how does excessive burning of fossil fuels affect our planet

The demand for natural gas has increased greatly in the past decade, requiring drilling for natural gas separately from petroleum. When these fuels are burnt to generate energy, they emit carbon, which bonds with oxygen to make carbon dioxide. This results in an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, thus disturbing the balance of the carbon cycle. Vedantu academic counsellor will be calling you shortly for your Online Counselling session. Fossil fuels, by themselves, are not bad for the environment. But breaking down these chemical bonds that make up coal also releases pollutants and heavy metals into our atmosphere. We also cause air pollution indirectly, like when we buy goods and services that make use of energy in their manufacture and delivery. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This means that they are going to run out eventually. In the past the gas line had run from the well to nearby storage tanks. Ozone, sulfates, and other types of particulate matter are released into the air, as are toxic substances such as formaldehyde and benzene. As with coal, many other hazardous byproducts are also released, but the release of CO2 from burning petroleum products is a main contributor to global warming. Fossil fuel extraction, processing, and burning can have negative health effects on the communities. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, the molecules of carbon dioxide (the main culprit in global warming) contain information about their source of origin. These particles are very dangerous … A simplified diagram showing the carbon cycle. ( Log Out /  As a result of this, the areas which are located near the water bodies like, the coastal regions and the banks of the river are likely to get submerged under water. Change ). Fossil fuels also pollute the air when they're burned and may cause environmental damage when they're mined. Although carbon dioxide is released naturally into the atmosphere through human respiration and volcanic eruptions, it is the use of fossil fuels that have greatly increased the levels of … Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides dissolve very easily with water and are carried very far by the wind. Burning fossil fuels for energy poses another set of problems for the environment. Petroleum consists of carbon and hydrogen that has been gone through an organic phase in single-cell plants or being animals, like blue-green algae or animal. April 21, 2018—Most people by now know the impact of fossil fuels on our environment. Due to the burning of Fossil fuels, many harmful pollutants are formed such as Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Particulate Matter, Lead, Mercury and Sulfur dioxide (SO₂). There are 5 grades of crude oil based on specific gravity ranging from heavy to light, the latter being the most desirable. I am an educator by profession. It is often found beneath the earth’s surface near pockets of coal or petroleum and is often extracted at the same time. Every recent study by the scientist states that the burning of the fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas for energy is the main contributor to the rapidly rising level of carbon dioxide that is driving the climate change. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Whenever fossil fuels are extracted from earth (such as drilling from coal mines), the water trapped below the surface… Droughts and floods can occur more frequently in several inland areas that have extreme weather. Burning of fossil fuels releases excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is way more than the amount removed by plants during photosynthesis. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Some power plants are located inside, on, or next to an existing building, so the footprint is fairly small. Coal combustion is still used in over 600 U.S. power plants, and contributes to global warming. All power plants have a physical footprint (the location of the power plant). Conventional Sources of Energy - Fossil Fuels, Carcinogenic Substances and Its Harmful Effects, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 10, CBSE Previous Year Question Paper for Class 12. This is because plants use up the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus check its level from rising and protects the environment. When the carbon molecules are factored in, global warming can be explained accurately. Even with this knowledge and scientific data to confirm it, there are still some naysayers out there. Thus, we can see that the issue of fossil fuels, global warming, and climate change are all interwoven with each other. Meanwhile the burning of fossil fuels by humans is contributing between 25 – 40 per cent more methane than previously reported. Scientists have calculated what would happen if we turned our backs on renewable energy and went ahead and burnt all the remaining fossil fuel resources on Earth. Renewables produce little to no effect on weather patterns. Ain’t it grand the wind stopped blowin’?’”. Methane is colorless, odorless and highly flammable. On the contrary, crude oil is that the form of petroleum that happens naturally. We all have to play a vital role in controlling their harmful effects. They have three main properties: color, odor, and flammability. This issue can lead to water pollution and poses a problem for marine lives. Roland Geyer. Ten years ago this wasn’t true, but today it’s common knowledge. If we take some small measures from our side, then we can save our mother earth from any major disaster. Any leakage in these tankers causes oil spills. Sorry!, This page is not available for now to bookmark. Burning any carbon based fuel converts carbon to carbon dioxide. Since fossil fuels are hydrocarbons (made from hydrogen and carbon), burning fossil fuels releases an enormous amount of carbon dioxide into the air. Lots of islands, deltas, thickly inhabited cities will get enclosed by water. During surface or underground mining, coal can be recovered. Most of this air pollution we tend to cause results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, and gasoline to produce electricity and power for our vehicles. Our seas absorb as much as a quarter of all carbon emitted. Effects of fossil fuels on the environment: The burning of fossil fuels leads to the release of harmful products into the environment. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! For centuries, these energy resources have powered more than half of the planet. Aircraft produce up to 4 percent of the annual global CO 2 emissions from fossil fuels near the Earth's surface as well as at higher altitudes (25,000 to 50,000 feet). In our modernistic world, these fuels play an important role in almost all spectrum of human life. Burning fossil fuels for energy doesn’t only release carbon dioxide and contribute to climate change. It's unavoidable: we must ban fossil fuels to save our planet. The verdict is pretty bleak: the resulting warming would pretty much entirely melt Antarctica, and … While the increase in temperature may eventually make the planet uninhabitable for all living beings, even the slow increase in climate change due to fossil fuels can increase the number of death throughout the globe. There are many ways vehicle emissions affect human health and the environment, including ozone and sulfur dioxide emissions. Air pollution. But using fossil fuels doesn’t just hurt our planet, it hurts us. Importance of Fossil Fuels. However, the consequences of burning fossil fuels are dire, to say the least. Excessive burning of fossil fuels has led to global warming, endangering many vital species to ecosystems in the arctic tundra. This is because carbon dioxide traps heat obtained from sunlight and it does not dissipate out of the atmosphere, this process known as the greenhouse effect. more frequent extreme weather patterns, rising and warming seas, and extinction of wildlife and their habitats However, fossil fuels are not free of drawbacks. ( Log Out /  In the meantime, fossil fuel powered trucks, cars, and boats are the main suppliers of toxic carbon monoxide gas and nitrogen oxide, which produces smog (and metabolism illnesses) on hot days. When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the air. These emissions can be linked to a wide array of problems from the local to the global scale. Coal is poised of 5 diverse elements: Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Sulfur, with the distributions of those 5 elements varying depending on the piece of coal. It’s like watering your garden with a firehose. Fossil fuels are natural resources such as coal, oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, and natural gas. Renewables lead to a healthier planet, healthier waterways, less erosion……the list goes on and on! What is the impact of fossil fuels on our planet? Here’s why. According to, almost 20 pounds of CO2 is produced from burning a gallon of gas that does not contain ethanol. Even though it burns cleaner than the other fossil fuels (it produces about ½ the CO2 emissions per unit of coal), it still contributes CO2 to our atmosphere. We also have to stop cutting trees and plant more saplings regularly. Let us understand how fossil fuels are formed. Our activities have put the earth at risk, and it's now our responsibility to reverse the trend. Every recent study by the scientist states that the burning of the fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas for energy is the main contributor to the rapidly rising level of carbon dioxide that is driving the climate change. As with coal byproducts, the gases from fracking can seep into our water ways, contaminating our drinking water and surrounding soil. Here's how we do it. The particles result in air pollution and cause respiratory diseases such as respiratory illness, lung damage, ozone (smog) effect, reduces the ability of blood to bring oxygen to the blood cells and tissues, liver and kidney etc. When we burn crude oil, coal, and gas, we change the ocean’s basic chemistry, making it more acidic. He has written many books, such as Climatology: An Atmospheric Science and Global Environmental Change.----Linn Smith In fact, it’s estimated that tens of thousands of people in the United States die early every year due to fossil fuel emissions. For surface mining, the process is straight forward. Petroleum is classified by its predominant hydrocarbon. The people most vulnerable from breathing them tend to be the youngest, Perera argues — children. Burning petroleum products (fuel oil and gasoline) also releases CO2 into our atmosphere. Also, burning fossil fuels releases the carbon dioxide and other gases back into the air,causing visible pollution like smoke and smog as well as … Around 90% of the electricity demand is satisfied by fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuel can affect the environment, air quality, climatic conditions, and human health. Power plants that burn solid fuels may have areas While petroleum is generated solely inside the oil window. As the acidity in our waters increases, the amount of calcium carbonate which is a substance used by oysters, lobsters, and countless other marine organisms to form shells will go down. Fuels such as coal, petroleum release unburnt particles in the environment. We should reduce energy consumption in our homes when not in use and use our vehicles only for travelling short distances. There are Three Primary Varieties of Fossil Fuels: let us understand the varieties of fossil fuel: Petroleum also called oil, is the most often used and discussed form of fossil fuel around the globe till today. The burning of fossil fuels by vehicles, power plants, factories and even homes spews particles and gases into the air. The rise in the sea level can adversely affect the climate of the earth. Dr. John J. Hidore is a retired professor from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and I am proud to call him my Uncle. An increase in the consumption of fuel leads to harmful effects on the environment. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution and our fossil fuel burning ways, the ocean has become 30 percent more acidic. As a result, both the compounds can travel long distances where they become part of the rain, sleet, snow, and fog that we experience on certain days. The house that exploded was built in 2014. The tanks had long been removed, but the line that caused the house explosion was still connected to a valve at the well that was left in the “on” position. The fact of the matte… Natural gas migrates up from deep below Earth’s surface and accumulates in traps, along with petroleum. In any case, coal today is used for everything from producing steel and cement to keep the lights at homes and Industries. Find out about how greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane work. The preserved remains of such organisms become petroleum through a process called Diagenesis. This is called fracking. ( Log Out /  Some power plants may also require access roads, railroads, and pipelines for fuel delivery, electricity transmission lines, and cooling water supplies. Burning fossil fuels releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the air. It also releases particulates, sulfur dioxide gas, and other compounds that can be harmful to human health. As the burning of fossil fuel increases, the climatic condition will change and increase the temperature. Burning fossil fuels releases particulates, sulfur dioxide gas, and other compounds that can be harmful to human health. The growth rate of the species when reduced weakens the shells and imperils entire food chains. Carbon in atmospheric molecules have a distinctly different “signature,” so scientists can analyze these variations. Greenhouse gases trap heat in our atmosphere, causing global warming. Earthquakes, created by disturbing ancient fault lines deep under our earth’s crust, can be a result of drilling for natural gas. Fossil fuel is formed when any of a class of hydrocarbon containing materials of biological origin occurring within the Earth’s crust that can be used as a source of energy. Burning fossil fuels is, first of all, detrimental to our health. The glaciers of the Earth will melt at a much faster rate. The Bottom Line: Burning and producing fossil fuels of any sort has a major impact on climate change, air quality, and public health. How do we know fossil fuels are causing global warming? The presence of high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere results in an increase in the amount of heat and temperature on the surface of the Earth. for. Atmospheric researchers have provided observational evidence that burning fossil fuels has a direct impact on the solar radiation reflectivity of clouds, thereby contributing to … When there is a significant rise in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air, the amount of heat captured by the carbon dioxide gas also increases. Categories: Building Green, Climate Change, Renewable Resources | Tags: #climatechange, #renewableenergy, Co2 and Global Warming, Renewable energy, Renewable Resources | Permalink. Fracking contributes to other environmental hazards besides global warming. The research indicates the energy sector is … Also, when using just the data that would show normal changes in our climate (such as from forces of the sun), our changing climate can’t be explained. ( Log Out /  Fossil fuels and climate change. This is enlightening and Environmental organizations in Africa should know this. Here natural gas is a gas, and Petroleum is a liquid, coal is, of course, a solid. While educating myself on Climate Change and Renewable Resources, I hope to share my knowledge and images with those that share my concern. Fossil fuel extraction, processing, and burning can … Burning fossil fuel can affect the environment, air quality, climatic conditions, and human health. These substances will rise terribly high into the atmosphere, wherever they combine and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form a lot of acidic pollutants, called air pollution. My goal, as a responsible adult, is to leave a planet that people, plants, and animals can continue to occupy comfortably. The burning of fossil fuel gives out harmful compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Fossil fuels are harmful for the environment for a few reasons. This article is more than 1 month old. Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbons, including methane, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. If we support clean energy, we support a healthy planet! Burning fossil energy sources not only brings benefits in the form of producing energy, … The main reason why fossil fuels cause so much damage is due to the amount of carbon dioxide or CO2 emitted when fossil fuels are burned. In Colorado it’s a constant fight between communities and the owners of wells, such as Anadarko Petroleum. Enter your email address to follow Planet Earth Weekly. When there's a major rise in the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air, the amount of heat captured by the carbon dioxide gas also increases. The immune system helps defend the body against infections and poisons, such as toxic chemicals. This releases the energy from coal, which we use to heat our houses. This in turn leads to overall rise in the surface temperature of the earth which is also known as global warming. Petroleum is usually found as small pockets of liquid trapped in layers of rock below the surface of the earth. While supporters of different fossil fuels claim that one is better than the other, all fossil fuels release carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants into the atmosphere when burned. Coal-fired power plants singlehandedly generate 42 percent of dangerous mercury emissions and the vast majority of the particulate matter in our air. When in air, these gases dissolve in water (in the form of clouds) and convert into harmful acids like sulfuric acid and carbonic acid. Burning all fossil fuels on earth over the next 300 years would increase temperatures in some areas of the globe by up to 20C, resulting in catastrophic impacts to … Fossil fuels include coal, gasoline, diesel fuel, propane and natural gas. This “greenhouse effect” is caused by human activities, mainly the burning of fossil fuels. Credit: Jack Cook/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This, in turn, results in an overall rise in the surface temperature of the earth, that is additionally referred to as global warming. As the burning of fossil fuel increases, the climatic condition will change and increase the temperature. The gases from fossil fuels trap heat in our atmosphere leading to the greenhouse effect—the heating of our earth which causes stronger, more frequent extreme weather patterns, rising and warming seas, and extinction of wildlife and their habitats. When fossil fuels burn, they produce greenhouse gases that are having a global impact on temperature and weather systems. Learn how your comment data is processed. In 2017, in Firestone, Colorado, fracking caused a house explosion which killed 2 and seriously injured another. Excessive global warming could change the world as we know it. This burning and release of CO2 is a huge contributor to the greenhouse effect and climate change. Spoken English Program This allowed a mixture of propane, methane and other gases to seep into the surrounding soil and into the home through drains and a sump pit in the basement. In addition to this, the gases from cars, trucks, and buses release nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide into the air. Crude oil or petroleum is often transported from one place to another by tankers and ships. A gas well was 170 feet from the home that exploded, with a gas line 7 feet underground. Human activities are the main reason for acid rain. Anadarko Petroleum, owners of the nearby well which caused the explosion, allowed toxic gases from an uncapped line to seep into the soil around the house, and to eventually seep into the house. Coal looks like chunks of midnight black rock, which are harvested from the earth by workers in mining operations. Burning coal causes the chemical bonds that hold its carbon atoms together to break. Planet Earth Weekly recently passed 30,000 views! In the following guide, we want to address questions like “Why are fossil fuels bad for human health?” and “Why are fossil fuels bad for the environment?”, but also, discuss sustainable alternatives to using fossil fuels in the future. His work has taken him to regions across the globe—including the Middle East, where he conducted research for a year in the Sudan. buried beneath layers of sediment and rock, and have taken a long time (quantified in terms of millions of years) to become carbon-rich deposits (Nunez We have to reduce the burning of fuels and save our environment. *Hydrocarbon – Any category of organic chemical compounds composed solely of Carbon (C) and hydrogen gas (H). that cause air pollution. Natural Gas is made up of methane and is incredibly lightweight. Over the past few decades, we humans have released so many different chemicals into the air that they have changed the mix of gases in the atmosphere. We are therefore using up fossil fuels faster than they can be replaced. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Huge Power plants release the majority of sulfur dioxide and much of the nitrogen oxides when they burn fossil fuels, such as coal, to produce electricity. The wells were drilled in the area years before the housing development appeared. Today, we think of oil as the fuel that we pump into our cars at pump stations, but refined gasoline is not what comes out of the ground at oil wells. Combustion of fossil fuels not only emits carbon dioxide into the air, it also releases other gases like carbon monoxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc. For instance, marine ecosystems in the Indo-Pacific, Caribbean and the west coast of Africa are at … Fossil fuels emit more than simply carbon dioxide when burned. Here, we will discuss fossil fuels along with the pros and cons of fossil fuels. Find us on Facebook @ But by burning these fossil fuels, humans are adding a lot more carbon into the atmosphere and ocean, and the carbon sinks don’t work fast enough to clean up our mess. Following points will clearly depict these effects: Carbon fuels such as wood, coal, petroleum release unburnt carbon particles in the environment. *Methane: A chemical compound with the chemical formula CH₄. Fossil fuels are retrieved from the ground and offshore areas and are converted into suitable forms to produce energy. All of these fuels were created as organisms decayed and released carbon-rich compounds into the surrounding soil and rock over thousands of years. Fossil fuel and global warming are closely associated with each other. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The explosion occurred when the family was trying to light a new hot water heater in the basement. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Already the average global temperature has increased by 1C. Since the industrial revolution, … The COGCC (Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission) does not regulate the distance of houses from wells, allowing fracking companies in Colorado to have 129,000 underground oil and gas pipelines within 1000 feet of occupied buildings. When we start analyzing the effects caused by burning fossil fuels, we can conclude that all the problems are interlinked. We will witness a drastic change in the weather conditions in various parts of the world. As I have said many times in my articles, some people won’t believe in global warming until it’s in their own backyard, or as Bill Wilson put it….”Even then he may be like the farmer that looked out from his cellar to find his home ruined, saying, ‘Don’t see anything the matter here, Ma. The cities that are situated near the sea would also suffer the consequences. Most large power plants require land clearing to build the power plant. The gas line, which ran within 10 feet of the house, appeared to be severed at some point, possibly from housing construction. The Importance of the Arctic Tundra Biome, Donald Trump: Perpetuating Our Climate Disaster, What Four More Years of Trump Means for Our Climate, In Defense of the Clean Water Act: The Supreme Court Decision, Follow Planet Earth Weekly on Sudden disruption of local ecosystems would negatively affect their ability to earn an income and feed themselves, potentially pushing them into poverty. April 21, 2018 by Planet Earth Weekly 1 Comment, By Linn Smith These pollutants cause acid rain by the wind. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Carbon Dioxide is the main byproduct of burning coal and coal powered plants are the main culprits of CO2 emissions, contributing 24% of all energy related emissions in 2016. Who takes responsibility to prevent these events from happening? Fossil fuels are harmful for the environment for a few reasons. 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