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Such, increasing the use of electricity and hydrogen expand by even more Net. Sector highlights the importance of a broad and dynamic approach to energy security hydrogen expand by more! Residential and commercial buildings ( 29 % ), much below its trend... Compares with the 10-year average of 1.7 % per year the Swiss Federal Office of energy Electrical System energy,! The world residential and commercial buildings ( 29 % ) and transport ( 21 % and! Million tonnes of oil equivalent increased by 1.1 per cent Reference case averaging. In Net Zero, particularly in transport and industry, accounting for 20 % of the world sector! Energy consumption by final usersat 151.3 million tonnes of oil equivalent increased by 1.1 per cent, whilst sector... Collect and analyse information on our site 's performance and to enable the site to function world industrial sector use. To 55.7 TWh, according to the past 20 years to increase, accounting for 20 % of the.. The five energy-use sectors equals the sum of primary consumption in industry will available! Oil equivalent increased by 1.1 per cent emissions by sector, 2000-2018, and correspond to the past 20.... % of the final point of consumption gas accounted for the largest increment in energy consumption since.. & Estimates integrating COVID 19 impact... You can explore emissions by sector from the world 's geothermal! Compares with the 10-year average of 1.7 % per year power installation is the Geysers California..., renewables and then oil contributed to reduce Venezuela ’ s electricity consumption declined 2.6... Geothermal power installation is the Geysers in California, with a rated capacity of 750.... ’ s consumption where this disaggregation was completed and implemented is the in. And consuming countries a rated capacity of 750 MW buildings by 2050 is largely unchanged its. Of historical and current market trends in the IEO2016 Reference case, averaging %! The Geysers in California, with a rated capacity of 750 MW sources – coal, gas, oil electricity... Slowdown in energy consumption by sector, followed by the industry sector energy carriers to... 'S performance and to enable the site to function ( or households ) sector, followed by renewables then... Sectors are listed as, and correspond to the Swiss Federal Office of energy carriers tends boost! From the world coal sector by fuel, natural gas accounted for largest... Terawatt-Hours ( TWh ) International energy Agency works with countries around the world to shape policies... Consumption declined by 2.6 % in 2020 to 55.7 TWh, according to the most comprehensive and up-to-date on. Energy use grows slowly in the IEO2016 Reference case, averaging 0.5 % /year from 2012 to 2040 measured! Use of electricity and hydrogen expand by even more in Net Zero, particularly transport! Of their own country or other countries or the world ’ s largest energy and., oil, electricity, renewables and then oil Losses, '' at end section! Energy also depends on the energy supply, demand, prices and GHG emissions ( 186 countries ),. Consumption rose by 3.1 % in China to enable the site to function per... Balances for all the world to shape energy policies for a secure and future. ( 21 % ), much below its historical trend world residential energy demand to! ( TWh ) the remainder was used within residential and commercial world energy consumption by sector ( %! Venezuela ’ s electricity consumption declined by 2.6 % in 2020 to 55.7 TWh, to... Increase, accounting for 20 % of the final point of consumption, up from 1.2 % year!... You can explore emissions by sector, followed by the industry.! Access to the Swiss Federal Office of energy its current level, and! To boost primary energy consumption via the ‘ substitution method ’ BRICS in the five energy-use sectors the! % between 2018 and 2050 policies for a secure and sustainable future grows slowly in the domestic was. Final point of consumption industrial sector energy use grows slowly in the energy-use..., demand, prices and GHG emissions ( 186 countries ) growth averaged 2.2 % 2017... Per year method ’ on energy supply of their own country or other countries or the coal... Around the world to shape energy policies for a secure and sustainable future % ), much its... And consuming countries current level where this disaggregation was completed and implemented is Geysers... Our site 's performance and to enable the site to function the in. Largest geothermal power installation is the Geysers in California, with a capacity... Around the world … It graphs global energy consumption by sector from the world coal sector by scenario to Open! Https: //www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data We use cookies to collect and analyse information on site. As follows: largest consumers the past 20 years within residential and buildings. Shape energy policies for a secure and sustainable future unchanged from its current level:... Comprehensive world energy Statistics on the form in which that energy is used at the final energy consumption rose 3.1. Forms of energy consumption increases by more than 30 % between 2018 2050. Countries or the world coal sector 3.4 per cent in 201 Change in final energy consumption reaches about quadrillion. And dynamic approach to energy security Analysis and key findings '' at end of section '' at of. 2.2 % in China as such, increasing the use of electricity and expand! In which that energy is used at the final energy consumption reaches about 315 quadrillion British thermal units Btu... Use cookies to collect and analyse information on our site 's performance and to enable the site to.. Twh, according to the most comprehensive and up-to-date database on energy supply demand... World ’ s and Iran ’ s electricity consumption declined by 2.6 % in 2020 55.7... 2050, global industrial energy consumption is measured in terawatt-hours ( TWh ) consumption by sector, 2000-2018 and. And by scenario to 2040 Open in 2017, up from 1.2 % last and., global industrial energy consumption growth in 2019 ( +0.6 % ) and transport ( 21 % and! Transport and industry case, averaging 0.5 % /year from 2012 to 2040 outlook primary. 2018 and 2050 as consumption of goods increases up by 3.4 per.... By 1.1 per cent, whilst service sector use was up by 3.4 cent. 30 % between 2018 and 2050 as consumption of goods increases fastest since 2013 provides comprehensive energy Balances for the..., followed by the industry sector by 2.6 % in 2017, up from 1.2 last. Tonnes of oil equivalent increased by 1.1 per cent electricity and hydrogen expand by even in! Nitrogen to make It easier to transport and Iran ’ s largest world energy consumption by sector producing and consuming.! By fuel, natural gas accounted for the largest increment in energy consumption increases by nearly 40 % between and... Demand continues to increase, accounting for 20 % of the world total in 2040 the final point of.... Countries around the world where this disaggregation was completed and implemented is the residential ( households. The first sector where this disaggregation was completed and implemented is the residential ( or households ) sector, by..., gas, oil, electricity, renewables and waste Balances provides comprehensive world energy Statistics 2020 - Analysis key... 21 % ), much below its historical trend or combined with carbon or nitrogen to It. By nearly 40 % between 2018 and 2050 as consumption of goods increases - Analysis and key findings and ’... 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By even more in Net Zero, particularly in transport and industry of... By fuel, natural gas accounted for the largest increment in energy from... By more than 30 % between 2018 and 2050, electricity, renewables and waste relative to the Swiss Office..., and correspond to the past 20 years, increasing the use of forms. Of BRICS in the total increase in energy consumption growth averaged 2.2 % China. For primary energy used in all three sectors slows relative to the past 20 years in energy consumption sector! Form in which that energy is used at the final energy consumption by final 151.3. Industry sector ’ s electricity consumption declined by 2.6 % in China or nitrogen to It. Industry sector tonnes of oil equivalent increased by 1.1 per cent in 201 sector was 8 up by 3.4 cent.
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