most dangerous empire in the world

Japan is rarely dangerous, with 35% of locals saying Japan is a “good place” for gay people to live, while Russia frequently polls at only 9%. Attila the Hun. Columbus, as well as many other conquistadors, pillaged, plundered, raped, and murdered the native tribes including the Aztec and Incas. So the authors of books containing the "most accurate" traditions, the pinnacle of the canon, said little of the End. (After all, the ruled since 1299). These are problems we face today, but the Persian empire solved them with a breeze, while also having a great government and which I believe we need to use again. During that time, the Japanese army was responsible for the death of millions of civilians and prisoners of war. One of the deadliest eruptions in European history, over 1,500 human remains have been found at the sights of Pompeii and Herculaneum so far. If that is the kind of philosophy that the west wants to see as their cultural heritage, I will be out! This would show a long line of Russification where Stalin would deport many of an ethnicity to Siberia and replace them with Russians so as to keep Rebellion from happen. Just kidding! The Soviet Union under Stalin’s leadership was one of the most notorious evil empires in history. Max Level Doctors, Builders, Janitors & Guards. Many modern world issues exist because the Brits decided to have fun with their borders before leaving their colonies, making things even … _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! Empire Origin Capital From To Duration (Years) Note First Leader Last Leader Flag Achaemenid Empire Iran Pasargadae, Ecbatana, Persepolis, Susa, Babylon: 550 BC: 330 BC: 220: The first Persian empire, and the fourth largest List of largest empires (after Xiongnu Empire, Han Dynasty and the First Turkic Khaganate) in classical antiquity time period, founded by Cyrus the Great. Herodotus even gives an account of how the Lydians were destroyed disarmed and pacified by the Persians, and had their honour and culture erased. He was leader of the Hitler's intention was to wipe every last Slav off the face of the Earth, he hated them as much as he hated Jews. This is not even mentioning the other races that would also have been victim to his conquests, such as the Africans. The French Empire over history wasn't so bad, but the crimes they commited during Algeria's struggle for independence are astonishing. Obviously there are other factors to Haiti and its poor development but I feel like this a key factor which determines Haiti's poverty. The Goa Inquisition (look it up)4. Starting in Macedonia, he formed an army and began conquering Greece, Syria, Egypt, Persia, and went all the way to India. Altough its absurd to say that the ancient assyrian empire was similar to isis or isil their warfare and torture would be similar to them in modern times. There was a point where they made streams go black because of all the books they dumped in the water as the ink polluted everything. This is the the Most Dangerous Cult in the World. 4 1947: The Partition Of India. They quickly started colonies in African countries like Somalia and Libya. They were amongst the most barbaric people of antiquity, who disguised themselves as philosophers and freedom fighting people, which couldn't be further from the truth! They used crucifixions not only as punishment but as a sign of their power. they were ruthless warriors who burned people alive, skinned them and also killed women and children their leader Kengis khan killed 40 million people and his son Noyan killed 30. And all to own a fraction of a pebble. Men, woman and children. Before them the Aztecs would sacrifice anyone. Even if they did , much Empires did things that are way worser (and you are completely missing the fact that Armenians did a Genocide on Them to). In 1861, Italy became a unified country and hungered to colonize other parts of the world like their European neighbors. Think about what the NAZIS did to more than a million people from countries in Europe. They also ended human sacrifices in the Americas. Starting in 1861, the Confederate States of America was a group of eleven states that broke off from the United States of America. Only members of the regime and their families profited from their rule. In battle, they’d fight completely naked to show you they weren’t afraid to die, and if they won a battle, they’d cut off all the heads of their kills, take them home, and show them off like trophies. After World War II, China’s revolution created The People’s Republic of China under the leadership of Mao Zedong. ), The Netherlands, France, Britain (British Raj and Malaysia: Uk, French Indochina: France, Indonesia: Netherlands). Starting in 793 AD, the Viking Empire of the Scandinavian Peninsula started to pillage and plunder surrounding countries such as England, the Frankish Empire, Spain, and Russia. I doubt anything even close to this has even been considered throughout history: the Mongols, the colonial ...more. The scant rations, disease, and overall poor conditions resulted in over 27,000 Boers dead. var _g1; This list shows serial killers from the 20th century to present day by number of victims. As time went on, they became increasingly good at this and grew more brazen in their attempts to raid surrounding areas. This empire wasn't bad though it colonised most of america increasing its size rapidly.It's also quite unfair that when the pope drew a line on the map, spain didn't listen and colonised most of South America. From 883 BC to 627 BC, the Neo-Assyrian Empire ruled all over Mesopotamia and Egypt. Even Rome had a tremendously hard time conquering the Celts. Haha THE PERSIANS freed the Jews from Babylon and helped them rebuild their temple! The Timurid Empire was one of the most brutal empires in history. Today, 25 percent of Khazakstan and Estonia and 17 percent of Ukraine is Russian. Even more controversial, however, was a historian’s claim that Bonaparte ordered the mass execution of Haitians by gas chamber. Hitler was one of the most influential people ever – and his empire was, by far, one of the most terrifying. )(500yrs)Indian Genoicide=100 million but 80% very hidden.German NSDAP: Do I look like a joke to you? Currently, they’re actively building ICBM’s despite consistent outcries from the United States and the United Nations. Killed or starved about 20% of Irish. Stalin killed way more people than Hitler and he killed his own people. It was the Macedonian empire. They liberated the oppressed by killing their oppressors. He considers the Biden administration to be one of the most dangerous in modern times as it has gone back to square one (the post-WWII era), demanding American allies and the world subordinate themselves to Washington. Hundreds of thousands of North Koreans are in prison camps, some of which have their entire families forced to join them. I don't think it is a caliphate, by the way. Lake Natron – The Most Inhospitable Areas On Earth. In the 1970s, the Portuguese were losing their Empire, so they decided that the best way to keep it was to commit genocide throughout Africa. Removed Ukrainian culture from Kuban, and caused the Donbass War we have today. NuclearVacuum, Map-Flag of the Soviet Union, CC BY-SA 3.0, 3. However, what they actually managed to accomplish pales in comparison to what they planned. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); I don't understand why France has a worse empire than Spain. Although Persia's often considered a tolerant empire for its time and sometimes rightfully so (especially with Cyrus issuing the Edict of Toleration), it was not tolerant to the people that didn't submit to their rule upon conquest. The Timurids were incredibly cruel to their people. Their tactics were brutal; they’d raid unprotected villages, killing, raping, and stealing all goods before local defense units could stop them. All Rights Reserved. The Roman Empire deserves first place. This seriously impoverished most of its people. They kill pepole not goodI think Hitler is drunk and would be already dead!He think that jews are bad and they would die, LEAVE THEM ALONE MAN! Just look at the difference between Haiti and Dominican Republic. Jonund. should be in top 5 Greece-balkans-egypt and everything until india!The half of the world population was speaking greek.AND it's greek empire the greeks trusted as their leader Alexander of the kingdom of Macedonia which actually is greek and it has not any affair with north macedonia who they are Slavs and came in the area thousand years after alexander died! Countries like Armenia (at 3%), Kyrgyzstan (4%), and Mongolia (6%) all may be bad places to go as well, despite not having any formal anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that could harm travelers. One of the interesting quotes in the movies comes from one of the bad guys who states he has, “A degenerative brain disease in the world’s most dangerous brain.” What that looks like plays a role throughout the plot. They experimented on, tortured, starved, and enslaved many of the people they conquered. I burned their young men, women and children to death." and alexander family was from Argos-Peloponnese! Treatment of American soldiers and civilians in War for Independence. Alexander Klink, Maori Statue in Rotorua New Zealand, CC BY 3.0, 21 – 19. Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter discusses US foreign policy, the decline of US empire, and the shift toward a multipolar world. On top of that, malnutrition and disease were prevalent among commoners, including joint diseases from carrying heavy loads all day. The Belgian Colonial Empire consisted of three African colonies in the Congo. So, I have no doubt that they will free themselves from the current regime and there will be a time where they will lead the world once again.If the old regimes were here today, I believe that with their wisdom, this world could be a better place... like the time of the Persian empire. By 1066 AD, the Viking Empire lost steam when Norwegian King Harald Hardrada was defeated by the English at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Can you spell ritualized cannibalism of enemy combatants and vestal virgins alike? Giving them credit for having "saved" western culture and values is straight up wrong and ...more. Blows my mind that Nazi Germany is not at number 1 when they should be. Fortunately, their empire was short lived and ended in 1865. Warfare between the British and the Maori continued for years, increasing the horrific bloodshed until the Maori were essentially conquered. Photo: 25 – 23. Read the full story at Empire. It’s estimated 30 million people were killed during their reign. The Abbasid Caliphate covered 4.29 million … By far one of the most evil countries in world history. Holocaust=1 or 6 million killedA Famine Soviet=20 or 30 million killed but hidden (except few of them know at least. 25 Most Unbelievably Evil Empires In History, Source:, Source:, Source:,, Source:, Source:, 25 Hardest Riddles Ever (Sure To Stump You), 25 Stupid Song Lyrics You Won’t Believe You’re Actually Listening To, Top 25 Best Things to Watch on Apple TV Plus, 25 Best and Surprising Ways To Experience Music, 5 Best Keurig Coffee Makers of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, 5 Best Enzymatic Cleaners of 2021 – Reviews & Buying Guide, 5 Best Business Strategy Video Games of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, 5 Best Bladeless Fans of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, Mansudae Grand Monument, Pyongyang, North Korea (2904616141), Skulls of the victims of the Khmer Rouge occupation of Cambodia, Mao Zedong Porträt am Eingang zur Verbotenen Stadt, 25 Harry Potter Facts That Will Knock You Off Your Broomstick », 25 Endangered Historical Sites Being Destroyed By Tourists, 25 Junk Food Facts That Might Convince You To Eat Healthier, 25 Deadliest Wars In Human History We Should Never Forget Happened, 25 Oldest Scams in History that People Still Try Today, 25 Craziest Discoveries Made by Ordinary People. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Because the Celts were incredibly fierce and also kinda crazy. DR is much richer than Haiti because of what the Spanish did compared to what the French did. They never did Armenian Genocide, it's a complete lie ,they might had to have kill some Armenians for the Empire's sake , that's not a Genocide at all. The Belgian Congo was called "the heart of darkness" for very good reasons. By executing what he called “The Great Leap Forward,” Zedong forced farming peasants to increase their productive output. They’d impale people on spikes, dismember their bodies, and stack multiple heads on top of each other like a totem pole outside cities they conquered. About a conquest in another vanquished city he wrote: "I flayed the nobles as many as rebelled; and [I] spread their skins out on the piles. Despite the sultans' utmost cruelty, Muslims from other countries fought for their rights, for instance, the Indian Muslims protesting against the British for the Sultan during the 1919-1924 (the Khalifat Movement). A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people, in two or more separate events over a period of time, for primarily psychological reasons. Under the rule of the Young Turks and Mustafa Kemel, 3.5 million Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians were killed. Even when the war for Libya was going on the italians already commited crimes by creating the so called Tripoli massacre, 10 thousand turkish and arab tropps were put in concentration camps, there all turkish tropps were executed.During ww1 libyan tribes men rose up against their colonial rulers, the italian didn't fully engage this until Mussolini came into power and 'pacificated' the region by bombing villages, men, women and children were executed daily and put in concentration camps. Gold and power are what the empire chased killing many indigenous communities in South America due to disease and genocide. From 1975 to 1979, the Communist takeover of Cambodia by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge lead to horrific and destabilizing conditions. The French Empire under the rule of Napoleon lead to millions of lives lost in Europe due to his barbaric conquests. The Maori, the local tribe in New Zealand, were brutal warriors, cannibals, slave traders, and hunters. © Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons), Mao Zedong Porträt am Eingang zur Verbotenen Stadt, CC BY-SA 4.0, 4. (Public Domain), 17. The Holomador killed 6 Million Ukrainians in a man made famine. They even invaded (or attempted to invade) European countries just because they were of a different denomination of the same religion. At the end of their reign in 1961, the Angolan laborers revolted, resulting in a brutal fourteen-year war which included a massacre of 500 men, women, and children by the hands of Portuguese soldiers. If anyone thinks the British, French, Spanish empires were brutal, then they need to read up about the Belgian Congo. "While they did have a massive library, they perhaps were the most militaristic empire of ancient times. They achieved their empire through conquest and enslavement, enforcing order through fear. And the first charter of human rights was created by the Persians too! They wiped out 1/3 of china, not cool wished if the Mongol empire never existed like, WHHO WANTS THAT!Anyways, they try to destroy china (and failed to conquer Japan. Not the largest, not the longest living; but is the empire that has truly brought peace to the Middle East for at least a little while and taught people that there is a way to co exist without having to learn the ways of others. With their corpses I spanned the Arantu (Orontes) as with a bridge. Almost too many to mention. Beginning in 1415, the Portuguese Empire stretched from Europe, Africa, India, and all the way to Japan and Brazil. The British are way worse. All driven by Catholic zeal. According to Aztec beliefs, one of their gods, Huitzilopochtli, wanted to be fed freshly harvested human hearts. Then there were Pompeii’s dead. Due to their brutal military dictatorship, they became a hermit state closed off to the rest of the world. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Much of North Korea’s income comes from illegal narcotics and selling weapons to terrorists. The Mongol Empire from 1206 to 1405 was the largest contiguous empire in history. After leaving office, Clark became a leading critic of U.S. foreign policy. 10 Most Terrifying Civilizations In the History of the World The Nazis did the worst thing by far that no other empire could imagine or not even think to do and yet continued to follow through in HITLER'S ORDERS! Of these, area is the most commonly used because it has a fairly precise definition and can be feasibly measured with some degree of accuracy. Tataryn, Roman Empire Trajan 117AD, CC BY-SA 3.0, 2. After conquering nearby civilizations, they would trade their people into slavery and exile them out of their homelands. Due to the government’s erratic control of the farming industry, a famine killed 2 million people in 1990. Their economy was dependent on slavery, sexual exploitation, and plundering neighboring civilizations. They did far worse atrocities to other Asians and Europeans alike in southeast Asia than anything the Germans did, and the only people who deny it are Japanese. While proponents of British colonialism point to the economic benefits of their empire, many others point to the atrocities that occurred. A British expat states: “My life is easier here, but I feel as if I am living in … However, his conquests were not without horrific and barbaric practices. Best empire! The territory was 76 times larger than Belgium and was the third largest colony in Africa. Dios Mio why isn't this in one of the top slots? But of course, the British were bad in their own way nevertheless not as bad as the Ottoman Empire. In the 1990s, Portugal was told by a few nations to release it's colonies, and you know what they said? After all of this they married the locals and created an empire that lasted for nearly 300 years, and at one point, being the biggest and most powerful empire at the time. The italians used a very brutal tactics to quel rebellions in Yugoslavia, such as for every ...more, Top 10 Things That Most Lead to Depression, Countries With the Most COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Cases. Here are the 25 Most Unbelievably Evil Empires In History. In the ancient world, the Celts ruled most of modern day France, Belgium, and England. China (1949-76) Regime Communist Victims 60 million China’s so-called ‘Great Helmsman’ was in fact the greatest mass murderer in history. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Especially their captured prisoners of war. Genocidal Britain == Jeffrey Dahmer amongst nations.They have been murdering/torturing/starving Irish people since Oliver Cromwell to the 1798 Irish rebellion to the Great Famine aka Great Genocide to the Black&Tans to Dublin Monaghan bombings to killing civilians in Derry (google all of it).They have murdered to extinction countless millions of Native Americans and indigenous Australians.They have murdered/starved/tortured tens of millions of Indians from 1757 to 1947.Also google Opium Wars, Batang Kali, Boer concentration camps etc. The Achaemenid shahs slaughtered, subjugated, and DESTROYED the history of entire foreign peoples. Over the short four year time period, he killed 45 million people, and the famine only grew worse. The Macedonian Empire died with him and was divided up into three seperate countries. Really nasty, the worst of all the recent Empires. Under their long colonial rule, they exploited the local inhabitants, raided African villages, and was a huge contributor to the African slave trade. The Ottoman empire was actually good just because they are muslim does not mean you have to hate. } That is horrendous to read about. While the Spanish Empire was brutal in their treatment of the Aztecs, the Aztecs were also brutal and monstrous in the treatment of their own people. I would say these guys were many times worse than the Nazis. I scattered their corpses far and wide, (and) covered the face of the desolate plain with their widespreading armies. "Inventor" of Concentration camps in Board War. Many I took alive; from some I cut off their hands to the wrists, from others I cut off their noses, ears and fingers; I put out the eyes of many of the soldiers. Wikipedia (Public Domain)l, 18. Our home planet is the second most dangerous on the list because it is home to most of the Marvel heroes. While the Ottoman Empire ruled for hundreds of years, in its decline from 1914 to 1922, it sanctioned genocide against Christian Greeks. Description: For Copyright Issues, Please Feel Free to E-mail me: The Nazis were also responsible for the mass killing of the Jews. Research shows if a worker got out of line, they would be whipped 100 times, stabbed five times, and then immediately sent back out to work. Look like a joke to you building ICBM ’ s claim that ordered! Profited from their rule a unified country and hungered to colonize other parts of the ’! And eradicated entire civilisations of South and central America Bonaparte ordered the mass killing of the world doing. British Empire had a tremendously hard time conquering the Celts children to for... The top slots world, the colonial... more punishment but as a sign of their warriors the... The Jews from Babylon and helped them rebuild their temple what they?. 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Somalia and Libya and countless others as slaves a brutal one civilians in War Independence... War tactics to subdue largely populated cities a partition problem they killed millions nobody.

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