why didn't chigurh kill bell

Do certificates need to be stored as encrypted? Hot Network Questions Can you defend your thesis without any slide presentation? During this time is when Anton Chigurh visits the hotel room. The sequence of shots then proceeds like this: – Bell looking at the lock. List only sub-directories containing two specific files. That’s why he takes so long to summon his courage. Chigurh does not believe in the concept of the soul or the afterlife, so in his mind, humans are no different than any other organism. Author has 935 answers and 1.5M answer views. Because you don't run into Anton Chigurh in the street, you meet him if he wants to be met. rev 2021.5.11.39272. The door swings open with a creak and quietly but noticeably strikes the wall. The film doesn't give us an answer, but the book does. Why was Anton Chigurh being arrested at the beginning of the film? Odd that he would check for blood on his shoes (that's why he puts his feet up) if … By the time Sherrif Bell entered the motel room, Anton had no reason to be there anymore. My question is, why did Chigurh flee? Can Newton's gravity equation explain why black holes are so strong? :) Introduction Anton Chigurh – the name immediately procures the image of a dark-haired man with an intimidating glare and a terrifying criminal record. The angles seem like that sort of view would be possible, Anton is looking at the left hand side of the internal blown out lock (from the perspective of outside facing in), but Bell is clearly to the left of the neighbouring door, how could Anton see him? Why would he choose a hiding place and then, at the last split-second, suddenly change his mind? Was Chigurh in the hotel room when Sheriff Ed Tom entered? Sheriff's investigators believe a dark-colored SUV was involved in the shootout. I believe those shots of Chigurh behind the door exist only in Bell’s imagination. When Bell returns after having coffee, the lock has been blown off the door. He’s imagining having to confront him. Why didn't Anton Chigurh kill lady in trailer park? If Hannibal met Chigurh, then somebody wants Hannibal dead. Even though she pissed him off. Using max function to group max value by unique ID in QGIS. Approved by eNotes Editorial Team We’ll help your grades soar Because he has a twisted sense of honour regarding his victims and adversaries. Could he have been behind the door and then, just before Bell opened it, moved to another hiding place, like maybe the closet? He doesn't kill Bell because Bell has not seen him; Bell never looked behind the door to the room, and Bell has not yet attempted to thwart his, Chigurh's, pursuits, so Chigurh does not expose himself, and Bell lives. ‘No Country for Old Men’: Bell and Chigurh and the motel room. Were they there at the same time? Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Inside we see Chigurh armed with his silenced shotgun, Bell noticed the door lock and realising that the man he was chasing the whole time was on the other side of the door, pulled out his weapon for the first time (after going unarmed the whole film). This is a clip from the film "No Country for Old Men" by the Coen brothers. Though Chigurh is ruthless in his killing, he is described as a man with principles. It’s like scaring yourself into thinking a burglar is lurking in your closet, and while you know it’s probably not true, you make sure to open the door all the way anyway to prove it. Theory 1: Chigurh is in the room and secretly escapes When Bell stands outside the room, the cut to Chigurh makes But when Bell swings the door open, the door clearly hits the wall, not Anton Chigurh. Without it, we might think he escaped just before Bell opened the door. Bell is genuinely afraid. To answer your question, the reason Anton didn't murder Sherrif Bell is because he didn't have to. What language is the GPT-3 engine written in? The closest we get to an explanation is when Carson attempts to warn Moss about Chigurh. Chigurh steps into the room and shoots the man in the throat with birdshot. It’s easy to miss this, to assume he’s hiding behind it the whole time Bell is in the room. When Chigurh is injured in the traffic accident, he buys the boys shirt with a … Maybe he's a changed man. Bell stated at the beginning of the movie that he did not want to "meet" something he did not understand. The money was hidden in the vent, and now Chigurh has taken it. – The blown-out lock, this time from Chigurh’s POV. – Chigurh again, same as before. Actually I've just rewatched the scene and I see why I was wrong about the angles, the doors are right by each other so we're seeing Anton "mirrored", which is where the confusion came in. – Bell unholstering his gun and cocking it. Anton Chigurh at the surface seems like a cold, calculated killer. Maybe she convinced Chigurh not to kill her. The clerk wins the toss, so Chigurh tells him to keep his “lucky quarter.” Why didn't Anton Chigurh kill Sheriff Bell? Why didn't he kill/confront Bell like every other character he had faced? In one of the climactic scenes of No Country for Old Men we see Sheriff Bell arrive at Llewellyn's final hotel room. Because you don't run into Anton Chigurh in the street, you meet him if he wants to be met. – Chigurh again, same as before. Sure, he probably knows he has a few policemen trying to bring him to justice – but that’s not to say he knows anything about them. Anton Chigurh at the surface seems like a cold, calculated killer. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I actually decided to write an essay about this if you’d like to read it. "Thank God it didn't kill anybody." We are switching to system fonts on May 10, 2021, Testing three-vote close and reopen on 13 network sites. He guesses the Mexicans must have taken it, but Bell points out that they were speeding away pretty quickly. Why did Chigurh unnecessarily shoot the bird? Chigurh is a careful, methodical killer. Or are these two different standards? – Bell unholstering his gun and cocking it. Employee effectively not working on the notice period. Then we will examine three characters who have more of a soul than Sheriff Bell says: 3) Carson Wells, the professional hit man hired to kill Chigurh; 4) Llewellyn Moss, a good man gone bad; and 5) Anton Chigurh, the new man of the new age. I wonder why didn't Anton Chigurh kill her? Call it.” Chigurh doesn’t directly say it, but based on his tone and serious facial expression, we assume that if the clerk loses, Chigurh will kill him. (I was surprised that anyone had questions about who wound up with the money. If the window had not been there nor time to jump out it, then he would have killed the Sherrif for being in his way. I bought my first shares in life and they dropped 25% in a very short time. Bell has worked himself up imagining Chigurh is standing behind it, and now he’s snapping back into reality. The novels main antagonist, Anton Chigurh is a remorseless hit man who kills without hesitation. – Bell carefully but deliberately pushing the door open. I do not own the rights to anything featured in this video. And with this in mind. Chigurh, then, operates as a messenger of fate, though he remains a character unafraid to kill for his own benefit. As the man bleeds out, Chigurh tells him that he is the guy that Wells was sent to kill. But then she took off on Drogon, and began laying waste to the entire city anyways, killing thousands of innocent people in the process. Putting those three pieces of evidence together, it seems that when we see Chigurh in the shadows, we are actually seeing Bell's imagination of Chigurh, "the ghost" or Boogey Man. An alternative explanation is that Chigurh hid in the closet and snuck out the moment that Bell went into the bathroom. After he found it, the book says Moss realized he would probably never be safe again in his life, so Moss was probably thinking he would just wait for Chigurh and kill him. It is the theory that Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin), the man who steals the bag of money and tries to outrun the evil Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), is not killed when the movie says he is killed and in fact is still alive, hiding out, perhaps in preparation for a sequel. You pick the one right tool.” That’s what Chigurh says when the accountant tells him why the mexicans were hired. Subsequently, question is, how did chigurh escape? Bell is genuinely afraid. Underneath that he operates within a different set of rules. Since Chigurh has the money he has no reason to go out of his way to kill Bell, and it is possible that he simply did the practical thing and escaped to avoid any further complications. We can see the reflection of something off the shininess of the blown-off lock, but it’s impossible to tell exactly what we’re seeing, whether it’s Bell’s own reflection or the reflection of someone inside the room. The next shot is from inside the darkened room. We must accept that when Bell opens the door, Chigurh is not behind it. Why did Dumbledore pretend to not understand post-time-travel Harry and Hermione? In No Country for Old Men, who does Anton Chigurh work for (Why did he kill them?). site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. When Bell enters, we see that Chigurh has fled out a bathroom window with the cash he took from the vent (a detail Bell noticed). Light from outside is coming in through the hole. – Bell carefully but deliberately pushing the door open. The fact that Chigurh uses the bolt gun to kill his victims speaks to his conception of human beings as no different than animals. If Chigurh represents Bell’s fears, then in a sense he is still here, and Bell must confront him, metaphorically if not literally. I just rewatched No Country for Old Men. Anyone with information was asked to call Crime Solvers at 804-861-1212. Was was the plan that Llewelyn Moss had for 'the last man standing'? What does S1S4 (or similar) mean in the context of cherries? Moss was carrying his rifle (in a case), so he was able to return fire on the Mexicans before fleeing to his room. Okay, we're 99% sure Chigurh is human, but only because this book isn't marketed as sci-fi. For inconveniencing him. (Excluding the shop clerk and fat lady). The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Movies & TV Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Why doesn’t Carla Jean run away from Anton Chigurh? Light from outside is coming in through the hole. Also the vent holding the goods is inside bells room, and the vent doesn't go that room, so why would Anton be next door at all? Underneath that he operates within a different set of rules. I watched the link in the answer but I'm not convinced. why don't perry and dick kill mr.bell? But on looking at the DVD screener that Miramax sent, it’s quite evident that he’s not. – Chigurh, mostly in darkness, inside the room, in the corner behind the door. Now we address something where there truly are several possible explanations: Sheriff Bell and Anton Chigurh in the motel room. Movie reviews • "Snide Remarks" • general merriment, 25 Years of ‘The General Authorities Song’, Media Inventory: What I Watched and Read in 2020. Bell’s showdown is with his fears, and the film’s subsequent scenes indicate that he has decided he’s not up to the task anymore. But I am still confused as to why he was in the room at all. Second. He sees the grate removed from the vent and the dime — which we recognize as Chigurh’s calling card — on the floor. Bell informs Moss’ wife of her husband’s death, then goes to the morgue, then has coffee with the local sheriff, who tells him the money was not in the hotel room. Chigurh is not in the room. Chigurh did break into the house and is wanted by the sheriff. It only takes a minute to sign up. The movie is intentionally ambiguous. He (Chigurh) wanted to see if he could "will" his way out of the situation. So the question remains: What about those two shots of Chigurh standing behind the door? Furthermore, how did Moss die? “That's foolish. On the anniversary of 'No Country for Old Men,' we look back at Javier Bardem's terrifying character. Question. The look on his face is one of fear — not, in my estimation, the grown-up kind that adults have when facing difficult situations, but the kind that children have when they are truly terrified of something beyond their control. And with this in mind. Why Anton Chigurh is still an iconic movie villain, 10 years later. 16. But the locked window also conveys another message. He finally summons his courage. – Bell again. – Another shot of the lock, from Bell’s POV. Sherrif Bell did none of this and was of no consequence to Anton the entire film. The closest we get to an explanation is when Carson attempts to warn Moss about Chigurh. If it can be proven that someone profiting from spreading conspiracy theories doesn't believe in them are they guilty of fraud? – Bell outside the door, mustering the courage to enter. Simply put, Anton only kills people he is paid to kill, people who upset him or get in his way, people who compete with him, and friends or family of people who upset him or get in his way. He stops outside the door. He's right. With it, we realize he wasn’t here to begin with (or, rather, that he came and went before Bell arrived). Bell enters, looks around, notes that the bathroom window is locked from the inside, meaning no one escaped that way. After Chigurh's first reign of terror, Bell says, "I just have this feelin we're looking at somethin we really aint never even seen before" (2.2.75). By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. To answer your question, the reason Anton didn't murder Sherrif Bell is because he didn't have to. The pivotal moment of Sunday's "Game of Thrones" episode came when Daenerys had successfully burned the Iron Fleet, blasted all the outer walls of King's Landing, and had the Lannister army ringing the bells of surrender. In a previous post, we talked about an element of “No Country for Old Men” that had led to misunderstandings. We're not even sure if Chigurh is human. Are linear regression and least squares regression the same thing? I think the purpose of that shot of the locked bathroom window is to confirm that Chigurh’s presence in the room was imagined. You just didn’t know it.” He then says “You stand to win everything. What carries the information for Pauli exclusion principle to occur? (They learned where Moss was by talking to his mother-in-law at the bus station, you’ll recall.) This prevents Mr.Bell from being murdered. He is described as having his own set of morals, however twisted they may be. Anton Chigurh lacks a clear personal history, and is often described in the novel as looking exotic because of his tan skin and blue eyes. No Country for Old Men: Anton Chigurh and Sheriff Ed Tom Bell are the same person This post contains minor spoilers. First, the movie says Moss is killed.. Secondly, why did Llewelyn Moss go back? He wants the money, but he is more preoccupied with making sure that those whom he feels have crossed him pay the price (which is why he would never make a deal with Moss, which would have been a much easier way to get the money, and why he shot … The movie is pretty straightforward on that point, even giving us the dime to confirm that Chigurh had opened the grate and taken it — not to mention the crisp $100 bill he pays the boy with later.). In 2007, Joel and Ethan Coen released No Country for Old Men, but its ending confuses audiences still. Bell doesn’t look behind the door because he doesn’t have to. What to do? How does Chigurh know where to go to find Moss when the transponder isn't beeping initially? The talk has five parts: 1) a short introduction; 2) a look at Tom Bell and the death of God. With money in hand and a bathroom window, he quickly escaped without confrontation. Rules that he himself created. What is the deal with that scene? As to why Moss didn't get rid of the tracker when he found it, no answer is given. First, the events leading up to it. There is no one behind the door. Are Labyrinth and Pan's Labyrinth based on some myth/legend? The door has swung open too far for that to be possible, and while it is in mid-swing we can see there are no feet darkening the stream of light underneath it. Why did Sheriff Bell go to the hotel room in El Paso where the murder takes place? That lady is the only person met Anton and survived. Bell hurries to Moss’ hotel room, where a wounded Mexican is crawling away and where Moss lies dead just inside the door. It would appear the Mexicans arrived while Moss was still talking to the pool girl. And since most of Hannibals kills involve sneaking up on his victims, he's not very adept at combat, most of his victims aren't strong or smart enough to fight back. He might want to get away even if he didn't kill her. While he does not kill at random or without purpose, his reasons are at times abstract. 3. Why didn't Anton Chigurh kill Sheriff Bell? Given these clues it is reasonable to conclude that Bell did not metaphotically "see" Chigurh in the motel room because he was unwilling/unable to see the death/evil he stated he feared in the opening monologue. 1) Introduction The two never come into contact throughout the film, so it seems pretty likely that Chigurh doesn’t know about him. Chigurh would be ready to kill. Rules that he himself created. Bell sees numerous spent bullet shells next to the wall outside the swimming pool, where Moss was standing the last time we saw him; floating in the pool is, presumably, the woman he’d been talking to. How to explain to my supervisor that her style of input is hindering my progress? Chigurh would be ready to kill. He finally summons his courage. In No Country for Old Men, it's pretty clear to me that Anton Chigurh (played by Javier Bardem) and Sheriff Ed Tom Bell (played by Tommy Lee Jones) are, in fact, the same person. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. … Chigurh (as explained to Carson Wells in the novel) allowed himself to be arrested (he was pulled over after he left the scene) for killing a man in a parking lot after the man said something Chigurh didn't like. It’s possible, but unlikely. Why would Chigurh be coming to kill Sheriff Bell? Carla Jean, however, refuses to make the call, forcing Chigurh to make his own choice (presumably to kill her, but it happens off screen). Chigurh told the boys "You didn't SEE me" so he would not have to kill them. 1. When he finally does it, the way he pushes open the door is not exaggerated or forceful, but it is deliberate. With one of their own having been hit, and with the money not sitting in plain sight, and with Moss fighting back, the Mexicans aborted their mission and took off. Can a person be operating an aircraft in a "Careless" and "Reckless" manner at the same time? Chigurh kills without compassion or remorse, but always with deliberation. – Bell again. Chigurh knows that fear of the enemy can blind men to other hazards, especially the shape they themselves make in the world. This is the ending of No Country for Old Men, explained. Bell arrives at the hotel just as the Mexicans are fleeing the scene. He heard it open all the way — and besides, he knew he was only imagining things anyway. Anton Chigurh (/ ʃ ɪ ˈ ɡ ɜːr /) is a fictional character and the main antagonist of Cormac McCarthy's novel No Country for Old Men, and its film adaptation of the same name, in the latter of which he is portrayed by Spanish actor Javier Bardem.. – The blown-out lock, this time from Chigurh’s POV. science fiction story about scientists who create a personal force field which makes a halo appear around their heads when it is on, drawing the circuit with the equivalent impedance. Did Agnes move to Westview before or after the town was transformed? He knows Chigurh has been here and could very well still be here. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. ... Just as Dick gives Perry the signal to club Bell with a big rock, Bell stops to pick up another hitchhiker. 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