of one specific thing, and use it to refer to a class of things, usually to say "other things of this sort". Common noun: He’s always hanging out with his girlfriend. Proper nouns are names of people, places, things, and ideas, such … The man who made this website can serve as an example of a common noun. a whole family, a couple. Mount Everest, Lake Calhoun, Harriet Island, North America, Canada, Quebec, Minnesota, Minneapolis, the Midwest, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mississippi River, the Bahamas, the United States, the European Union, the Republic of Korea, the Ford Motor Company, the Unocal Corporation, the Mozilla Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, Articles: Choosing a/an, the, or nothing (ø) with common nouns, Using an articles chart with common nouns. Correct! The articles a and an are indefinite articles and the article the is a definite article. Proper noun: There are many important documents at The Library of Congress. The indefinite article is usually not used with place names in similar cases: We arrived in fascinating Amsterdam yesterday. (Here, ‘Shakespeare’ does not refer to the actual person but someone like him.) In the examples we're looking at, Boston, New York, Tokyo, etc. Articles with proper nouns worksheet . Theoretical part deals with classification of nouns, structure of noun phrases and distribution of determiners. Rachel. A noun is a word that represents a person, place, or thing. Common nouns are nouns that are not formal names, such as girl, school, city, and superhero. Holt, Sheryl. For each common noun, see our quicktips, "Articles: Choosing a/an, the, or nothing (ø) with common nouns" and “Using an articles chart with common nouns.” For each proper noun, follow the guidelines that begin with Step 2, below. There are certain situations in which a noun takes no article. Check out this video to learn when to use definite and zero article with names: © 2021 Avantis, s.r.o. We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the listener/reader knows exactly what we are referring to: because there is only one: The Pope is visiting Russia. However, some proper nouns are used with the definite article ‘the’. People's names. no article. (Wrong) Instead of. The genera rule is that we don't use an article with a proper noun. The worksheet is suitable for both classroom practice and self-study. For each proper noun, see our quicktip, “Articles: Choosing a/an, the, or nothing (ø) with proper nouns.” For each common noun, see our quicktip, “Using an articles chart with common nouns,” and follow the guidelines that begin with Step 2, below. 13. names of families: the Forsytes, the Simpsons, etc. Swales, John M., and Christine B. Feak. Print. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns. A common noun is a word that represents a person, place, or thing but is not the name of that person, place, or thing. Articles never come with the names of any person or place. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. the. Common and proper nouns worksheets: Common and Proper Nouns Level: elementary Age: 7-17 Downloads: 432 Common and Proper Nouns Part 1 Level: elementary Age: 9-17 Downloads: 273 Common and Proper Nouns Part 2 Level: elementary Age: 9-17 Downloads: 260 Articles with proper nouns (city geography) Practice. 2. certain geographical names: the South Pole, the North Pole, the Arctic, the Netherlands, the Hague, the UK, etc. (with keys) Level: intermediate Age: 12-17 … Each noun is also either a count noun (countable) or a mass noun (uncountable). Harlow, Essex, England: Pearson Education Ltd, 2002. We use ‘the’ with the following proper nouns: Geographic areas 1. astronomical names: the Sun, the North Star, the Milky Way, the Great Bear, etc. It is possible to control a large percentage of your article usage by following the steps below. no article. Common nouns can take either the indefinite … A common noun does not require capitalization. The general rule of English is: we don’t use article with proper nouns – names of people and places and things. However, some proper nouns are used with the definite article ‘the’. Separately presented material relating to the use of articles with geographic names and personal names. Indefinite Articles Indefinite Articles for Singular Nouns A is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound (for singular nouns only). RATE THIS LESSON. 5. The Susan Brown was considered a troubled woman. Articles with proper nouns (city geography) Practice. (‘Australia’ is a proper noun but ‘Australian’ is a common noun … the. Wrong! This kind of article usage must simply be memorized.2. Proper nouns in a singular form infrequently use articles. Proper noun: I can see Jupiter tonight. However, some proper nouns are used with the definite article ‘the’. But, single mountains take no article: Everest, Mont Blanc, etc. 8. deserts: the Sahara, the Gobi, the Karakum, etc. Proper Noun as a Brand Name: For example consider Pencil brand names like Camlin, Apsara, Nataraj, Doms, etc which are usually the Proper Nouns. In any case, "airport" is a singular count noun, and needs an article before its modifier (s). Print. But occasionally, a proper noun is used as a common noun. Over time I developed this rule where if a title or a proper name is followed by a common noun that represents the class of the entity I am referring to, then I use the definite article. It has least to do with adjectives. 9. names of public institutions (museums, hotels, restaurants), unique buildings and monuments: the White House, the National Gallery, the British Museum, the Hermitage, etc. Article usage with a proper noun is affected by more than whether the noun uses a singular or plural form. Boston: Bedford/St. When we want to specify a unique object among a class of objects, we always use the definite Indefinite Articles 2. Some examples of the most common types of exceptions are given below: o Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands. Nouns expressing relationship followed by names of persons do not take the article: Aunt Polly, Uncle James. We use ‘the’ with the following proper nouns: 1. astronomical names: the Sun, the North Star, the Milky Way, the Great Bear, etc. Proper noun: He never goes anywhere without Sarah. For example, you would not use an article with the following singular proper nouns: Thursday, Geography 1301, Coffman Union, For example, you would use the with the following proper plural nouns: the Girl Scouts, the Minnesota Twins, Some article usage with proper nouns is not necessarily dependent on whether the noun is plural or singular. William Shakespear, Bono, Kennedy. People's names. Tags: articles Grammar practice. a whole family, a couple. The table below summarizes the general rules. Using a good learner’s dictionary such as The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, asking a native-English-speaking friend, analyzing sample texts that use the proper noun(s) under question, and/or working with a writing consultant in Student Writing Support can help you note these exceptions. He seems to be an Australian. Susan Brown was considered a troubled woman. We do not capitalize the first letter of common nouns. This kind of writing in general uses more nouns than other types of writing1, and every noun requires a decision about articles. © 2011 Regents of the University of Minnesota. Those are, Common Noun; Proper Noun; Now let us understand more about the Proper Noun with examples below. What is an article? 1. When an acronym or abbreviation is used as an adjective, choose the article according to the noun being modified: Even though the rules and resources above can help you control a large percentage of your article usage with nouns, there are an unfortunate number of exceptions. The and zero article with proper names. English generally omits articles for personal names, but some institutions may include it as part of their name, in which case it is always included but capitalization may depend on the style guide in use. All rights reserved. Many common nouns need articles. The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It's not totally accurate, but it's a way of speaking. A or an - sometimes makes a Proper Noun a Common Noun. Lake Ontario, Lake Chad, etc. Hacker, Diana. Identity of Kabul was different than what we have today are nouns that are formal. Govern the steps that you follow family ) name, nickname a decision about.... 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