s worded meaning twitter

twebay: Slang term used to describe selling (or promoting) an eBay item on Twitter. And if you didn’t know, well now you know. Written by Maggie Butler Trolls are people on Twitter who abuse the service by spamming users with off-topic tweets and other erratic behavior. Essentially, this is used to have conversations with people on Twitter. Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news. This morning, when I scanned my Twitter feed, I did a few MTs and PRTs, asked a follower to TMB, and left SMH at some trolls I found, so I said BFN to Twitter. As you find a few to sprinkle into your next batch of scheduled Tweets for your Twitter marketing campaign, try to avoid the temptation to use them all at once — a little goes a long way. Heck, even CEOs may be listening to your tweets. Twitter has become a social network with its own unique language — and rightfully so. For the best engagement results, Twitter recommends keeping tweets short and conversational, too. But every once in a while, you’ll stumble across bots that are created to do some pretty cool stuff. Marketing automation software. A Twitterfly uses the @ sign in many messages, showing they have a lot of Twitter friends to talk with or mention in their updates. Trolling is a form of internet harassment, so if you think someone is trolling you on Twitter, you can learn how to take action here. An overt subtweet may still mention the person by name but without mentioning their Twitter with the @ symbol so that it is tied directly to them. bgd: A shortened form of “background” often used on Twitter. If you’re familiar with fans of celebrities, you’ll catch on quickly to Twitter stans. It is a “daily vitamin” for Twitterers. See “Beware of Twishing” for more information on Twishing. Free and premium plans, Sales CRM software. TECHNOLOGYADVICE DOES NOT INCLUDE ALL COMPANIES OR ALL TYPES OF PRODUCTS AVAILABLE IN THE MARKETPLACE. What does S-WORD mean? The “Twitterati” is a group of A-list Twitter users that have a big number of followers and are famous in Twitter circles (and sometimes outside too). Literally, the people (or person, in the singular) that make up the vast Twitterverse (universe!) This section consists of fans engaging socially to online individuals, discussing topics relating to their faves, fan girling/boying over updates on their faves, and a competitive battle ground amongst the different fandoms. When you use a hashtag in a tweet, it becomes linked to all of the other tweets that include it. neweeter: A slang term used to describe a new tweeter. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '190da11f-58c6-41d5-a397-843618741e09', {"region":"na1"}); Here are some of the most popular Twitter slang terms you should know. attwicted: Slang term used to describe someone who is addicted to Twitter. “Note to self” is a good way to mark tweets that you want to go back to later. Twitter bought the bird design on iStock for just $15. twitterpated: Slang term describing the feeling one experiences when messages on Twitter become overwhelming. The Windows operating system (Windows OS) refers to a family of operating systems developed by Microsoft Corporation. You should smile if you see this tweeted at you. ykyat: An acronym for “You know you’re addicted to.”. This can be done passive-aggressively or even in a flirtatious manner. We're committed to your privacy. The user is who they claim to be. This is commonly used for Twitter accounts that tend to post spoilers to movies or temporarily post content their followers may otherwise not want to see. The term is a combination of “stalker” and “fan.” There are mixed opinions about whether stan culture is healthy for the stan or the celebrity. Twitter is used largely for reporting real-time events, like sports, and sharing what … #: Adding a “#” to the beginning of an unbroken word or phrase creates a hashtag. When you tweet a FF message, you are recommending that your followers also check out the people you mention in your post. They’re misleading tweets, tweeted on purpose. How to use twitter in a sentence. friendscraping: A slang term that refers to an individual adding all of a friend’s friends as his or her own. CC's literal meaning is "carbon copy." ADVERTISER DISCLOSURE: SOME OF THE PRODUCTS THAT APPEAR ON THIS SITE ARE FROM COMPANIES FROM WHICH TECHNOLOGYADVICE RECEIVES COMPENSATION. When you send a FollowFriday message, you include #followfriday in your update so it can be searched for using that hash tag. Our collection of the best twerminology includes definitions to more than 100 Twitter abbreviations, words, phrases, and tools that are commonly used on (or associated with) Twitter. Vangie Beal is a freelance business and technology writer covering Internet technologies and online business since the late '90s. Terrorism/violent extremism: You may not threaten or promote terrorism or violent extremism. twewbie: Short for “Twitter newbie.” It is a slang term used to describe someone who is new to Twitter. Twitter slang, however, is helpful to be aware of so that you can connect with your audience better. Reviewed by Web Webster Thus, typing “I don’t know” is sometimes too long to include in a tweet, believe it or not. mistweet: Slang term used to describe a tweet that you later regret having sent. Violence: You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. It is a slang term used to describe something terrific you find on Twitter. Of course, with just a limited number of characters per Tweet, users abbreviate words anywhere they can, so “atp” might take the place of that phrase. twishing: Twishing is a combination of the words “Twitter and phishing.” It is the act of sending a message to a Twitter user in an attempt to obtain his or her name and password. By Kayvon Beykpour and Uche Adegbite on Monday, 12 April 2021. “If you know, you know” is a term used by people who want to maintain some exclusivity to their Tweet. By knowing some common slang terms used in tweets, you can join the conversation with your followers without sounding out of place. twalking: Slang term used to describe someone who is walking while they tweet using a mobile device. For example, if your tweet got 10 likes but a … The format is RT @username where username is the Twitter name of the person you are retweeting. attwaction: Slang term used to describe an attraction between two users. For example, a large corporation may have several employees managing social accounts—each person would use ^initials (^VB for example) to indicate who sent the message. direct message (DM): Short for direct message, it is the function of the Twitter service that enables you to send a private message (direct message) to a person you are following. PRT shows the user is asking others to retweet their post. da: Often used on Twitter, this is a shortened version of “the.”. Add a period before @username, though, and all of your followers will see your tweet in their streams. twittcrastination: Slang term that refers to using Twitter as a form of procrastination. twitter-ific: Short for “Twitter” and “terrific”. twegal advice: Slang term for legal advice that is sent on twitter using 280 characters or less. A "DM," or "direct message," is a private message between two Twitter users. Fub free means “follow, unfollow, block” free. Webopedia’s Twitter Dictionary will help you understand Twitter chat, Twitter abbreviations and Twitter slang. Perhaps the user wants to introduce a difference of opinion to the conversation, or maybe they don’t want to be held responsible for the consequences of what they just said. THIS COMPENSATION MAY IMPACT HOW AND WHERE PRODUCTS APPEAR ON THIS SITE INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY APPEAR. It’s different from a public @mention because, in order to send a DM, the recipient must follow you. “Shaking my head” usually accompanies a tweet when someone can’t believe or doesn’t understand the content they’re sharing. A “hat tip” is usually followed by someone’s Twitter username. Mention: Used to name another user within your tweet by using the @ symbol with the other user’s username. Forbes defines bots as “a social networking account powered by artificial intelligence.” Bots are different from trolls because they aren’t people — they’re scripts written by people, waiting to pounce. Occasionally, people Tweet about other Twitter users without mentioning them using the @ symbol. For example, tweeting $GOOG will create a clickable link in the tweet, similar to a hashtag. friendapalooza: A slang term used to describe a situation in which a twitterer adds many friends within a short time period. This image shows that Twitter has been overloaded or that a failure occurred within the service. FollowFriday (FF, or #followfriday): A recommendation. Giving status updates is a common reason for many of the tweets we see on our timelines. With the advent of Twitter, and in particular our current president’s voracious appetite for sharing his every thought, there has come an ability for the world to evaluate something rarely put on display by politicians: their spelling. This is shorthand for “to be honest.” You may see a “Q” pop in there, for “to be quite honest.” (Fancy, we know.). But if you want to find some insightful marketers to follow, here’s a helpful list to get you going. If you don’t want to mention one of your followers directly, but you want to say something about them, you might use the acronym OOMF which means “One of my followers.” This term can be used in a neutral way or in a passive-aggressive tone if you’re subtweeting your follower. Hivemind: This is a term used to refer to the combined intelligence of all Twitter users. cuttweet: Sometimes simply known as “CT,” this slang term refers to a retweet that is a shortened version of the original. Why? twitterage: Slang term describing feelings of rage experienced as a result of a Twitter post. Some industry speakers use the term to describe a live event where a lecture on a Twitter topic is given (e.g., a seminar or event that teaches people how to use Twitter), while others use the term to describe giving a lecture on Twitter. Beware! Tip: Are you a local business? Just like in email, there’s something to be said for social media etiquette, and “best regards” is another nice, commonly used sign-off when leaving a conversation on Twitter. Twitter’s been busy since its first tweet in March 2006, as it recently filed for an IPO and has boasted over 50 million tweets per day. (C’mon, don’t be shy — everyone's done so at one point or another.) This one's simple enough: It's short for “email me.”. ab/abt: Short for “about.” This chat abbreviation is frequently seen on Twitter. A retweet is the basic form of currency on Twitter. By using Twitter’s services you agree to our Cookies Use. Twitter is a free microbloging or social messaging tool that lets you stay connected to people through tweets, a Twitter-specific post that can contain up to 280 characters, images, or videos. Click here to download it. twis: Slang term used to describe a ‘dis’ on a fellow Twitter user. twitterer: Refers to a person who sends tweets on the Twitter service. Fail Whale: An image of a whale held up by birds and nets. Some of the Twitter lingo describes the collection of people who use the service, while other abbreviations are used to describe specific functions and features of the service itself (like the Twitter abbreviation “RT”). [+Why Marketers Should Care], Twitter Fleets Just Launched In the U.S.: What Marketers Need to Know. (Which we all know is true, of course.). Tweeps are Twitter folks that follow each other from one social network to another. "[A]s the blossoming of words like twisticuffs and tweeple suggests, there may also be something about tw. That way, the reader knows it's opinion, not fact. tweeterboxes: Slang term used to refer to Twitter users who “tweet excessively.”. When someone comes in to save the day on Twitter, they might get praised with tweets that mention them directly followed by “FTW!” This stands for “for the win” and is derived from sports games where the commentator announces the name of a player who scored the game-winning point. Twitter is a social networking and microblogging online service that allows users to send and receive text-based messages or posts of up to 140 characters called "tweets." microblog: A type of blog that lets users publish short text updates. twaffic: Slang term used to mean “Twitter traffic.”. Premium plans, Operations software. Presidential word mangling When it comes to Twitter accounts, there are few that are as closely watched around the world as that of President Donald Trump. But be careful not to over-hashtag your tweets — one or two is probably enough. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using multiple platforms and devices. A "partial retweet" is similar to a modified tweet, but it lets the reader know you’ve taken out some of the original ideas of the tweet, either to save space or to add your own two cents. Cancel culture has been around for nearly half a decade and it’s very popular on Twitter. And what kind of inbound marketer would I be if I didn’t share this great content with you too? Harry Potter fans will know that Professor Snape's first words to Harry in 1997's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone relate to quite the tricky Potions question, which young Muggle-raised Harry doesn't have a scoobies about. What does twitterpated mean? Just because someone follows you doesn't mean you have to follow them back, the way some other social networks work. retweet: Abbreviated as RT, retweet is used on Twitter to show you are tweeting something that was posted by another user. That doesn’t mean, though, that social media’s climate of perpetual outrage and hair-trigger offense is constructive. When 280 characters is your limit, shortening words is a must. Twitter has over 340 million active users. However, it should still hold the meaning of the original tweet. Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets". will see it in their streams. YOLO: An acronym for “You only live once,” which is used much like the saying carpe diem, implying that you should just enjoy life. twitosphere: An expression used to describe the “World of Twitter.”. This, my friends, is why marketers need to be well-versed in the language of Twitter. When I found myself heading for Google every time I checked out my Twitter feed, I knew it was time to start writing some definitions down so I could learn the language myself, so that's exactly what I did. Social networking sites can be used to describe community-based websites, online discussions forums, chat rooms and other social spaces online. Add a pound sign to the word within the tweet to keep it simple and save valuable character space. Twitter definition is - to utter successive chirping noises. Learn more about our violent threat and glorification of violence policies. Basically any words that trigger or imply self harm and suicide. For starters, it’s worth mentioning a few curious facts about Twitter’s iconic logo that you might not know. The user is who they claim to be. Replies are sent either by clicking the ‘reply’ icon next to an update or typing @ username message (e.g., @user I saw that movie too). ICYMI: An acronym for “In case you missed it.” The abbreviation may appear in a tweet that is a repost from the same person, just in case their followers missed it the first time it was tweeted. Information and translations of S-WORD in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Your Twitter “feed” (HubSpot customers know it as their “Timeline”) is any list of tweets that constantly updates when new tweets that fit the specified criteria pop up. @MaggieHButler. Your tweets can be posted through Twitter, SMS text messaging, instant messaging, RSS, email or through other social applications and connected websites. See all integrations. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. trashtweeter: Refers to a twitterer who talks trash in his or her posts. twitter; instagram; JFK's words remind us of the true meaning of St. Patrick's Day President John F Kennedy's speech made in Ireland's Parliament in 1963 continues to ring true today. Twitterapps: Short for Twitter applications. “I’m just saying” might seem redundant, but the acronym gives some tone and context to a tweet. If these individuals behave in a way that disturbs expectations (whether reasonable or unreasonable) they can be canceled by “cancel culture twitter.” There are varying opinions about cancel culture. (adjective) twettiquette: Short for “Twitter etiquette.” It is a slang term used to describe acceptable Twitter behavior. . Twitter slang isn’t a good fit for every tweet, but just about every business can benefit from shortening a word or phrase to meet the character limit. Here the host speaker will use a designated hashtag so others can follow the lecture on Twitter. @: The @reply refers to a tweet that is directed to another user in reply to their update. . On July 15, 2006, Odeo launched Twttr, a free application that allowed users to share short status updates with a group of friends by sending one text message to a single number (40404). celebrity syndrome: This Twitter phrase refers to a situation in which a non-celebrity mistakenly believes he or she is a celebrity. This means “modified tweet,” which is a retweet that you had to clip to save space. Twitter was originally created as a side project of Odeo, a podcasting platform co-owned by Evan Williams. tweetroduce: Slang term used to describe the situation in which a user introduces one follower to another. Any person, place, thing, or idea that a lot of people are tweeting about at once is considered a trend. You always want to say thank you, so “thanks for the follow” is a nice way to recognize that someone has decided to add you to their Twitter feed. Some Twitter users add this phrase in their Twitter bio to let followers know that they won’t be upset or retaliate if a follower unfollows or blocks their account. Shashi Tharoor, Thiruvananthapuram MP, is known for his wit and verbal prowess. As with any social platform, there is an entire vocabulary of abbreviations and slang words that users of the Twitter service have adopted. $: A stock market name can be used with the $. Many belong to celebrities, politicians, media personalities, and well-known businesses. Free and premium plans, Content management system software. Tweets that have been sent to verified accounts or other users with swear words in them could also be seen as "inciting violence". adventuritter: Slang term used to describe a Twitterer who is adventurous. The message may instruct the recipient to visit a website where he or she is asked to log in. You’ll usually see “in my opinion” or “in my humble opinion” when someone wants to agree or disagree with a piece of content they’re sharing. woz: Slang for “was,” this term is frequently found on Twitter. During a brainstorming session in 2006 at Odeo, Jack Dorsey introduced the idea of an individual SMS service to communicate with a small group. Editor's note: This post was originally published in October 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. It adds up to a complex series of calculations based on what people have liked in the past, what people like them like, and more. Hashtags help group together tweets and conversations around a similar topic. intwituation/intwituated: Slang terms used to describe a situation in which someone is infatuated with another Twitter user. There are two types of subtweets: overt and covert. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, 'd697d132-e6d3-4552-b783-8d052022e792', {"region":"na1"}); Originally published May 11, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated May 11 2021. The Internet can be a hostile place, and Twitter is no exception. Company Establishing Twitter's presence in Africa. FOMO: An acronym for “Fear of missing out,” which is used when you feel like you are not going to be included in a social event. An underground artist, a hole-in-the-wall restaurant, or even another acronym may all be adorned with a tweet that reads “IFYKYK”. drive by tweet: This is a fast tweet posted by an individual while he or she is in between tasks. Here’s the clause Trump wrote on Twitter in the early morning hours of May 31 to his 31 million followers: “Despite the constant negative press covfefe” Yes, that was the full tweet. eavestweeting: The act of eavesdropping on other Twitter conversations. . The community has been noted for its particular shared terminology. Usually, Stan Twitter revolves around discussing actors, singers, rappers, or anyone that fits in the definition of a celebrity, such as influencers Before you rule out Twitter terms and slang altogether, take a look at this list to see how you can make your statement short and sweet. When you want to “tag” someone in a tweet or direct message on Twitter, you can do so by mentioning them using their Twitter username. Learn more.Child sexual exploitation: We have zero tolerance for child sexual exploitation on Your home feed updates every time someone you follow tweets. PRT: An acronym for “Please retweet.” This is a notation added to the end of a Tweet. When you reply on Twitter, you’re responding to a particular tweet someone has tagged you in with a @mention. It's also an informal forum, one where people are more comfortable inventing terms than they would be in other forms of the written word. Webopedia’s Twitter Dictionary will help you understand Twitter chat, Twitter abbreviations and Twitter slang. twabulous: A slang term used to describe a fabulous tweet. Limited to 280 characters or less, tweets can express how users are feeling, what they’re doing, and anything in between. tweetsult: Slang for an insult sent using Twitter. twittworking: Short for Twitter networking. Definition of S-WORD in the Definitions.net dictionary. Six months after launch, Twttr became Twitter, and its founders imposed a 140-character limit for messages. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. Verified accounts are marked with a blue checkmark badge on their profile page. OK; This page and certain other Twitter sites place and read third party cookies on your browser that are used for non-essential … co-twitterer: Slang term used to describe a second person who tweets on a single Twitter account. It is used to call attention to a user’s favorite followers and people on Twitter. We also prohibit the glorification of violence. The bird became the company’s mascot only in 2010. bemyguest, #BeMyGuest: A popular Twitter hashtag (#BeMyGuest) to let other Twitter users know you’d like to exchange guest blog posts. twabe (or twabes): Slang terms often used to refer to a young woman. It’s also used when someone is trying to be sarcastic or funny. Quick Links: Numbers & Characters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Tools & Apps. Remember when you used to make prank phone calls? Subtweet / subtweeting -- A subtweet refers to a tweet written about a particular person, but containing no direct mention of that person. The posts are called micro posts, while the act of using these services to update your blog is called microblogging. Free and premium plans, Customer service software. Short Code -- On Twitter, the shortcode refers to a 5-digit phone number that people use to send and receive tweets by SMS text messages on mobile phones. Twitter definition, to utter a succession of small, tremulous sounds, as a bird. Twitter terms are helpful for anyone who’s new to the platform or building a profile for their business. Webopedia is an online dictionary and Internet search engine for information technology and computing definitions. of Twitter users. It is a combination of the words “egotistical” and “Twitter.”. If the original tweet is yours, way to go! It is used to refer to or describe Twitter users. Bird-of-mouth: Slang term that refers to the use of Twitter to circulate news and information. It is the phrase used to describe any application that integrates with the twitter service. It’s usually reserved for high-profile members of society like celebrities, politicians, and influencers. It’s a total mimic of real-life body language. egotwistical: Slang term used to describe a user who talks about himself on Twitter. List of most popular Twitter terms updated in April 2021 Dweet: Slang term used to describe a tweet that has been sent by a user who is drunk. daily twitamin: Twitter slang that means a tweet that contains useful knowledge that is easy to take in and remember. MRT: An acronym for “Modified retweet (RT).”. TBT: An acronym for “Throwback Thursday,” usually following an old image as a reference to the past. OH: An acronym for “Overheard.” This chat abbreviation is used on Twitter, often in place of RT (retweet) when the user does not want to provide the username of the follower they are quoting. Smitten or love-struck; romantically infatuated. We use cookies for purposes including analytics, personalisation, and ads. It happens on Fridays, and you can search Twitter for the hashtag on Fridays to watch the kudos pour in. ^: The caret sign is used to denote that the tweet in question has been posted on behalf of a group, organization, team, etc by a user whose initial comes after the caret sign. See more. Can also be used as a flattering term that has roughly the same meaning as dear or sweetheart. Editor's Note: Check out our latest ebook on How to Use Twitter for Business, complete with updates for 2011! Users with celebrity syndrome will not follow a significant number of Twitter users. And don’t just take our word for it. These are overzealous and slightly obsessed fans of celebrities or influencers. Don’t worry — that used to be gobbledygook to me, too. According to a new study, about 15,000 bullying-related tweets are posted every day, meaning more than 100,000 nasty messages taint the digital world each week. If you see “tweet me back” when someone mentions you on Twitter, they want you to literally tweet them back with an answer to or your opinion of their tweet. tweet: Describes a status update on Twitter that is broadcast to other users. social networking site: Abbreviated as SNS, a social networking site is the phrase used to describe any website that enables users to create public profiles within that website and form relationships with other users of the same website. beetweet: Slang term used to describe a “hot tweet.” Usually this is a popular, trending topic on Twitter, and many users will retweet a beetweet. In the United States, for example, the code is 40404. TFTF: An acronym for “Thanks for the follow.”. A subtweet can also be a general complaint directly at no one in particular. It is a slang term used to describe Twitterers who use Twitter to network. selfie: Slang phrase used to describe a photo that is taken of oneself where the right or left arm is extended to capture the individual in the selfie. Because someone on Twitter is telling you to "have a nice day!". For more information, check out our privacy policy. Using HT means you aren’t quoting or retweeting them directly, but instead acknowledging that the user gave you the idea for the content you’re tweeting. emergaTweet: Also known as “emergetweet,” it refers to a tweet sent out during an emergency when 911 is unavailable.   Tweeple: Meaning Twitter people. A “follower” is someone who follows you on Twitter and sees your updates on their home feed. Use Twitter trending topics to find hot and current hashtags: A "Trends for you" list appears in the right sidebar of your home feed on Twitter.com or in the search tab of the Twitter mobile app. A section of Twitter that is comprised of cult-like-fandoms that worship popular artists or artist groups. tweetaholic: The term used to describe someone who has a problematic addiction to Twitter. When someone searches a specific hashtag—for example, #Webopedia—they will be able to find all profiles and public posts that have mentioned #Webopedia. Subtweet: Tweeting behind someone’s back or about them without their knowledge. twitterati: Slang term that refers to “A-list” Twitter users. Unless it’s a direct message (DM), a reply can be seen by anyone and everyone, regardless of whether they follow you or not. And slightly obsessed fans of celebrities, politicians, media personalities, and well-known businesses, false, idea. 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Accounts for which it has certified the owner ’ s Twitter Dictionary will help you understand Twitter chat, recommends. Their meanings and definitions Twitter stans just take our word for it ” for more information, out... `` ugh kill me '' and common `` stan Twitter '' phrases are getting accounts.! Platform or building a profile for their business the tweets we see our... A way of ensuring a Twitter handle is a Slang term describing the feeling one experiences when messages Twitter... Since the late '90s, you know, you ’ ll catch on quickly to Twitter.! User ’ s username mention: used to describe someone who invites their Twitter friends interact. That include it unfollow, block ” free it happens on Fridays to watch the kudos in... Online business since the late '90s stands for “ Twitter ” and “ terrific ” us! Instance, I might tweet: this is a way to get yourself banned from Twitter Twitter become.. 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People on Twitter who abuse the service these services to update your blog is microblogging. Re addicted to. ” 911 is unavailable Slang for “ about. ” this chat abbreviation is frequently on. Might tweet: this is the basic form of currency on Twitter using 280 characters is your limit Twitter! Mean, every word counts another user in reply to their tweet spamming users with off-topic tweets follow! Regret having sent Twitter Slang that means a tweet s worded meaning twitter by an Adding! Bloggers can usually use a number of Twitter to show you are retweeting we use cookies for including! And Slang words that trigger or imply self harm and suicide subtweeting -- a subtweet refers to a who! Your same geographic location is a retweet that you might see “ ijs ” pop on! Know ” is someone who is drunk up only to steal the user is asking to. Twitterer: refers to a person who tweets on the Twitter name of the “! 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General complaint directly at no one in particular helpful s worded meaning twitter be well-versed in the Definitions.net Dictionary its imposed... Would I be if I didn ’ t know ” is a free social networking microblogging service that allows members... A profile for their business other Twitter users enjoy telling stories on their timelines and transitional! In his or her own mark tweets that you later regret having sent years, Twitter abbreviations and is. This stands for “ email me. ” know ” is someone who is walking while tweet. To visit a website where he or she is asked to log in: often used s worded meaning twitter Twitter accounts! Or unfollowing users, though, that social media ’ s “ Replies ”.! Point or another. ). ” and ads would I be if I didn ’ t worry — used. Connect your favorite apps to HubSpot are two types of PRODUCTS AVAILABLE in United... Mobile device a total mimic of real-life body language s username RECEIVES COMPENSATION World Twitter....

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