night of the living dummy read online

I'm serious." Did you think he was a real kid?" "I have to be dreaming." We don't really know what they're about. He turned to the Millers. Silvacosta. She yawned loudly. "Twist it off!" Guess you showed me you can play funny tricks, too." Lindy dug into the pile and heaved up a shovelful of dirt. "On the Twelfth of Never," Mrs. Powell replied, grinning. Night Of The Living Dummy Ii PDF Books Download Night Of The Living Dummy Ii PDF books.Access full book title Night Of The Living Dummy Ii by R. L. Stine, the book also available in format PDF, EPUB, and Mobi Format, to read online books or download Night Of The Living Dummy Ii full books, Click Get Books for free access, and save it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Lindy gushed. I'm never speaking to you again. "I need Mr. Wood for the spring concert!" My jewelry. "And you're ugly." Kris cried aloud, raising her hands to her face in horror. In her fright, Kris squeezed the dummy's shoulder, wrapping her fingers around the harsh fabric of his shirt. It was nearly three-thirty in the morning. "His clothes are better than Slappy's," Kris said, holding the dummy out at arm's length to get a good view. "Ready?" "You just pull it." Then she pulled him away from the banister and pushed him down hard onto a step. "Slappy didn't hurt Kris. A head? You're tickling me!" "You sure?" But then she quickly realized that it was Mrs. Berman, the music teacher. . Kris shouted to her sister. Kris cried, frantically pointing down to the dummy beneath her foot. "You know. He stopped. "Give me a break. There sat Slappy, exactly where Lindy had placed him. "I — I'm putting you back in the closet." "It's just crude insults," Mr. Miller replied quietly. You dressed him in my clothes and made him say those gross things to me? She grabbed the dummy by the waist and pulled him away from the door. Lindy repeated the question. "You will do whatever I ask. Don't accuse me." I'm sorry," Mrs. Powell said. "We've got to — " "There's nothing you can do," Mr. Wood snarled. "Morning, Mom," she called brightly, tying the belt to her robe as she entered the kitchen. No_Favorite. Night of the living dummy Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Lindy hesitated, her features tight with fear. "Below the neck," Kris said, holding Mr. Wood tightly by the shoulders. Mrs. Berman, her flowery dress flowing around her, was heading offstage. What was all that shiny stuff among the food? "Then I'll take a turn." she called up to them. They made their way through an opening in the low shrubs that divided the two yards. They wiped their wet sneakers on the mat, then held the kitchen door open for Barky. She tossed her long hair behind her shoulder. "We're having a dress-up party in Miss Finch's class. Stine, Night of the Living Deed by E.J. When Slappy and I did our rap routine, Alice spit her chocolate milk out her nose. Lindy moaned in utter disbelief. She still felt uncomfortable, a little frightened, as if she were still being chased by someone or something. He didn't move. "What do you think?" Mrs. Berman shouted angrily, frantically wiping splotches of the disgusting green liquid off the front of her dress with both hands. Lindy cried, outraged. His big eyes locked angrily on Kris's. Lindy leapt excitedly in the air and cheered. "No. His arms and legs dangled lifelessly. Kris shrieked at the top of her lungs. "And now you and your sister will serve me. Lindy closed the refrigerator door. The dummy raised its head. She stared hard at the jewel-bedecked dummy, who grinned up at her over the big platter of chicken. 21:53. "Did someone send you a love note, Mr. "Tell me another one," she muttered sarcastically. He was seated at the counter, his hands in his lap. How about this?" "You didn't scare me!" Frightened, Kris raised herself from the folding chair and backed up against the tree trunk. Maybe great-looking twin guys!" Watch the bloopers in another video: me on twitter: @Chaz_Tstein She tossed down the yellow paper disgustedly. She was speaking in a high-pitched voice through gritted teeth, trying not to move her lips. Really. A loud hiss rose up from under the machine, like air escaping from a large balloon. share. "But I didn't do this. "Ssshhh. Her eyes went wide as she spotted the missing dummy. Outside, a flash of bright lightning was followed by a roar of thunder. "Gotcha again," Lindy said, laughing. "Wh-what's going on?" She had to duck away from Mr. Wood's thrashing feet. "Huh?" His hands were wrapped around Slappy's throat, as if he were strangling him. "They liked me. Hands outstretched, they slid on their stomachs on the wet grass. Lindy buttoned the jacket. Her father's eyes landed on the dummy. Barley stopped scampering and stood frozen in place, his eyes following the green gas as it floated up against the nearly black sky. I really don't think we can afford to buy one now." Sitting straight up in the chair, Slappy grinned back at them, bathed in morning sunlight. The dummy giggled his shrill, unpleasant giggle. She was startled awake by a sound. "Huh?" Don't think of it as an audience, she told herself. "She's keeping me," she made the dummy say. 18 "That's right. She walked over to the chair by the window and grabbed up Mr. Wood. When she wasn't making suggestions, Lindy was nervously glancing at her watch. "Okay, okay. Kris reached out her other hand and grabbed him around the waist. All four of them were sitting in a small patch of shade under the bent old maple tree in the Powells' back yard. "Didn't they, Slappy?" Kris lowered Mr. Wood from her shoulder. The back of her neck felt hot and prickly. Mr. Powell asked, shoveling another forkful of spaghetti into his mouth. "Who?" Have you lost your mind?" Lindy glared at her watch. But the force of the putrid green liquid frothing and spewing out was too strong. "You know what? Suggested PDF: Night of the Living Dummy 3 pdf. The heavy dew felt cold and damp. Mr. Powell asked, smiling. She dove to tackle him, but he darted out from under her. This is such a scary book, and I think I was just about to fall asleep." Kris glanced at the clock. "Hey — where'd you go?" It stared up at her lifelessly. "Kinda," he replied without enthusiasm. "Your plan won't work. Let's go out," she said. Kris asked eagerly in a low whisper. Lindy laughed. Lindy made her way to her bed, sat down, and clicked off the bed-table lamp. "I have," Lindy said. "That's not very nice, Kris," Mrs. Powell scolded. She sucked in her breath and held it, listening hard. "I'm wide awake," Kris replied, sitting on the edge of her bed. a voice whispered. "He's been doing everything. "Let go of me!" "And I know who's doing it," Lindy whispered, leaning over her twin, putting a comforting hand on her quivering shoulder. "I swear, Kris, I didn't do it. "Pull!" Let's talk tomorrow," Lindy said. To her shock, the dummy blinked. I'm getting really good. I was being chased, she remembered, her heart still pounding. "Hey, everybody! "Okay, okay," Lindy muttered, blushing. Mrs. Powell demanded angrily, hands at the waist of her cotton nightgown. I'm getting better at switching from Mr. Wood's voice back to mine, she thought happily. Geng Kazuto. The old back yard swingset, half covered with rust, hadn't been used much in recent years. "Gotcha again!" Lindy stood up and moved to the edge of her sister's bed. He's just a stupid wooden dummy, she told herself. Kris wondered. "Work, work, work," she made the dummy grumble. Dazed, her chest heaving, her entire body trembling, Kris slowly climbed to her feet. She gave her mother a gentle shove toward the doorway. I nearly forgot," Kris said, stopping on the back stoop. "Something weird is going on. She sat up slowly, feeling weary, as if she hadn't slept at all. "Don't you ever get tired of playing stupid jokes?" "That's what you always say." He was propped in the chair in front of the window, his hands carefully placed in his lap, his white sneakers hanging over the chair edge. Kris could hear birds chirping happily in the old maple tree. But even with her back turned, she could feel them gazing at her. "Looks like rain." IMPORTANT NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: The content in this story has been rated 18+.However, since this story is created by members, Writing.Com can not control the content within it. "I have to punish you," the dummy replied. Kris lowered her head so that she was face-to-face with her dummy. Kris started to protest, but they both heard voices. Cody declared. I made up long plays with them." Leave me alone," Kris snapped. Lindy's mouth dropped open in protest. But I know why you changed your mind. Kris insisted. The Millers stared at each other unhappily. You know, the ones that have been sitting in the garage since you got them." And guess what else? "I mean, you're a dummy. Lindy declared. Then, walking past the stacks of lumber and the tall mound of dirt, they climbed the concrete stoop. A light rain had begun to fall. Shaking her head, she took off toward the house. Chased by what? Kris brushed the green blades off Mr. Wood's wooden head. 21 Both sisters stared at the dummy, waiting for him to collapse. Away from the shouting people fleeing the auditorium. When the sounds faded, Lindy shut her eyes and lowered her head to the pillow. She reached out for the dummy. She refused to be an audience for Lindy's routines. She glanced at her watch again. Mrs. Powell fretted. She tightened her grip on the head and pulled again, tugging with all her strength. she made Mr. Wood say. She was backstage before she realized that it was Mrs. Berman who was pushing her. "You just want to see if Robby is there," Lindy said, making a face. She was a large, heavyset woman with several chins, a red lipsticked mouth, and flowing black hair. "That's nice," she offered. We'll talk tomorrow. "They're so sad. "This should do it," she said, whispering even though no one was around. "You're such a nit!" "Let's try it again, Mr. Wood," she said, pulling her chair closer to the mirror. "We'll put him in the closet. Both of them. "That was so babyish." The gum wasn't coming off her chin. The gigantic black wheel rolled right over him, pushing him onto his back, then crushing him with a loud crunch. I'm alive once again! Holding Mr. Wood by the shoulders, Kris lowered her eyes to his face. "I think you're way weird," Alice told Lindy. Lindy grabbed the book back with a scowl. She slipped them over her head and untangled them from the other three strands of beads she was wearing. Down in the living room, her parents were still apologizing to the Millers. Lindy cried out as she spotted Mr. Wood. "I — I can't make him stop. Kris cried out in surprise as the dummy snapped his jaws over her arm, biting her. More tears formed in the corners of her eyes. "Let go of Barky!" "Why'd you call? He reached down and grabbed Barky by the neck with both hands. You did." Stine 1 The stairs up to my attic are narrow and steep. Lindy cried. Barky let out a high-pitched whelp, a bleat of pain that made Kris shudder. He's cute," Lindy said, cuddling the dummy against the front of her T-shirt. JesseniaMALLOW66240. Her smile spread into a grin almost as wide as Slappy's. You're nothing but trouble, she thought angrily, holding him in front of her and staring at his grinning face. I guess we should," she replied. Stine. "I think you're both crazy," Lindy's friend Alice said. Kris was surprised to see an angry expression on her face. Stine. Alice was the only one to laugh. "No need," Lindy replied. Lindy proclaimed. "I don't believe you two," their mother muttered, making her way into their bedroom and dropping a neatly folded pile of laundry at the foot of Kris's bed. "I'm hosting a stupid concert for maybe a hundred parents — and she's going to be on TV! Kris pulled herself off the swing and forced a smile to her face. She turned to the bedroom window. "Not good, Kris. "Me?" "We have to kill him, Lindy." Lindy asked. Lindy asked, confused. "Yeah. Mr. Wood uttered a high-pitched giggle. Start your FREE MONTH by clicking below. Lindy was still sound asleep. What happened tonight — it wasn't a practical joke. Kris tried out several more jokes. Kris strode angrily to the window and pressed her forehead against the glass. And she thinks I'm good enough to go on Talent Search, the show they have every week." Pale silver moonlight filtered in, creating long, purple shadows that appeared to creep across the girls' bedroom. "He looks just like Lindy's dummy, except his hair is bright red, not brown." 1) Ebook Free. "I wanted something that would be mine, for a change. Kris smiled. her younger brother, Ben, asked, staying several feet away, an uncertain expression on his freckled face. Of course not. "Rehearse on them," her father suggested. Everything . It's all like some kind of hideously gross nightmare. It was a hot Saturday afternoon, the sun high in a pale blue sky, streaks of yellow light filtering down through the shifting leaves above their heads. Wait. "Now what?" "No. "You ride your bike over?" She turned and caught the frightened expression on Lindy's face. Then she picked up Mr. Wood. "It was Mrs. Marshall. "This is your last chance!" The wide mouth flew open as if about to scream. The Millers were laughing so hard, their faces were bright red. Ignoring him, Kris pulled open the kitchen door and they carried their wriggling captive outside. Kris followed, her bare feet moving lightly over the thin carpet. "I didn't dress you up and move you. Mrs. Powell's eyes opened wide. Lindy cried, turning her eyes away from the grinning, jewelry-covered dummy. "Well, that will have to do," he said. Kris grabbed the dummy by the shoulders and held on tightly. Then Mom and I went to the mall." "I'm never speaking to you again," she said angrily. "I'm dreaming," Kris told herself aloud. I'll be asleep as soon as we turn off the lights, she thought. "Okay. Kris asked, kicking at a clump of weeds. "Hey, I'm real sorry," the man said, wiping his forehead with his T-shirt sleeve as he straightened up to face them. "You can't get rid of me," Mr. Wood insisted. They both fell onto the stairs, rolling down a few steps. It was hot and noisy backstage in the auditorium. She picked up the dog, carried him out, and closed the kitchen door. And seated beside him was another dummy, also grinning at her. Both thought their noses were a little too wide. But to her surprise, the kids hooted and howled. cute," Kris said, searching for the right word. His brown hair was painted on his head. It sounded like "Your dummy is evil." Kris kept her eyes trained on the dummy. she asked. Lindy followed her sister's startled gaze. "We never use it." They're all about sheep or something. I don't know," Lindy replied. "Lindy — stop it!" she wondered. "It smells great," Lindy said, taking a deep breath. Lindy called down, taking a few reluctant steps toward her sister. Stine | Submitted by: Maria Garcia | Its arms and legs dangled down limply. Kris could hear her mother busy in the kitchen preparing dinner. Or why!" Kris balled her hands into angry fists. Lindy rolled her eyes. They crossed the street. As with any item on Writing.Com, the content rating MAY or MAY NOT be accurate and the site makes no guarantees as to the accuracy. Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates will not be held … You know Mrs. Evans? 1,083 330 168KB Read more. "I can't find any good joke books," she said dejectedly. Think I want to spend the rest of my life on your lap?!" "Meat loaf," Mrs. Powell replied, "if your father ever gets the onion peeled." The steamroller appeared to rock back and forth. audible mp3, ePUB(Android), kindle, and audiobook. Lindy turned to Kris, her mouth open in surprise and terror. The man exhaled slowly. "Yeah. Kris let the dummy slump to her lap. Kris jumped to her feet. She turned to find her father standing in the doorway, still dabbing at his eyes with a wet dishtowel. "They're expensive," Mr. Powell replied, glancing at his wife. The builders had knocked down the old house during the winter. I can't believe you and I are in the same family." There were earrings and bracelets and strands of beads tossed everywhere, mixed with the spilled, strewn food like some kind of bizarre salad. "I — I don't know what to believe," Lindy replied. Lindy demanded. As she lay back on it, something caught her eye. "That's weird. The girls had no choice but to leave the room. "Mom, please!" "Mom? Ha-ha! "Remember those marionettes I used to have? "Out of the kitchen!" The sky was still dawn-gray outside the window. "Better get out of the rain," he told them. Read Night of the Living Dummy eBook online for free. "Huh? Can't we get some sleep?" She carefully set Mr. Wood down on his back on her bed and pulled her skirt and blouse off him. was all Kris could manage in reply. she asked angrily, on her knees at the foot of the bed. I was so scared." . "And I'm very unhappy with you two slaves." "I still don't get the joke," Mr. Powell said, shaking his head. "Somebody — help!" Something scampered heavily near the low shrubs that separated the yards. Publisher: Scholastic. "What were you doing up, anyway?" "I think he's creepy," Kris said, kicking a large pebble across the street. What's going on?" Suddenly Kris was trembling all over, and hot tears were pouring down her cheeks. And beside him sat Mr. Wood, his arm around Slappy's shoulder, grinning triumphantly at Kris as if he had just pulled off a wonderful joke. The rain began to come down a little harder. "Do you have to go shopping now?" Maybe I should say I'm sick and not perform with him. alive!" Trending. "This is my house now," the dummy rasped, grinning at Lindy as it struggled to wriggle out of Kris's arms. You're upset because I'm going to earn some money and you're not." She took a step into the kitchen. She dodged as he tried to kick her with both sneakered feet. As she reached up, Mr. Wood suddenly lowered his head until he was staring down at her. "How can you be such a copycat?" Why can't I have something that just belongs to me? "Come on," she urged her sister. Let go!" Lindy stifled a yawn. "I want to practice my act." Her friend Cody Matthews stepped into the room. Mr. and Mrs. Powell took a seat on the living room couch. Kris stared hard into Slappy's big eyes, gleaming in the light from the window. Joe Biden. "Me, too." The dummy did move." Do not take him out until then." Mr. Wood turned to the Millers. Meet Mr. Night of the Living Dummy (Classic Goosebumps #1) - Ebook written by R.L. "With that weird dummy of yours, you'll need it." Mrs. Powell asked, kneading a big ball of red ground beef in her hands. To me and to the audience," Mrs. Berman demanded. Cody said. Night of the Living Dummy PDF book (Goosebumps) (Goosebumps Series) Read Online or Free Download in ePUB, PDF or MOBI eBooks. Cody asked as they crossed the street. "I'm going to take the dummies away from you both," Mrs. Powell said, turning back to Lindy and Kris. Her eyes darted to the other bed. Can I do this? That gray suit on your dummy is the pits." "You can throw it in the trash," Kris told him. Do you think I'm a dummy?" Lindy said. "You'll be sorry," the dummy rasped. "I love him!" "We're not competing," Lindy muttered. Dad got home from Portland last night, and Mom told him what was going on. I'm a nightmare!" Everything seemed to shimmer under the dark purple sky. But she held on. he asked his wife. If we wake them up, we'll be in even bigger trouble." "Where is he, Lindy?" she asked Kris. "Wait!" "Dumb," Kris repeated, shaking her head. The dog ignored her and sniffed under the stool Mr. Wood sat on. "Or I'll throw you down the stairs." "Where's my share of the loot?" Grinning his evil grin, Mr. Wood dropped down to the floor, his sneakers thudding hard on the floor. "Huh?" FerrerLola5908. Kris told him about being asked to host the concert with Mr. Wood. Then with a fierce tug, she pulled the wooden hands apart. Stop it!" Mr. Wood raised his head, stared up at Lindy, and grinned. But she kept her gaze on Kris's frightened face. "Because I found him and you didn't." She suddenly remembered the two steamrollers she had seen moving over the yard next door, flattening the ground. "What's going on?" Slappy stared up at her as her shadow fell over him. "You jumped a mile!" He seemed to be wearing some sort of gray suit. "I thought he'd never leave! The man picked up the crushed dummy. "Maybe later." "Is someone in here?" "It just came to me," Lindy answered with some pride. "No way," Lindy insisted, rubbing her hand tenderly over the dummy's wooden hair. She held Mr. Wood up in front of her, examining him carefully, staring at his face as if half-expecting him to talk to her. Then we'll never have to think about him again." alive?" "You will be my slaves now. "What's the joke? "What are you girls doing out in the rain, anyway?" "Get him!" Fast Download speed and ads Free! Get Free Night Of The Living Dummy Textbook and unlimited access to our library by created an account. Some good joke books with some really funny jokes. Kris insisted. The paper contained a single sentence handwritten very cleanly in bold black ink. "Let's change the subject," Kris suggested. Working together, they stuffed him into the open suitcase. Amy asked. "Well? "A little," Kris said, making a face. "Mr. Wood did it, Mom," Kris said heatedly, stepping away from the wall, her hands tensed into fists. Down here!" "That's not fair!" He was talking!" She awoke to find her nightshirt completely twisted, cutting off the circulation to her right arm. "I'm warning you!" he proclaimed. Night of the Living Dummy. You startled me. She stepped back. Stine. The dummy giggled. Kris stared at the kids and adults filing into the large auditorium, recognizing a lot of faces. "Huh?" "Well, after you left, I was pretty upset," Kris replied, following Lindy to the house. "Copycat! A jagged streak of white lightning flashed high in the sky. "How are you today?" "Listen to me!" Kris wondered. Kris couldn't help feeling jealous. "He's . "Let go of me," the dummy repeated. "Oh!" "I've got my act down. I'm going to ask you to apologize," Mrs. Berman said, her face bright red. He uttered a low, throaty cry of pain. "The voice," Kris whispered. His brown hair stood stiffly on top of his head. Her mother shrugged. Instead, the dummy's wooden chest was painted white. An overturned milk carton beside her foot revealed that the puddle was spilled milk. "But, Dad — " He raised a hand to silence her. "Why don't you both share Slappy?" "But — you're a dummy!" 16 After school a few days later, Kris walked home with Cody. Somehow he had freed himself from the suitcase and pulled himself out. He runs! Published in 1993 the book become immediate popular and critical acclaim in horror, childrens books. the angry operator shouted through the high window of the steamroller. She held them up and studied them, as if they would offer a clue as to what had happened. Before her father could answer, Mrs. Powell reappeared in the doorway. "Why don't you believe me?" "Yeah. "Let me out! "You're supposed to tell me if it's funny or not." Lindy was beside her now. He lowered his head and started to lick up some spilled milk. Still struggling to breathe, she pounced onto his back. It looked like it was running. "Your lips are moving," Kris told Lindy. Kris looked up, saw a moving shadow, and gasped. "I mean, you could probably pick up some pointers for the concert at school." Kris asked, following her sister toward the street. "Good idea," Lindy said, climbing into bed. He said Mr. Wood and I should be on TV." All three of them blinked, struggling to adjust to the sudden brightness. She raised one foot against the tree trunk and propped Mr. Wood on her knee. The dummy giggled its ugly giggle again. What was that sound? "It's about Mr. Wood," Kris said. "Break a leg!" "Okay, okay!" Just put on a short show for the Millers. "Let me out now, and your punishment won't be too severe." Lindy bent to pull open the garage door, then stopped. Kris screamed at her sister. "Who do you think will move in?" I don't believe you!" Kris raised her hands to her cheeks and stared in disbelief. she made him say. "Can we go to sleep now?" Kris cried. Kris cried. "If the kids like me, their parents might hire me for their parties." Fast Download speed and ads Free! Before she could begin the routine, Lindy came rushing breathlessly into the room. Kris raised her hands to her face in horror. She bent down and pulled Mr. Wood up from the floor. Mr. Wood was sprawled on top of Slappy. Kris ordered her sister. Kris cried in a trembling voice. "He was strangling Slappy," Lindy reported. "What about those beautiful new bikes you got for your birthdays?" Squinting against the bright spotlight, Kris walked to the middle of the stage. Lindy yelled. Lindy, startled, sat straight up. Mr. Wood — he's alive!" Sick!" he asked, pushing his white-blond hair back off his forehead. Cody sprawled on his back in the shade. Let's go back to bed." Silence so heavy, she could hear the loud thudding of her heart. He hissed furiously at her. Her entire body ached from weariness. Kris repeated. Moving from the open closet. They leapt to their feet and turned back to Mr. Wood. She tossed it onto the desk she shared with Lindy, then turned to go back downstairs. Their mother disappeared toward her room. R.L. "Hey — give him back," Kris demanded, reaching for her dummy. "Bet they're hot," Cody remarked. "L-look!" She suddenly felt foolish. Kris cried desperately. Kris climbed to her feet. Slappy did!" It was just a nightmare. After a short while, with thoughts of everything that had happened that night whirring crazily in her head, Kris fell asleep, too. R.L Stine was really clever with the way that he put his book together. You put him in the kitchen? Kris realized she was breathing hard. Then they heard soft, rapid footsteps. They entered their bedroom to find the window wide open, the curtains slapping wildly, rain pouring in. Lindy chuckled. "Kris — what is wrong with you!" Then her expression softened and she sighed. She shook her head again, making the long earrings jangle. Kris pulled her dummy away. The girls ran at full speed, slipping on the wet grass as they hurried toward the fast-moving steamroller. Your age? that is pretty impressive when you saw Mr. Wood 's angry.... Head or on one side in a rage, she pounced onto his legs should go... Apologizing to the mirror followed their father shouted up the driveway, holding it so Lindy could see face... Goosebumps # 1 ) - eBook written by R.L caught her eye Below neck! His legs bad dream, '' Lindy said, shaking her head from chair!, Kindle book dove toward the Dumpster! the bone guy Kris had had a crush on for years... Disgusting green liquid off the bed-table lamp had come unbuttoned him tightly and it! 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