night watch discworld characters

Vimes' son is born, with the help of Doctor 'Mossy' Lawn (whom Vimes met while in the past), and Vimes finally arrests Carcer, promising him a fair trial before he's hanged. But the trouble is that it’s the only thing you’re good at. I'm good at teaching people to walk!" In the United States, these cadences are sometimes called jody calls or jodies, after Jody, a recurring character in many traditional cadences; Jody refers to the man with whom a serviceman's wife/girlfriend cheats, while he is deployed. Vimes comments to Reg Shoe that perhaps "the best way to build a bright new world is to peel some spuds in this one?" The fantasy police procedural has been in development since 2011, having shifted creative direction and changed creative teams several times over the course of the last decade. "off to fight the Cheese Eaters of Quirm or Johnny Klatchian" - In WWI the British press referred to the soldiers of the Ottoman Empire as "Johnny Turk" and Johnny Foreigner is a common British pejorative for any undesirable foreigner. The novel climaxes in the Revolution, hinted at since the start of the book. Reg says that "all food must go to the common warehouse and be distributed by my officials according to -" in spite of the fact that there is no warehouse, no shortage of food to require rationing, and the food will spoil. It is sung while running or marching to keep the cadence and keep spirits up. "singing a rude song about a wheelbarrow.... Hedgehogs? The good people don’t seem to have the knack." The Watch's Constable Carrot Ironfoundersson is a direct lift from the stories of Discworld. A copper, that's who." Protests songs often have their roots in hymns. Note: Some of the information repeated below was taken from The Discworld Companion and the 1999 Discworld Diary, which had a City Watch theme, and has not been confirmed in any of the Discworldnovels. She then says that she will "escort" him - another reference related to her trade. In the armed services, a military cadence or cadence call is a traditional call-and-response work song where one person sings the lines and the rest of the group responds. Vimes finds he has three assassins in custody, two of whom are thoroughly professional, but the third is a showoffy twerp; Vimes classifies him as "the sort that gets a kick out of showing his … "It takes a thousand steps to get to the top of a mountain but one little hop'll take you all the way to the bottom" is a variation on the founder of Taoism, Lao Tsu's line, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" as well as Neil Armstrong's words on the moon, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". is an obvious reference to the old song, "Molly Molone" "wheeling her wheelbarrow through streets broad and narrow" - with its double entendres. a class traitor because Vimes is now of the upper crust). There had been the funeral of Herbert Gaskin, for one thing.". Sing it as we march along!/ Why we sing it we don't know!/We can't make der words rhyme prop'ly! This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. For other novels with the same or very similar name, see, "The Locus Index to SF Awards: 2003 Prometheus Awards", The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices, The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch, The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day,, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz work identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 April 2021, at 22:45. The actual painting by Rembrandt is used as the back cover illustration. In simplified terms a carbonated beverage, with or without additives to make it even more gaseous, is shaken and inserted in one of the victim's bodily orifices where the instant release and expansion of dissolved gas creates excruciating pain but leaves no mark. In the show and the books, he's a strong, capable, and naive man from the sticks who moves to … Kidby pays tribute to the late artist, Josh Kirby by placing him in the picture, in the position where Rembrandt painted himself. Cuci novo, similis duci seneci" and "Ave Bossa nova, similis bossa seneca!" Susan Sto Helit is neck and neck with Vimes for my favorite character ... Night Watch was my first discworld book! 'Mr Lousy' is Lu-Tze, the Sweeper from The Thief of Time who has the ability to stop and modify time, a skill he puts to immediate use in making Vimes into Keel. If Death appears in your average fantasy novel, it’s usually … They ordered Hunt's arrest and a sent the cavalry charging into the crowd of 60 -80,000 people, many of whom were women and children, killing 15 people and injured between 400 and 700 others. resonates with the Monty Python's sketch about being attacked by a man with a pointed stick which is reinforced when Pratchett uses the word sticks to refer to the men's truncheons later in the scene. Guards! It is stated that the event which caused Vimes and Carcer to be sent into the past was a major temporal shattering. When he is taken to be interrogated by the captain, time is frozen by Lu-Tze, who tells Vimes what has happened and that he must assume the identity of his mentor Sergeant-At-Arms John Keel (who was to have arrived that day but was murdered by Carcer). The slang line, "fleague a jade" does give the reader a hint about what will be done later on in the novel with ginger, both in bottled form and in the raw; this practice is said to be a way of making a nag frisky when selling it by shoving raw ginger up its anus and works just as well on oxen later in the book. Lu-Tze is one of the "History Monks (the Men In Saffron, No Such Monastery... they had many names) [...]" "Men In Saffron" is an obvious reference to the movie "Men in Black", which was in turn a reference to the original, mythical federal secret agents the movie is named after. Vimes then returns to the office, time restarts and he convinces the captain that he is Keel. Sergeant Detritus leads his group of new recruits with a marching song and is referred to as a "jody". Usually the songs poke fun at other regiments, the enemy, army life and what the soldiers' girlfriends/wives are up to while the soldier is away in the army. Because the bad people know how to plan. is a reference to William Blake's poem The Tyger also used in The Last Continent). when Veteneri says to Vimes, "The only thing the good people are good at is overthrowing the bad people. Vimes' son is born, with the help of Doctor "Mossy" Lawn, whom Vimes met while in the past, and Vimes finally arrests Carcer, promising him a fair trial before he is hanged. in Les Miserables, Gavroche dies, while in Night Watch, Nobby survives and becomes a member of the Watch. Meserole evidently is slang for a loud obnoxious drunken family group of family that teases and/or fight with each other. It was reportedly used in the presence of the Emperor Claudius in AD 52 by the gladiators in the amphitheater and although widely quoted was not actually recorded anywhere else in Roman history. Night Watch Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms. ", Tilden had, "killed more of the enemy by good if dull tactics than his own men by bad but exciting one". The Discworld novels can be read in any order but Night Watch is the sixth book in the City Watch series. Obviously is is a stew of sorts. The novel climaxes in the Revolution. "a tuppenny upright" is a quicky standing against a wall with a prostitute. The villain Carcer's name has obvious similarities to the word cancer (and he is a cancer on society) but it comes from the Latin carcerem and means jail or imprisonment (incarceration); in ancient Rome, the Carcer (pronounced Carker) was the death row cell next to the Forum. The yellow robed monks have obvious parallels to Buddhist monks in Tibet and other eastern regions only in this case they are turning the cylinders of time, the procrastinators, not the prayer wheels found out side every Buddhist temple. In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the First Ranger is Benjen Stark, while the Lord Commander is Jeor Mormont, the father of Jorah Mormont. The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May parodies the name of the famous sea battle off Cape St. Vincent in 1794 between Great Britain and the First French Republic which was known as the Glorious First of June. Every password was swordfish!". The ruler, Lord Winder, is effectively assassinated by the young Assassin's Guild student Havelock Vetinari, and the new Patrician Lord Snapcase calls for a complete amnesty. The Night's Watch is grievously under-strength by the beginning of the book series, having fallen from 10,000 when Aegon the Conqueror invaded to less than 1,000, divided into three garrisons at Vimes/Keel refuses over and over to fall into this trap (keeping the beast inside) and ultimately sides with the rebels. "He was a real person. DEATH is endearing, but Sam Vimes and his City Watch is the beating heart of the Discworld. "We who think we are about to die will laugh at anything" is a reference to the slogan of the gladiators "Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant"- "Hail Emperor, We who are about to die salute you" which Pratchett also uses in a bastardized form in The Last Hero. A five-part radio adaptation of the novel was broadcast on BBC Radio 4. be rebuilt. Kidby has instead inserted a swamp dragon, a reference to Vimes' wife Sybil, who breeds them. The most enjoyable Discworld books involve the City Watch, Guards, Guards, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay, Jingo, and The Fifth Elephant. Things end up, shall we say, at least no worse than they were when they started... and that seems far from dark to me. The image of Vetenari advancing on Winder, shooting the guards and throwing away his bows behind him has roots in many action movies from Kill Bill, to Mr and Mrs Smith to Laura Croft, Tomb Raider. When he is taken to be interrogated by the captain, time is frozen by Lu-Tze, who tells Vimes what has happened and that he must assume the identity of Sergeant-At-Arms John Keel, who was to have arrived that day but was murdered by Carcer. He famously fined a corpse $40 for carrying a concealed weapon, for instance. In 1715, the painting was moved to the Amsterdam Town Hall, for which it was trimmed on all four sides. At the time Pratchett was writing this novel there had been one hedge related murder and there have been subsequent ones. The song itself has mixed connotations; in some aspects being hymn-like "All the little angels (rising) up (to heaven)", in some aspects revolutionary - rising up to overthrown the evil government. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Dotsie and Sadie, the two agony aunts act as enforcers for the Seamstresses Guild. Both Javert and Vimes are obsessed with justice; Javert interpreting that to mean the punishment of the guilty, which eventually leads to his suicide when he can no longer reconcile his beliefs with the reality of capturing a good man. The ruler, Lord Winder, is effectively assassinated by the young Assassin's Guild student Havelock Vetinari when he influences what seems to be a heart attack, and the new Patrician Lord Snapcase calls for a complete amnesty. However, he sees Keel as a threat and sends Carcer and the palace guard to murder the Night Watch. The use of these lines also resonates with the other expressions associated with the lines: "feet up"(relaxing), "hands up" (under arrest), "knees up" (a party or celebration as in the song 'Knees up Mother Brown') "heads up" (a warning), and "arse up" (with your rear in the air as an insult and also meaning ruined or destroyed). Night Watch (Discworld, #29; City Watch, #6), Terry Pratchett On the morning of the 30th anniversary of the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May (and as such the anniversary of the death of John Keel, Vimes' hero and former mentor), Sam Vimes — whose wife is in labor with their first child — is caught in a magical storm while pursuing Carcer, a notorious criminal. Vimes has to teach his younger self about good police work, and in so doing has to be very careful about not doing things that he considers to be over the line (such as murdering unarmed men). Night Watch is the twenty-ninth novel in the comic fantasy Discworld series, written by Terry Pratchett, and the sixth to focus on the character of Sam Vimes. The line, "Dark sarcasm ought to be taught in schools." Custard? This is an obvious reference to Blofeld in the James Bond movies and his white Persian cat. Night Watch continues the story of the City Watch characters by going back in time to explain how the central character, Sam Vimes, came to be. The words on John Keel's grave "How do they rise up" is a reference to a revolutionary song that Pratchett wrote and uses later in the novel. Vimes's first idea is to ask the wizards at the Unseen University to send him home, but before he can act on this, he is arrested for breaking curfew by a younger version of himself. Other lines including 'The people are the sea in which the revolutionary swims!' Instead, the key third lit figure is the Sweeper in the saffron robe immediately in front and to the left of Nobby in the position of the watchmen carrying an arquebus in Rembrandt's original. The practical vs the hollow ideology. Captain Swing is the inventor of craniometrics and measures Vimes head with calipers - a reference to the practice of phrenology, the pseudoscience that tried to link personality and character to head shape which was developed by German physician Franz Joseph Gall in 1796 and popularized in the Victorian era by Europeans wishing to justify their racism toward their subjects in their various colonies. Will `` escort '' him - another reference related to her trade the kvetch, Sir. say! As enforcers for the Seamstresses Guild in preventing pregnancy in the James Bond movies and his Persian... Do have the ring of Cockney rhyming slang or any inner City talk... It deals with some rather grim things is, I ’ ll grant you one... Heart of the Caesars '' temporal shattering is used as the back cover illustration is available under Wikipedia... Worse than a serial killer loose in your City the late artist, Josh Kirby by placing him the. ] the only thing you ’ re good at that, I think, reference! 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